Super Clean Sedan: 1984 Chevrolet Caprice Classic

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It’s amazing how time changes one’s taste and perspective. As a kid, each day when I stepped outside our house I was greeted by the sight of our elderly neighbors’ yellow Chevy Caprice parked neatly in their driveway.  I regarded the car as blase, run-of-the-mill, and unexceptional in just about every way. Fast forward to the present. As I scroll endlessly through Craigslist ads it turns out it’s this ’84 Caprice Classic, available here on craigslist in Syracuse, New York for $5,000, that catches my eye. What’s the appeal? Is it nostalgic memories of my youth or is it beholding the remarkable preservation of a car that a lot of people (such as myself) at one time regarded as dispensable?

The ad starts out by stating the “car [is] in great condition,” an obvious fact, but unfortunately that’s just about the extent of the information provided by the seller.  Despite the hazy pictures, it appears this Classic is unmolested and all-original, including the light brown metallic paint, landau roof, hubcaps, chrome trim, and chrome rocker panel coverings.  It’s clear this Caprice has been well-cared for by someone throughout the years.  How many previous owners have there been?  Has the car spent its entire life in Upstate New York?  It would be interesting to learn more.  The seller mentions the car recently passed inspection and it’s the recipient of “a lot of new parts,” but doesn’t specify what type of repairs have been performed.

Pictures of the interior are also hazy and my guess is they don’t do justice to this car’s seemingly pristine condition.  Aside from the poor color choice of the steering wheel cover, the rich, dark brown vinyl dash and door coverings look beautiful against the simulated wood grain applique.  The checkered upholstery covering the front bench seat is certainly unique and looks to be in decent condition, with perhaps a bit of stretching present on the driver side.  I love the old-school pull-out headlight knob and levers for the fan and climate control, but I’m surprised this Classic came without power windows, an option that cost approximately $200 in 1984.  The car does come with AC, which is presumed to be in working order.  The clock is nicely positioned in between the center air vents right above the AM/FM stereo (sans cassette player).  It would be nice to see the condition of the rear cabin area, but unfortunately, no photos are provided.

The photo above shows the amazing condition of the vinyl landau roof.  It looks brand new with no cracks or fading and indicates this Caprice has enjoyed a lifetime of pampered, indoor storage.  No photos are provided of the engine though, which is reported by the seller to be the optional 305 cubic inches, 5.0 liter V-8 with only 66,600 miles. The seller indicates the price is negotiable, indicating this car can potentially be had for under $5,000. Considering the market isn’t exactly flooded with immaculate ’84 Caprice Classics, that seems like a good deal for someone wishing to continue to preserve a beautiful example of a full-size sedan from the 1980’s.


  1. RoughDiamond

    I always thought “landau” was the term for half vinyl roof/half steel roof applications until the car companies (especially GM), revived the name. Then, about the time this ’84 Chevrolet Caprice Classic was produced, the term meant fake convertible roofs.

    Like 15
    • Chuckie

      You’re right; the author is not.

      Like 6
      • Jay BAuthor

        I believe GM referred to the all vinyl roof covering as the “Landau Equipment Package w/ Vinyl Roof.” I agree with RoughDiamond – Landau refers to half vinyl roof applications, but GM muddied the waters a bit with their title.

        Like 4
      • CCFisher

        Landau Equipment Package was for coupes only and included a half-vinyl roof and a few other options. This would be called a full vinyl roof.

        Like 7
    • BoatmanMember

      It was.

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    • theGasHole

      I always thought “landau” was Han Solo’s friend.

      Like 8
  2. RoughDiamond

    I always thought “landau” was the term for half vinyl roof/half steel roof applications until the car companies (especially GM), revived the name. Then, about the time this ’84 Chevrolet Caprice Classic was produced, the term meant fake convertible roofs.

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  3. David P. Reeves

    As an 18 year old, this is the only one of these I’ve ever seen that isn’t a ghetto mobile. (25” rims, wacky paint, trunk full of speakers, etc.)

    Like 24
    • Miguel

      I guess you are too young to remember these behind you with the overhead red and blue lights flashing.

      Like 32
      • Alex

        Same here I’m only 21 and don’t remember those as cop cars. But I would love to own it bit with having to buy 350 a month for rent then having a project vehicle isn’t helping out to.

        Like 3
      • Dovi65

        You younguns!! Back in the 80s, & 90s, Chevrolet “B” bodies dominated the police cruiser market. Crown Vics were a close 2nd. You learned the look of the front end, and when you saw that in your rearview, your heart rate increased until you knew it was only a civilian Caprice/Impala!

