Take A Magnet: 1958 Chevrolet Impala Project

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What do I mean by “take a magnet”? This thing is under gray primer. That stuff can hide all kinds of woes. By checking the body panels with a weak magnet you can determine whether there’s metal under the primer or something other than metal. It’s not that I don’t trust the owner when he says “super straight body-no rust”, it’s just that I wouldn’t trust anybody. Located near San Antonio Texas, this 1958 Impala is for sale here in Craigslist for $27,000.

There’s not much text in the ad and what is there, is a little confusing. It states “everything on this car is brand new” but there is almost nothing on the car. I presume he means everything he has to put back on the car is new. The bumpers have been re-chromed and the stainless moldings polished. Also included is a new interior kit and new gas tank. I guess that is the trim that’s wrapped in brown paper hanging on the wall.

The engine that goes with it is this 348. The transmission is an automatic. These cars were available with either a Powerglide or Turboglide. The ad doesn’t say which one this car has. More than likely it is a Powerglide. They are far more common. I’m assuming again, but I assume the engine and maybe the transmission is included in the “everything on this car is brand new” statement. The engine looks fresh on the outside anyway. It’s more difficult to put a car together when you weren’t the one who took it apart. Things tend to get lost, too. However, for someone who really knows these cars, this could be a fairly straightforward project. Does anybody want to tackle it?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Dale Phelps

    For me, this falls into the category of “I don’t think so, Tim”

    Like 9
  2. Redwagon

    Saw this and said it would need to be cheap. Then saw the price and said not cheap enough.

    There is way too much work here for $27k regardless of engine.

    Like 6
  3. Bongo

    Way over priced!!! Cars.com has 7 of them between 33000 to 48000 in condition #2. How does this seller figure 27000 for this. Pipe dream

    Like 4
  4. Steve A

    Not for $27K!!!! Although you know what they say about a fool and his money!

    Like 3
  5. JACKinNWPA Jack in NW PAMember

    I trust everyone but always cut the deck.

    Like 1
  6. Uncle Bob

    Located in San Antonio Tx, advertised out of market, ad over a month old.

    Probably ran an ad locally and figured nobody there cares for a gem like this (SA is a strong hobby car area BTW) so would shoot for the “rich” retired guys in PHX. Call Juan and you might hear a phrase something like….”but man, I’ve got all these receipts that add up to……….”. Sorry man, no juan is going to pay you that much.

    Like 2
  7. Ron

    As I keep saying and many more keep discovering when the run of The Pickers and Danny The Count and all the TV shows have made their rounds and they are unable to continually pump this B.S.out it will continue to be this and only the unknowing and those with more money than sense will be able to buy, build or collect anymore.And not to many of the Wayne Carini deep pockets aound. Maybe one day the madness will end

    Like 3
  8. theGasHole

    Rule I learned the hard way: Never, never, never buy someone’s else project. $27k for this, as others have mentioned, it pure nonsense.

    Like 2
  9. chuck

    Anyone who needs a magnet to check out rust areas should not even be looking at this as they would be way over their heads. Nice project but way overpriced.

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  10. Bodyman 68

    Easy project to do just not worth the up front investment. Any one can see through primer as it hides nothing in fact it shows more then people think. Could be a nice car too bad itll never see the road as a driver.

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  11. Mark J. Soderberg

    Owner would have a better chance on getting his asking price if he put it together.

    Like 0

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