So, you fancy a Yugo, you say? But you’re concerned about parts availability? Well, how about you buy four for $900 from this seller here on craigslist in Denver? If that works for you, you’ll want to read on. These cars are all in various stages of disrepair, but it should be easy enough to fashion a running example together if you’ve got four good carcasses to work from.
There are two white cars included, one of which has a bad motor and the other has a junk transmission. At least one of the two has a good title while the one with the bad transmission has low miles and lots of dents. The red one up top seems like the best of the bunch, as it was running not too long ago and has both a known good transmission and clean title.
The hood scoop on this blue Yugo (which has a good engine and a bad transmission; it also needs tires and windshield) indicates it may be a GVX model. These cars had a 5th gear, some ground effects and an extra 200 cc of displacement. It was not a sales success, but could be a fun project.

The seller suggests making a Yugo limo out of the pile of parts cars, and above you’ll see an example of what one could look like. What do you think? What could you create? Personally, I’d try to make one decent project out of the lot but a Yugo limo would be quite a sight.
The problem with Yugos is they look too much like Yugos!
No Jim, the problem with Yugo’s is they ARE Yugo’s!
So, you’re suggesting that $900 + all my labor @ 50c/hour is fair market price for a thrashed Yugo?
No Jason…for FOUR thrashed Yugos! Such a deal!
Maybe you can get Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis to sign them.
That would boost their value.Sorry, I just watched “Die Hard” last night.
An old Yugo joke: How do you double the value of a Yugo? Put a gallon of gas in it.
Throw in a cpl Messerschmidt’s, a Bond Bug and a scattering of Reliant Robins and I’d be interested in the lot…
and a few geo metros
Geo metros were a step up from yugo’s
And Vega’s are a close Third!!!!
Even though you’d be getting 4 cars, the price seems high. Last I checked four times zero is still zero. Although I will admit to not knowing a thing about common core math…
Seven comments about Yugos, all of them negative. For contrast, someone should say something good about them…
Yeah, I got nothing either. Sorry.
Ha! That’s dangerously close to being the best comment of 2015. A very nice twist.
I always cringe at the usually-99%-negative comments, but you turned it around into a Comedy 101 lesson. Very well done, sir.
OK, I’LL say something Good about them!!! It’s a GOOD thing they’re Gone!!!!!! Is THAT “GOOD” enough???
~ Is this the rare and desirable Skruyurslv model ?,204,203,200_.jpg
~ Yogo Skruyurslv.
I think they came out in 1980 or 81. I was working for a Chrysler/Plymouth dealership at the time. The dealership bought one to keep on the lot so customers could compare it to the Plymouth Champ (I think that’s what it was called) same as the Colt a Mitsubishi re-branded. The Mitsubishi were pretty good cars back then, not much of a comparison but a good marketing plan by the dealership. We had all kinds of Yugo jokes. “Yu hope yu go”, “Yu no go”, etc. They were not good cars.
My parents owned a couple of those Mitsubishi/Dodge Colts back then. They were awful. But somehow, the Yugos were worse!
What do you call a 4 door Yugo? Thats correct… a WeGo. I guess the Limo would be a TheyGo? Sorry for the stupid joke, but where else can I post it?
Love my Yugo…I’ve been told I’m a little strange when it comes to my cars…Know why all Yugos came with rear window defrosters?…To keep your hands warm when you’re pushing them!
I remember my Air Force Days at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth Texas. A friend of mine had just bought one. First time that I had seen one and I have not seen one since!!!
These can be tuned & made to handle well for very little money, you will have to go to europe for the bits but that’s not a problem in this day & age. Yes they are a boxy design but that was the style in the day, but a bit of tuning & little weight makes them a fast roller skate. The big iron will never catch them down a twisty road. For the disbelievers?
@Taxijohn — no argument that you can do a lot with a Yugo…but those folks are nuts! :-) All I see is things to hit!!!!
I built the yugo limo in 1991. It is called Y’allgo. I sold it in the early 2000s abd is in
New Orleans now.
I believe that the Yugo, especially 1988 on, was definitely much better than represented by the mainstream press. Many of these cars are actually road worthy today! I owned two, both of which were he very used at the time I bought them , yet I drove for thousands of miles with no major repair. By contrast, I bought a ’71 Vega and the car was a total nightmare.
Very true, they were the butt of comedian’s jokes, mainly because they were cheap. It was exactly the same in the UK, Yugo. Lada, pre 90’s Skoda’s all laughed at but not generally by those who owned them. Just snobbery really.