Want to be the hit at the next Cadillac Club convention? Not only can you have a truly unique vehicle while you’re there, you can sleep in it! This EldoCampeRado is available here on craigslist and is located in the Galax, Virginia area. Thanks to Ian C. for this great find! Unfortunately, we don’t have any more pictures or details, apart from that the conversion was completed in 1986 using a Shasta camper. Honestly, as these things go, this is one of the nicest car-campers I’ve seen. I’d want to see how the frames were integrated before I bid on it, but it has covered a total of 135,000 miles–but we don’t know how many of those were before the conversion. It does have the 425 cubic inch V8 and is said to run and drive well. Any takers for that upcoming August 2017 convention?
Oct 2, 2016 • For Sale • 32 Comments
The One, The Only EldoCampeRado!
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It looks kinda ghost buster like.
Good luck doing a wheel alignment. It seems to be sagging in the middle.
$3,000 tops.
This looks dangerous. While normally this would be a plus for me, this is a good example to show the kids while saying “just say no.”
I don’t think it is sagging in the middle. think the trailer frame is throwing the perception off. looks like the rear uses the Eldorado rims.
Once again, we have an advertiser that can only manage to post one picture. It seems that if they could take one they can take and post others. I’d be a bit concerned in a cross wind. That Cadillac is heavy but not heavy enough to stabilize that higher center of gravity. Just my opinion.
What a hunk of junk…..!
Cool car for a Circus owner/operator or touring as an Elvis impersonator.
The hood is as long as the living quarters. I looked up ridiculous in the dictionary, and guess what turned up?
This picture needs the caption ” This is your brain now this is your brain on drugs “. I love people with artistic brains and are able to build their vision but this thing is a big NO !!!
Well, I think it’s cool. As opposed to the Winnebago, this has some class. You’d be the center of attention at the KOA. I think the use of the Caddy ( or Toronado) with front drive is a great choice. Eliminates 20 feet of spinning driveshaft, although, again, I bet gas mileage is measured in GALLONS per mile. Still, with these, gas mileage is not of the highest concern, and this looks well done, from what we see. I wanted to turn one of my Peterbilts into a motor home. I saw a guy in Fla. ( who is from Wis. oddly enough) with this unit. ( can’t believe there’s a picture of it on images.) He has a bike on the front fender and pulls a small fishing boat and a small motorcycle on the back. I ran out of steam on the project, and sold the truck, but love the creativity. Very cool find. http://cdn.doityourselfrv.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Big-red-motorhome.jpg
If I wasn’t working every day this week, I would have to drive the hour and a half just to see it. I can only imagine the interior!!!
“Want to be the hit at the next…” speed bump you hit?
I like it, but it doesn’t seem to have much ground clearance due to the holding tanks, hopefully not gas tanks, in front of the rear wheels. The storage over the driver’s area is a nice touch.
I saw the claim “one of a kind” and thought, no, I’ve seen one of these before. then I read the description and realized it IS the one I’ve seen. And I think I took a couple of pictures of it myself as an atrocity. Probably only used to go across town for hte Fiddler’s Convention once a year… if so, there may have been a lot of illegal substances consumed in or near this.
I would offer to go look at it if someone wants – it’s about a half hour from me if traffic is heavy. But I’m really afraid nothing good would come of that. Plant it in the yard, cut a service window in it and sell ice cream out of it.
Too far to take a look, and too expensive for me as a novelty. The dogs would love it for trips though.
Christie Brinkley should have been driving this rig alongside the Family Truckster flirting with Clark instead of a Ferrari in Vacation
Do not want.
Pretty smart using a front wheel drive vehicle. With that long wheel base I’ll guarantee you it is a smooth rider..
I’d buy it, but it would need the 501 cid engine.
99.9% of people would be embarrassed to be caught in that thing.
Thumbs up for whoever thought of the name “EldoCampeRado.”
When I first saw it, I thought the Cadillac had reversed into the trailer, then I realized the trailer was copulating with the Cadillac.
Would be more palatable if they’d done it in some earthier colors and didn’t paint the wheels baby blue.
Pretty sure I saw this on an episode of Top Gear
Having had a Toronado stretch airport limo, and knowing how much of a problem the added weight was; the front drive axles lasting a max of about 5,000 to 10,000 miles. I would check those front axles very carefully, as they can cost $1,200 to $1500 each, with exchange.
Nothing like combining a worn out Eldo with a cheaply made worn out camper. Should have put a hitch on the car and towed the trailer… Oh wait a minute, that’s too easy and it’s been done.
I would use an airstream
opps, how to cancel…
airstream like this one…
OMG it’s a Frankenstream!
Now that is cool!
You know, this thread is why I love this website. I haven’t such a
good laugh for days. The folks who comment are truely funny!
Keep up the great work (and fun)!
1968 Caddy. Would repaint the wheel covers a darker blue.