1962 Jaguar XKE: Flat Floor Roadster

right front

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Thanks to Dennis J for finding this one! When I had my first look at this 1962 Jaguar XKE flat floor convertible I was, well, shocked. Bidding here on eBay is over $50,000 and the reserve has still not been met. It’s a numbers matching car and comes with a heritage certificate, but being parked for the past 44 years hasn’t been easy on it. As you can see by the pictures, not all that brown is dirt, or even patina. I don’t think the holes all over the body are intentional holes for weight reduction or ventilation. Then I looked at the Hagerty valuation of these cars. They have more than doubled in the last couple of years. They sell on average for between $100,000 and $400,000! Do you think this can be restored within those values? With that much rust visible, imagine what is not showing. Just imagine what kind of structural issues could be hiding underneath! Do you think there is much of this car that will be usable? Perhaps this Jaguar had a special history that would make it worth all the work!




engine left62 

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. sir mike

    sorry but all i see is a jag that will be flipped by the next owner.rebuildable?? yes..worth the out lay?? possible…will it ever be restored?? doubtful.

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  2. SteveMember

    LOL being sold by the “Beverly Hills Car Club”, which is nowhere near Beverly Hills but rather seems to be in a sketchy part of East LA. They seem to have lots of inventory though…check out the street view and peer inside the building:

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    • grant

      How on earth are you peering in the building? Even zooming in, there’s only a small slit and its too dark in there. Looks like a falling down tin shed with more rust than this Jag…

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      • Jaxxon

        If you click on the opening, it takes you inside and you can see the cars.

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    • Rspcharger Rspcharger

      Dang! Thats some serious inventory at the time they did the walk through. Who would have thought all that would be inside that sh#%hole of a store front.

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  3. Matt Tritt

    Looks like something right out of the LA River bed. Nice?

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  4. RayT

    I frankly don’t see much there that could be salvaged by even a dedicated — or well-paid — restorer. Corrosion everywhere, except on the seat covers.

    Replace the driveline, monocoque, removable exterior panels, trim and interior and you’d have a heckuva sweet E-Type. This one? I’d give it a decent burial. After, that is, I destroyed the serial number plate(s) so that no one could build a “cheater.”

    From what I’ve seen, I’m guessing the “Beverly Hills Car Club” is one of those fast-buck flipper operations that separates enthusiasts from their money. Apparently, the bidders (if they are real) are buying the act.

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    • Doug Towsley

      “This one? I’d give it a decent burial. After, that is, I destroyed the serial number plate(s) so that no one could build a “cheater.””
      Thats some seriously messed up views. Is that the motor vehicle version of “The final solution”? Anything that doesnt meet certain standards has to be crushed, melted down, buried? Does that extend to people too? Opinions like that really REALLY bother me.
      If a car or bike doesnt appeal to you, walk away. But to advocate destroying a vehicle is disturbing.
      In my opinion there are several classes of vintage vehicles. Well preserved, and keep as is. Next is old and crusty but can be restored back to original,. Then for a variety of reasons including maybe a vehicle is never going to be show quality or valuable enough, or too far gone to restore is worth building as a tribute/replica/resto mod, or GAWD FORBID! a CUSTOM!!
      But, a very rare old vehicle is kept from being melted down and scrapped in all the above scenarios. I simply do not understand someone advocating their destruction. Sick and Wrong in my opinion. Some years back oil & car companies were offering money for the “Crusher program” destruction of vintage vehicles to enhance their bottom line. Sure, no ones going to complain about certain vehicles no one will ever miss. But a lot of valuable and cool classics were destroyed in the process.
      One day at my old job i drove to work in my 1963 Nova SS. I was proud of that car and all my work on it. Some staff were walking by and the look they gave me and the car, one commented “Ewww, what a piece of old junk, why dont you get a nice new car?” Some of the words i replied started with F. Some people are idiots, but to see such destructive thinking on a website dedicated to vintage vehicles is something I dont understand. Maybe I am in the wrong?
      Am I? Is it just me?

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      • Matt Tritt

        No, it’s not just you.

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  5. Art Fink

    Just think, the air in the tires are 44 years old or older, unless they were pumped up lately. Hey, if the title is good, that the only thing that doesn’t have to be totally restored!!!

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  6. Walt

    I was born and raised in Hawaii and drooled when these XKE’s were offered
    in the 60’s . They were gorgeous and British cars were in their Heyday then,
    especially in California and Hawaii. But between the electrics and the propensity
    for rust , the Mystique for these XKE’s soon diminished.

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  7. Jim

    NEVER, I mean never buy anything from this outfit. I personally viewed a Pantera these people had for sale and the list of lies that came from these people along with the trash, and I mean the complete trash that they claim are vehicles, was astounding. The junk there was so bad, I had to take a shower when I got home to wash the experience off of me. They also shill bid their auctions and eBay has suspended them before. And, yes, they are nowhere near BH.

