What Is It? Homemade Special Oddball!


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This H.S.O. (Homemade Special Oddball) is certainly one of the more unusual cars I’ve written up for Barn Finds. I can’t argue with the quality of the work, but the styling might not appeal to everyone. Take a look at the auction here on eBay and let us know what you think. By the way, the car is located in Fountaintown, Indiana.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t predict a 1/2 open pickup bed in the rear of this one. Some of the fenders are from a VW Beetle, but the body contains parts from (at least) 1935, 1940 and 1948 Fords, an old Chrysler, a VW hood, a 1957 Chevrolet and who knows what else!


We’ll just say the castle turret, I mean hardtop, is somewhat unusual in design.  I’d love to know what you think about this special!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Coventrycat

    I wish I had that kind of time and money to play around with.

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  2. 68 custom

    doors have a VW Bug vibe with the exposed hinges. that is an altered beast! looks like someone has metal working skills!

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  3. James

    He lost me at the execution of the “hood” and grille. It’s like he bolted the fenders on and then couldn’t figure out how to fill the hole between them. He would have been much better off using a late 30’s hood for a boat tail look rather than the pick up bed. The roof looks like ones used on some winter weather tractors. A lot of work to wind up there.

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    • 68 custom

      yes unfortunately it doesn’t really look good from any angle!

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      • fred

        would like to see what YOU can build

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    • fred

      would like to see what you can build

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  4. Fred W.

    “I built it one piece at a time…and it didn’t cost a doggone dime….” Johnny Cash

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    • 68 custom

      Honey, would you take me for a ride?

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  5. Jose Cantu

    Feel sorry for the little guy. Wish I had the money to make the pain go away. Then too, I wish I had the money to make my own Josestein (my version of Frankenstein).

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    • fred

      you couldn’t build this ( and not much money involved swap meet ) I like to see what you can build

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  6. CelestialGryphon

    What the heck.

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  7. Jumping g

    I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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    • Weston

      In the eye of the “beer” holder? 😂😂😂

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  8. Dairymen

    Something about lipstick and a pig…

    If the owner had put his talent, money & resources towards an existing car, make & model it would of paid off, but this Mongrel isn’t worth much.

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  9. Harvey

    I might be more interested in the car behind, left side.

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  10. Mark S

    I think with some rework effort it could be made to look much better. The roof would have to go, replaced by a drop top. The front needs to be filled in and a hood made. And I agree that a boat tail needs to be fabricated. This seller is going to lose his shirt on this sale because he will be hard press to get 10k for his truckenstien.

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    • fred

      no comment on this guy

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  11. Butt4EverySeat

    My handle says it all…

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  12. DolphinMember

    Builder is a craftsman with good hands, but it would have been better if he worked together with a good designer with a good eye.

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  13. Steve

    Definitely one of the Lee sisters, take your pick whether its Ugg or Home.

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    • Rob

      Don’t forget Fug!!

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      • fred

        can you build anything

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  14. Blueprint

    When your daily driver is a Chevy Aveo, your creativity has to explode elsewhere!

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  15. 11B40G

    Things like this is what gives us old grunts a bad name! Bet someone on here will understand.

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  16. michael streuly

    What a piece of crap.

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    • fred

      I personally would like to see what you can build

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  17. charlieMember

    But, it is so well done! Look at the welds. Think Eleanor Roosevelt. It is what is inside that counts, as my father always said about her. So if you are driving it, it is like being inside your own face or body, absent a mirror, you don’t have to look at it. I bet it runs like stink. (But with the availability of curved windshields, and old removable hard tops, maybe the worst part (the top) could be remedied, and the waterfall grill did not sell on the ’34 Chrysler/Desoto Airflow, so why would it sell now?) There is a pre WWII BMW with a similar grill but somehow it looked almost good. This looks more like a 40’s – 50’s Divco bread truck.

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  18. DRV

    This might be the only car that does not appeal to anyone!
    Good workmanship though…

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  19. stillrunners

    That’s what they said about those old Van Goghs…..and yes there’s a little Lark behind it.

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  20. Jim Norman

    Chacun à son goût, as the French would say.

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  21. JunkieTruck

    Whoever built this way cool vehicle has to be a very gifted craftsman. I seriously doubt if you could build a car of this caliber for twice that amount of money. If it were within my means, it would be in my garage. Beautiful.

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  22. Mike Burnett

    Front reminds me of an Allard P4 that I once owned.

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  23. Bruce

    While a lot of people are disparaging this car, I give the builder a lot of credit. Most “self built” cars would be parked out back 1/2 built with trees growing out of the spot the engine should be, and there it would stay until it returned to the earth. This guy had a vision & saw it through. He put the time and a lot of hard earned $$$$ into it. While it might not be every bodies “cup o tea”, I think it’s kind of cool that he pulled it off.
    Cars are like women…everybody has their own taste…..

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  24. JunkieTruck

    I have personally check this car out at several of the local car shows. Very well constructed. The interior theme and the red white and blue exterior shows that this vehicle was built by a proud Vietnam veteran.

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  25. Jesse James

    Sounds like an old Johnny Cash song

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  26. Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

    Perhaps JunkieTruck is the actual owner of the vehicle? [Especially when one considers the name he uses on BF!]

    To me, it looks like a damn good craftsman had a bunch of parts available, and some extra time. Maybe some of his friends challenged him to use these extra parts to build a custom, and he won the bet!

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  27. Alan Stroh

    This beast is local to me….basically. The fellow who built this does good work and have immense vision as you can see. It is very road worthy and as far as I am concerned, a true traditional rod with a higher level of finish. Is it beautiful? Probably not. Is it cool…you bet. This car always has drawn a crowd and a bunch of smiles at cruise ins and shows..

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  28. fred

    I built this for me thanks for your comments good and bad next time I build a vehicle I ll ask u how to do it am sorry u didn’t like do it and to those for good com thank uments

    Like 1

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