
Single-Family Owned: 1959 Pontiac Catalina Convertible

The seller of this 1959 Pontiac Catalina convertible describes it as a true time capsule. Typically a lofty claim for a 61-year old car, this is a documented one-family owned car and the included photos, at the least, don’t… more»

56-Years Owned: 1962 Pontiac Catalina

Not only has this 1962 Pontiac Catalina had just one owner for the past 56-years, but for the past 50-years that one owner hasn’t driven it. This tip was sent to us by an anonymous Barn Finds reader who… more»

28k Genuine Mile: 1978 Pontiac Catalina Safari Wagon

Many cars and wagons from the 1970s were considered by the motoring public to be disposable items. They were used for their designed purpose and were properly maintained, but eventually, they found their way to an automotive graveyard when… more»

Shining Star: 1956 Pontiac Star Chief Catalina

This 1956 Pontiac Star Chief two-door hardtop Catalina is literally shiny but it’s also a shining star of a project. It would be a great project but I’m a bit biased since my parents had one when I was… more»

Unfinished: 1959 Pontiac Catalina “Custom” Pickup Project

I always admire people who take on a custom project, because they can see something special and distinctive in their mind’s eye. They often want people to recognize their creation as something distinctive and different. At the same time,… more»

Factory 441/4-Speed: 1966 Pontiac Catalina 2+2

Growing up in Australia meant missing out on cars like this Pontiac Catalina 2+2, and I can’t help but feel more than a bit ripped off by that. I’ve talked in the past about cars with “wow factor,” or… more»

Drive It Home: 1959 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop

This 1959 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop is a striking looking car that is in remarkably clean condition. It isn’t perfect, but there is no reason why it couldn’t be used and enjoyed as it currently stands. The owner has complete… more»

Perfect Patina: 1952 Pontiac Catalina Chieftain

This 1952 Pontiac Chieftain Catalina is a great looking ride! The 1950s styling combined with 2-doors and the non-traditional Ford or Chevrolet moniker make this a very desirable car. It can be found here on eBay with a current… more»

87k Original Miles: 1969 Pontiac Catalina

While it was essentially the same under the skin as the 1968 model, 1969 brought a major update in styling for the Catalina. This gave the car a far squarer and more aggressive look that has stood the test… more»

One Owner 1969 Pontiac Catalina Ventura

Depending on what price this car ends up at, this 1969 Pontiac Catalina Ventura is a great car to end up with and have something from a brand that no longer exists. Currently, the price sits at $325 and… more»

Rightly Priced 1968 Pontiac Catalina Project

There seems to be brightening in the price for product section of the collector car hobby. For only $2,400, you can take home this patina, 1968 Pontiac Catalina (I promise that will be the only time the p-word will… more»

40 Year Slumber: 1964 Pontiac Catalina

While this 1964 Catalina is not strictly 100% original, the new owner will have the option of returning it to that state if that’s what they want. The car is located in Denver, Colorado, and after a 40-year slumber… more»

Stored for 30 Years: 1965 Pontiac Catalina

This 1965 Pontiac Catalina has spent the last 30 years hidden away in a shed, but it has now emerged, and the owner has decided that the time has come for it to go to a new home. You… more»

Original Paint: 1960 Pontiac Catalina

Once again, Barn Finder Pat L has been scouting about and has located this 1960 Catalina Hardtop for us to look at. Thank you so much for doing that Pat. This 2-door is going to need some work, but… more»

Barn Finds