OK, sleuths, this is not a 1937 Ford Mustang! The listing title is obviously a bit confusing, but what we do have here is a genuine 1937 Cord 812 Phaeton project. It is considered to be 80% finished (I’m… more»
Coffin Nose Custom: 1937 Cord 812 Project
Choosing an appropriate candidate for a project build can be challenging, especially for enthusiasts who march to the beat of a different drummer. A custom or hot rod often provides the best solution, but there is still a danger… more»
Coveted and Complicated: 1937 Cord Beverly Sedan
In the hierarchy of collectible automobiles, few makes are more revered than Cord. Part of the fabled Auburn Automobile Company, Cord was the automaker’s technology leader with such innovations as front-wheel drive and hidden headlights. Decades later, every single… more»
9 Elegant Classics! Tony Vincent Estate Collection
When you run across an auto auction being hosted by Gooding & Company, it’s a good sign that something really special is going on there. G&C has not quite been in business for 20 years but they’ve already sold… more»
1969 SAMCO Cord Warrior with a 440 V8
There’s no denying that the original, but short-lived, Cord 810/812 automobile would be on the first ballot of nominees of any Automotive Styling and Innovation Museum. The sleek European styling alone from designer Gordon Buehrig was a big leap… more»
V8 Powered Custom 1941 Graham Hollywood
This is not a Cord. It looks like a Cord, it’s made with Cord tooling, but it’s not a Cord. After the death of the 810/812 and subsequent liquidation of Cord’s assets, through a series of business deals, the… more»
Replicord? 1937 Cord 812 Kit
A Cord 810 or 812 would be an exceptional find! Shortlived as they were (’36-’37), they were way ahead of their time – probably too far ahead. So, if such a thing floats your boat but you can’t find,… more»
Estate Find: 1930 Cord L29
When a seller lists a classic car for sale, and it receives forty-two bids in a few days, you can be pretty sure that people like what they see. That is the case with this 1930 Cord L29. It’s… more»
Innovative Beauty: 1937 Cord 812 Westchester Sedan
Cord is a terribly underrated company. Their L-29 is achingly gorgeous, and in this writer’s humble opinion, is one of the most beautiful cars to come out of the United States. Cords, as their signature, were front-wheel drive, which… more»
1 Of 400 Built: 1969 Samco Cord Warrior 440
When it comes to certain makes and models, it’s practically guaranteed that replicas will be made at some point. The car in question is simply so coveted, so exotic that there’s no way limiting its production to the scarce… more»