        Like 17
  4. RoKo

    Agreed. I’d hate to see one more of these classy sedans ruined by donkification, or just as bad, stuffed full of hydraulics and turned into a lowrider.

    Like 21
    • Dovi65

      For the life of me I can’t understand the reasoning of donkifying these classic Chevys. They look ridiculous. Just as bad are the small imported cars with the ‘fart can’ exhaust, and the tires squatted outward. UGH!
      Yeah, I know … I’m THISCLOSE to adding “whippersnappers” to my vocabulary

      Like 11
      • Rob John

        “GET OFF MY LAWN!!””

        Like 13
    • Mark

      I agree!!! I had a 1986 and 1977 4 door and a 1979 2 door back in the 1990’s and kept the stock. I see them now and people ruin them with loud stero’s and stupid rims!

      Like 1
  5. Max

    I just love these . 2 years ago bought ALL original low mile 77 Pontiac Bonneville Landau coupe which essentially same frame as this 84 Chevy Caprice.
    I hope new buyer Not molest or modd it keep it stock and original !

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  6. Miguel

    You can’t beat the ride of this car for the price.

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  7. BoatmanMember

    Lost me at crank windows.

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  8. Dirtymax

    I love crank windows. I have them in my crew cab pickup (2008) and for some reason it bugs everyone who rides in it . People are so damn lazy now. I’d keep this thing just as it is… an awesome cruiser

    Like 15
    • CJ

      As my 7 year old grandson at the time, got into my 66 Mustang and asked me what is this as he pointed at the crank-handle for the passenger-side window?

      Like 4
  9. Alex

    Same here I’m only 21 and don’t remember those as cop cars. But I would love to own it bit with having to buy 350 a month for rent then having a project vehicle isn’t helping out to.

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  10. Classic Steel

    Those were nice boats 🚣 and the gas mpg was measured from gas station to where’s the next gas station 🙃

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    • Blyndgesser

      25 mpg on the interstate wasn’t too bad, actually.

      Like 7
    • Little_Cars Alexander

      I never considered this generation Caprice as a “boat.” IIRC it was downsized severely by GM to bump up their MPG from the previous iteration. The full size Chevies from 71-76 were bloated beasts that on a good day were capable of 15-17 miles per gallon at best. That was with carryover motors from the 60s that were being strangled with emissions controls and running on available low-octane unleaded fuel. I’m sure, like my full size Chevy Silverado, if you are careful you can squeeze 25 MPG or better out of this V8 sedan.

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  11. Don H

    The back seat was a little more comfortable than the dodge diplomat, 👮‍♂️

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  12. Steve

    My grandparents had a 79 Impala. It was brown with tan painted roof, 305 v8, it had AC, but roll up windows and AM radio. (My grand dad never listened to the radio while driving. He said it made him nervous. My grandma was a bit younger than him and when his eyesight got bad and he didn’t drive, he still didn’t want the radio on when he was in the car. LOL

    Like 6
  13. Chuck

    No comments on the mismatched paint on the driver door? I see it & my wife says all men are color blind

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    • poseurMember

      first thing i saw.
      then it was, “hey, i wonder if that’s Joe’s parents’ old Caprice?”

      maybe this is the Martin Landau Battlestar Galactica Commemorative Edition?

      Like 1
  14. Nick

    When I was a teen in the 80s, these cars were everywhere. I liked the late 80s Brougham model with the pillow top seats. I think 1990 was the last year for this body style, then from 91 on they looked like big eggs.

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  15. Ryan McKenna

    Wish I never sold my grandfathers 87 Brougham. Was such a solid car. I was young and dumb. It needed a transmission.

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  16. Davis

    Not just police cars, taxis. My sister bought a brown used taxi with who knows how many miles already on it, you cannot kill these cars, they have to finally succumb to body rot.

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  17. Jim Caron

    For all those who grew up in the 1980’s era, and remember these cars as 9c1 police cruisers, here you are

    Like 3
  18. Mitch RossMember

    In the ’90s I owned a small car dealership and repair shop in Brooklyn that only sold and repaired 1977-1990 Impalas and Caprices. I would part out the wrecks, sell the better ones to Car Service drivers (Uber before Uber) and the shop would repair the Car Service cars (Hurry up I’m loosing money!) We were open 24 hours, doing engine and trans replacements at night. Fun times.

    Like 2
  19. Rob Bruining

    We owned an ’84 this very color in the day. Paint never held up too well. Lost it’s shine over time as has this one. That front seat covering is not stock. 25mpg is accurate. They had an early overdrive trans that was a little annoying when locking up and unlocking. They rode well and handled well till the ice and snow. 5k seem reasonable if all works.

    Like 0

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