Two-Owner 1972 Mercury Marquis Brougham 429-4V

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For two decades, Mercury offered mid-level luxury buyers another choice with the Marquis. They had almost all of the bells and whistles of a Lincoln without being as showy. The seller has this 1972 Mercury Marquis Brougham posted here on craigslist in Winnetka, California and they’re asking $7,200 or best offer. Here is the original listing, and thanks to Pat L. for sending in this tip!

Another benefit of buying a mid-level luxury car is that way, your boss doesn’t wonder where you got the money to buy a Lincoln on the salary that they’re paying you. A Mercury Marquis would sneak under the radar. The Marquis was made from 1967 through 1986 and the second-generation cars, such as this one, would have been made from 1969 through 1978. Halfway through that run, there was a big design change.

The seller is the second owner of this car, which has just under 100,000 miles on it. You can see that the headlight covers aren’t working properly, so the next owner will have to troubleshoot that if you want them to cover the headlights when they aren’t on. This car has some body issues, but don’t we all? There’s a small dent in the left quarter panel and it looks a little rugged toward the bottom of the panels, but the seller doesn’t mention rust at all.

I believe this is a pillared sedan, with a thin body-colored b-pillar, but we don’t know for sure as the seller doesn’t show a photo of it with the windows down, or anything in that area from the interior. They also don’t show the back seat, but I’m assuming that it’s in nice condition. The front seats in that cool brocade fabric look great. There appears to be an issue with the center of the steering hub, but otherwise, it looks pretty nice inside.

The engine is Ford’s OHV V8, which would have been factory-rated at 208 horsepower and 322 lb-ft of torque when new. The seller lists the horsepower ratings from 1971 but they had been downgraded quite a bit for the 1972 models, by over 150 horsepower. Expect 11 mpg and an 11-second 0-60 time with this 4,700-pound cruiser. They say that it runs great and there are no issues. What’s your offer on this Marquis Brougham?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Harvey HarveyMember

    That nice!

    Like 7
  2. CVPantherMember

    I love it too. I got excited when I saw the seller’s claim of 360hp in the cl add, thinking maybe someone put an earlier power plant in there, but Scotty’s info brought me back to earth. If this weren’t all the way on the left coast I’d be trying to talk myself into making an offer. I think $6k would do it for me.

    Like 7
  3. PTS

    My dad had a ’72 Mercury Montego station wagon that had the 429 4V.

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  4. Steve

    Always good to see jumper cables on the floor of the car

    Like 14
    • angliagt angliagtMember

      Probably comes with a AAA card too.

      Like 7
      • Kim in Lanark

        And AARP card. I think that came standard with them.

        Like 12
  5. Big C

    Lots of love here, for these big block cruisers!

    Like 9
  6. Bill Broucek

    It’s nice enough but I find the lack of underbody shots interesting. My bet is that this is not a California car, given the newly issued title and the plate number. That crustiness you refer to may well be corrosion of some sort. Between that and being pretty low-spec, even for 1972, I’d do a fair bit of checking and question-asking before I’d plink down anything. Still, or does evoke some good feelings.

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  7. Azzurra RickyMember

    I owned a 1973 Mercury Marquis Brougham 2 door with the 429/4brrl. It was 1975, I had owned several Ford big block cars prior to this one. (64Galaxie 390, 69 Mustang 390, 66 Fairlane 390). The 73 Mercury had the worst performance and gas mileage of any of the others. But it was the smoothest riding and most comfortable ride of them all. Traded it in on a new 76 Camaro/350/4brrl. Decided the 73 Merc was an old man’s car, I was 25 then. Loved the Camaro.

    Like 7
  8. John Vizzusi

    Always keep your Jumper Cables on the passenger seat floor of your heap?

    Like 3
  9. J Martell

    My 73′ blue 4dr had the 460 in it.Not sure on horsepower rating.Wasnt slow for the weight of these cars.Good comfortable cruisers.Too bad I was forced to sell mine $100 to get it out of my brother’s yard.The hubcaps where worth that much.Good thing I only paid $300 for it.Good reliable car for a few years till I let my other brother barrow it.Lesson learned about loaning cars.

    Like 4
    • Paulcug

      Couldn’t agree more with loaning cars. Had. 76’ cutlass supreme in 91’ as a winter car but it was very nice and reliable till I let a friend drive it home cause I didn’t feel like going out. He called the next morning and said the car won’t move. Transmission gone. Someone told me later that he was an idiot on driving cars. He didn’t know what gear to drive in. True story

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  10. Chicago_Mikie

    I’ve never taken the time to thank Pat L. for all of the great ads found. Pat must have a great ability to find needles in a haystack!