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    • Horse Radish

      No surprise there, if you’re talking from experience.
      I am within 100 miles and never found it appealing enough to venture into the ghetto, where this outfit is.

      Now who would even offer a car with 30 years worth of grime on it, unless it looked worse after the wash !!

      I read a lot between the lines , but there seems to be even more………….

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  8. JamestownMike

    With the CRAZY current values of these cars, you’d think someone would repop sheet metal for this car by now!

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    • dj

      They do repop metal for these. But sadly it’s in the UK.

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  9. Bob

    What is really interesting is BHMC has another restored 61 flat floor on ebay and the bid on that is only $60,000.00. Wonder if the air is thinner when you bid on this boat anchor?

    OOPs I see the difference this one has lower mileage………

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  10. 365Lusso

    Can’t believe I bought a running/driving E flat floor roadster for $1500 seems like not so long ago. Ran that sucker hard and put it away wet–it always came back for more. Good girl.

    RayT, you hit the nail on the head with BHCC. I had an unpleasant experience there once while trying very hard to buy a Montreal from them. I found a Montreal guy nearby and asked them to have a PPI done by that guy at my expense. NO way. Man, I wanted that Montreal, but those are not cars to take lightly regarding PPIs. They told me they would do a ‘PPI’ for a fee, but no other inspection allowed. Had to very reluctantly walk away. Lots of transparency there. It was some kind of karma though because I heard later that they were slamming (never do this on a Montreal) the back hatch closed and shattered the glass. Unobtanium.

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  11. 365Lusso

    JMike, here’s just one of many Jaguar panel providers:

    Martin Robey is world-renowned for the quality of his panel parts. He’s in the UK, I think he has distributors over here, not sure on that.

    You can build a complete E nowadays with just parts. Ask my E coupe–he’ll tell you…..

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    • JamestownMike

      Thanks for that! Hopefully I can find a steal on an E coupe one of these days!…….yeah, right!

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  12. Al

    when does a restoration become a new car? With new body panels, interiors, drive trains etc. With parts available many of the cars can be built from the ground up then throw a couple tags on and call it a restoration.

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    • Tom S.

      Just like George Washington’s axe. First the handle broke and was replaced. But it’s still G.W.’s axe, right? Then the head broke and was replaced. When does it stop being G.W.’s axe?

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  13. thibeault

    Keep the patina and surface rust, restore the mechanical/structural, make a new top that is raw canvas but without holes and drive it as is!!! Cool as hell!!

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    • Roger Owen

      I agree 100%! It’s refreshing to note that this car has been photographed exactly as found – no attempt to cover up or disguise anything, a no hose pipe and water puddle in shot! – it is what it is! But, still a little too rich for my wallet.

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  14. St.Ramone de V8

    Even as a crusty remnant, this car is beautiful. Art. Shameful treatment, and an expensive road to recovery, if it’s even feasible. The shape is just awesome.

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  15. 365Lusso

    AI, I’ve thought about the same thing. It wouldn’t be hard at all with relatively run-of-the-mill ‘expensive’ cars like E-Types. But the profit after parts purchase and assembly probably isn’t there until they climb more. Get’s harder to do with vintage road Ferraris (330GTC, 2+2s), but could be done for some real profit by bunko guys who know what they’re doing, methinks.

    I’ve gotten so pissed at my ’66 E coupe that I almost bought a tub & space frame, thus heading down the ‘replica-restoration’ road (to try and put a name to your scenario). But came back to rationality and kept the original parts, glad I did now.

    Great name, one of my favorite sci-fi movies.

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  16. dj

    There was one of these for sale locally last year. The bonnet was rusted, which is common. Owner was asking 7500.00. The cheapest bonnet at that time that needed work was $3k.

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  17. phoneman91

    A friend of my Dad made me an offer back in 1972:

    He offered his 1967 XKE Roadster ,series 1, with the 4.2 six. 265 horsepower. Multiple carburetion. Factory wire wheels with knock off hubs. And leather interior. Push button start. Toggle switches on dash. New factory chromed exhaust (cost 250.00 dollars back in 1972!). Sexy exhaust sound! Excellent condition-just the top was somewhat of a “rag top”.

    He wanted to do a straight up trade for my pristine 1968 Oldsmobile Delta 88 with the 455– and 490 foot pounds of torque.

    And I turned him DOWN! I thought that the XKE wouldn’t be as dependable as my Olds! And I needed a dependable car back then.

    Now that 1967 XKE is worth probably more than 50k. And the Olds?

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    • 365Lusso

      91, well past $100k, pushing $150k. Believe me, alot of we E fans are flagellating our backs…….

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  18. rich

    What a rust bucket, sure not a life long California car or it spent all it’s time driving up and down the beaches. Up to just over 70g and reserve still not met. Crazy as this one needs a total rebody. Which I till had my 67 roadster.

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  19. Danger Dan

    I wish I found it. Klassy Kat takes my breath away-

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  20. Kjell

    The look of this reminds me of the Bugatti that was found in a lake and is now displayed at the Mullin museum. This should also be displayed just like it is.
    Glad I drove my 67 FHC to work yesterday, it’s very original also.

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    • JACK R

      I’ll take a ’57 Bel Air over a Jag any day!

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  21. Howard A. Howard AMember

    I, like 365 and phoneman, am also kicking my behind. Back in ’73, I was in the market for a British roadster, a place in Milwaukee had a ’71 MGB ( with hardtop) and a ’70 XKE. The MG was $1995, and the Jag was $2895. The most the bank would give a 20 year old was 2g’s. Try as I might, I couldn’t raise the extra $900 ( or $4,837 in todays money) so I went with the MG, and never regretted it, but still, I always thought what it would have been like to have the Jag, not to mention where the prices went.
    XKE’s aren’t exactly rare, and to rebuild something like this would be task that may or may not be worth it. just a shame it got to this point.

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  22. Ric

    Man, did they BURY it in the barn??? That is in extremely poor condition, yet, at last glance, bidding was at $70k!

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  23. Dale L

    Notwithstanding all the issues with this car and the seller, just look at those stunning lines. Even the later XKE’s pale next to the way the bumperettes rape around the nose as if to highlight the oval opening in the front. The lights go one to make it one beautiful face like some kind of tropical fish. Some Ferrari’s may come close, but I don’t think there has ever been a more beautiful classic car design.

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    • 365Lusso

      rape? maybe wrap? :)

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      • phoneman91

        Yeah–I always walk away from cars that have” raped bumpers” ! Too much trouble to correct there!

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  24. Chris A.

    Per Al. Do everything, and on this one it IS everything from the ground up and you have a “continuation”? E-Type, not a restoration. Like the story of George Washington’s cherry tree hatchet, first the handle rotted due to age, so it was replaced with a replica, then the ax head itself was too badly rusted so a replica was forged and mounted on the handle. Was the hatchet “restored”? Nope. Remanufactured might be the kindest term. Same here. This is a derelict, parts at best. Ray T is right about the serial number. A ’63 black E-Type FHC was the first one I ever sat in, and it was perfectly maintained by the original owner. I saw it ten years later after it had been driven in upstate NY salt and wanted to cry, (after beating owner #2 into the ground).

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  25. Ghostrider47

    Now this was one of my dream cars when I was a kid so naturally I had to check this out. I am not a fan of BHCC, I have been watching them for a few years now. This is what I have determined. They do find some beautiful condition cars from time to time and will price it accordingly. But what I think they are really doing is buying insurance totaled cars, that were totaled because of natural disasters. Like flash floods, fires and earthquakes which they have a plenty in california. Also in the last 10 years there have been some serious floods in Texas, New Jersey, all up and down the mississippi as well as florida. I know how to get a car from there to Socal and call it a california car. I also know how to make a car look like this. You put the front wheels on a dolly, spray water all on the car, then pull it up and down some dirt roads at around 35 to 45 MPH and tada you get one that looks like this. The interior should have more surface dirt on it but it doesn’t. Why? because they went in and cleaned it with something. They didn’t scrub it hard just wiped it good so you could see the color. Then again it is possible the previous owner drove it up and down a dirt road on many occasions. Daily I would think. My gut just says there is something hinky about it all.

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  26. Matt Tritt

    It’s the history of raped bumpers.

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  27. Ross W. Lovell

    Greetings All,

    Always amused by these type of sales.

    Usually the phrase “ready for restoration” is included, which means,”no you can’t talk me down becauise I already told you the condition was ready for restoration” as if somehow this imparted knowledge magically keeps this project from getting upside down financially.

    Last one I saw this bad didn’t make it off the flatbed without braking in two big pieces.

    A new bonnet is around $10K and it will need to be trimmed to fit. A used one for $3K is a steal.

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  28. Steve FeldMember

    In 1974 a seller offered me his 1971 XKE for $2,000 – a like-new vehicle with only 22,000 miles on it. In 1981 my credit union would not finance a loan for $2,450 to buy a 1967 XKE and I had two weeks to settle up with the seller. The two that got away. My credit union didn’t believe the car was worth the amount of money I asked for in the loan.

    How this one has languished for so long is beyond me as I would have bet that any XKE of this age would have been found and restored years ago.

    The mid-1970s were THE time to buy the best cars at the least price. I saw a complete but tired 1957 Bel Air in a small dealer lot in Southern Illinois for $400 in the spring of 1977 but within four years my 1969 E-Type set me back $5990 in late 1981.

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