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  11. Tony

    My high school principal drove this exact car, except with the deluxe high-backed front seats. I always loved that car and wanted one like it. As another commenter said, if this weren’t all the way on the left coast, I’d go after this one myself.

    Like 2
  12. Car Nut Tacoma

    Beautiful looking car. I’ve always loved the Lincoln and Mercury cars of the 70s.

    Like 5
  13. JCH841

    “Book ’em Danno!”

    Like 5
  14. William Shaw

    My parents had a 1972 Marquis which was a lighter green. What a great ride.
    They had a 1968 Park Lane and a 1983 Marquis after that. I learned to drive on the 1968 Park Lane.

    Like 4
  15. Barry

    I had a 1973 Marquis…a wonderful car! In a light mint green!

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  16. Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

    I think it’s safe to say that I am a dyed in the wool GM girl. Specifically Cadillac and Buick, but I’ve had Chevies and Oldsmobiles as well. Funny thing, never had a Pontiac.
    I’m not a big FoMoCo person. I have had one Lincoln, one Mercury and have wanted more of them, I’ve never had a Ford.
    Mercury became the old fogies car as did Buick for GM. The Mercs before 1980s were cool cars. After that, not so much. Just a Ford with Merc badging.
    The price on this one is relatively reasonable. Nice to see there are still some in the hobby who aren’t flippers or greedy AHs.

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    • Richard C60

      Angel you never had a Pontiac? Shame once you have a Pontiac you never go back (sorry). Seriously though if you’re a Cadillac or a Buick person you probably wouldn’t give Pontiac a second look but personally I loved me a couple Grand Prix’s I’ve owned. P.S. I now drive a Caddy STS not bad.

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      • Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

        @ Richard C60

        No, not that I can recall. I almost purchased a 1975 Grand Ville convertible in around early 2000s.
        I do like Pontiacs, Bonneville, Grand Villes, Grand Prix, Solstice, just never bought one.
        It’s like Chrysler, never had a Dodge or Plymouth, but I did have one Imperial.

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  17. OldNSlo

    This one brings back the memories. My first car was a 71 Marquis, 2 door, same color as this one. It was 1976 had just turned 16. That car would burn the right tire as long as you kept your foot in it and you could fit 9 teenagers in it, 4 in the front, and 5 in the back. (It was a skinnier time). Loved that Merc. If this were a 2 door it would be on my short list.

    Like 4
  18. Bruce Kalloch

    I had this exact car, down to the color and material on the seats, in the early 80’s. Loved that car…oh, I think I got it for $200.

    Like 2
  19. John Oliveri

    Never understood how people go for these luxury cruisers and have no power windows, seats, door locks, 8 track?

    Like 3
    • Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

      My exact thoughts, John.
      My father never wanted power assist anything. Too many things to go wrong, in his words.
      Would never get an automatic transmission. Never power windows.
      Not even p/s or p/b.
      The first car we ever had that he ordered new that had p/s, p/b, auto trans, V8 & a/c.
      That was in 1970! A brand new Checker Marathon.
      All the used cars he bought were always strip models, 3 on the tree.
      His very first new car was a 1953 Chevrolet 150 or 110 or whatever the base model was. The only options were a heater and am radio.
      His second new car was a 1964 Ford Fairlane, with the smallest Falcon 6 cyl., 3 on the tree , heater and radio.
      Then the third was the ’70 Checker.
      He did buy a Lincoln convertible around 1969 that was loaded. I got that as my first car.
      Nine times out of ten, my cars were always fully loaded with every power option, used or new.

      Like 4
  20. Azzurra RickyMember

    Speaking of options, I have a 1940 Plymouth. Base model with no options. No heater, no passenger side armrest, no radio, no side view mirrors. But strangely enough it has radio antenna. Different time.

    Like 2
    • Angel_Cadillac_Queen_Diva Angel Cadillac DivaMember

      Different priorities

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  21. Chuck Dickinson

    While this car is in CA now, judging by the new plates, it could be a recent ‘import’ from the East. I bet that dealer tag on the trunk is from somewhere where salt is used. Not only do the lower areas appear shaky, I noticed there were no side shots for a good look.

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  22. Tom Crum

    My boss, the controller of Kelsey Hayes had this exact model and this color for a company car,(Tom Berger) The treasurer, had a 1969 Lincoln Cont. silver/black for a company car,(Tom Kernner). This Tom played poker every
    Friday nights and nothing would ever interfere with this on going poker game. It was the same 7 men every Friday evening and one of them was Lee Iocoa.

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  23. Azzurra RickyMember

    My 73 was light mint green as well. Beautiful color.

    Like 0

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