1968 Grand Prix Package Puzzle Project

'68 Grand Prix

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We featured a clean ’68 Grand Prix just a couple of weeks ago here. This project is another story which makes the other look like it was a good buy. These cars are parked in Albuquerque, New Mexico which may have helped keep the rust at bay? You can find this Grand Prix project listed here on craigslist for $3K.

'68 Grand Prix engine

The first part of the puzzle is a 1968 Grand Prix that runs and can be driven but not on the street. The Pontiac 400 6.6 needs a new fuel pump and the car is not street legal. There has been some maintenance done in the engine bay including new head gaskets, a Edlebrock carburetor was added as well as an electronic distributor.

'68 Grand Prix int

This car came with power windows and brakes. We don’t know the condition of these systems or if the door-cards are included?

'68 Grand Prix 2nd

The second large part of this package is another ’68 Grand Prix less an engine.

'68 Grand Prix right

Both of these cars are titled and the owner will not part them out. This is a package deal for the two cars for $3K. There are 18 images with the ad for your review if you are interested. The glass, panels and front bumper do look to be in OK shape. Is this Grand Prix Package Puzzle Project for you?


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. redwagon

    iirc the other one went for just south of 9k. that was the one to get. ready to roll and looked quite good. great summer cruiser. this will be much more work even if it’s 6k less.

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  2. David

    Nice place ya got there!

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    • boxdin

      Hey he’s got a pool, what more could you want?

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      • RICHARD

        Lol. The pool was taken down and is clean now. This is my car

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    • randy

      That looks like my neighborhood, it’s called “freedom” to do with your land what you see fit.

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      • David

        I can think of a few other ways to describe it, Randy. And it has nothing to do with the neighborhood.

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  3. Gary I

    Unless I am missing something the parts car has been parted out to the point of going to the crusher. Do everyone a favor ( potential buyers and neighbors ) and sort out your own mess by taking off whatever you feel is needed and send it to the grave. I personally would not haul it away unless paid to do so. How about 2,000 and a tow to the scrap yard for the parts car.

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      I still have the diner car. I’m keeping it to hold the glass on for me and still working on this car. Yes my yard was a mess. Sorry. It’s actually my grandmother house and we cleaned it up. Took out the pool and put it away. Still got a lot to o still. I sanded it all the way down to the metal and it looked good. I’ll post pictures.

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      • John Chriatianson

        Where are these cars located I didn’t catch it in any chats. I’ve been looking for a 68 Pontiac gp for awhile but nothing in my budget or location.

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  4. Rick

    I bought one of these at a towing auction in 1976 for $80, was punched in the front but had a good 400 motor and TH400, and a nice set of turbine wheels (which was the primary reason I bought it) . I put the turbines on a ’66 2+2 convert I had, and put the trans in a ’66 LeMans convert I had, sold the motor and sent what was left to the scrapyard. Sure wish I still had the 2+2 and the Lemans . . .

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    That’s an awesome car and I always wanted one. The price seems reasonable at $2500 depending on what is missing.
    This is an actual flip you can make money on by just slapping it together.

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    No money to be made here unless these cars were free or were in your back yard. Shipping to the East Coast will set you back nearly $1500. EACH. If you are lucky. Better hope the black one starts. Non ops = $urcharge. Driver of the transport spending all day building or putting wheels on an incomplete parts car to load it? Maybe with a blank check. Figure you are on your own.
    Where to begin? The black car is the standard GP. Nice hubcaps. No 428 under the hood. Lots of missing and incorrect parts under the hood. I would question why the head gaskets were replaced? Engine got warm and cooked? The wrecked and missing interior much of which is unobtanum will be expensive to address. No cost amount. Nice dash pad. Brakes and suspension figure $2000. for that. Condition of fuel tank? Pontiacs have always had an issue with oil leaks. Figure a Cadillac rear main seal.Bet you found the answer for needing head gaskets in the first place. While out check the trans. NM or not I would want to have a close look at the body. Fresh rattle can exterior is never a good sign. Paint and body $2-$4K if not planning to do it yourself.
    It is a good thing the seller is not willing to part anything out. Looks like he did that already with the parts car which is not worth hauling away and is very in sad shape. No money here either. Seller should spend more time getting them ready to sell or donate them to charity.

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      these are old pictures like five years ago. heres the car now.

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      I never parted it out and if I did part it out, I parted it out to myself lol. I used the doner car to build this car. Took the less rusty parts and put it on the car. I still have two hoods two sets of fenders. Two sets of skirts dash boards seats windows. I still got to have some cancer . I have all the trims and a newish set of seats that I got on eBay. I decided not to sell either.

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    Your shipping costs to the east coast would be a factor on any car from left coast, so I don’t see that as a factor. You are also speculating on a lot of ifs and assume, we all know where that gets us, that all is needing replaced on the car.

    They are rare and there is a market for them amcfan

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  8. randy

    Buy it quick then, AMC Steve, put yer money where your mouth is.

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  9. Chebby

    Looks like the scene where Arnie found Christine. What a mess. You couldn’t at least clear the crap off the car and close the trunk for the photos?

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  10. AMCFAN

    Haha, Yeah Steve, since you do not factor shipping cost in purchasing a project jump on it. By your calculation you will be money ahead.

    I have bought many cars and have yet to meet an honest seller just honest cars. Looking at a car (if you are looking at it without stars in your eyes) will tell you what is wrong with it. No speculating at all. A car that has sat outside more then a year will need brakes. Not rocket science. This car happened to have been worked on by the previous owner. Right where it sits I am guessing. Would you trust his work by jumping in and driving it home? Many missing and nonexistent original parts. New Edelbrock carb and no air cleaner. Always a positive sign a missing air cleaner. New aluminum intake is a plus. No sorry. Hope he has the OEM manifold and 4Jet if not you will be cutting a hole in the hood installing an air cleaner the reason it is missing. The factory used specific parts on the engine to be able to shut the hood. The wiring looks like a pot of spilled spaghetti on top of the engine. Too many red flags here.

    Sadly shipping costs are a reality and if you cannot do it yourself then you will pay. Understanding that factor makes a much better buying decision.

    Rare does not equate to value. A wise man named Eddie Stakes has said many times. You hang AMC before your username on here so pretty sure you know that statement and know of him. If not he has a pretty nifty website dedicated to all that is AMC plannethoustonamx

    If your plan to purchase the Pontiac and a half above to flip then you are already upside down. If your idea is to purchase it to fix up awesome. Take some friendly advice and find a better car. In the end its your money do what you want.

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    • Keith

      One way to mitigate shipping costs is form an LLC and you’re able to write a lot of it off as a business expense. It’s still money out of pocket up front, but at least it can help a little in the over cost of the project. And Eddie Stakes is the MAN!

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  11. Jack


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    • Wayne S.K.

      Sure Jack, dere you go AGAIN! Bringin’ up da Billy Batts ting! Can’t we just put it ta rest? Fugeddaboudit!

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    Haha, yeah
    I know Eddie well. Been dealin with him for thirty yrs now. You are one negative cat AMCFAN and don’t know anything till you go see the car. Regardless of all of your speculation and assumptions I don’t think you are an experienced flipper.

    I am and there is value in that car. It’s not an AMC man

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  13. AMCFAN

    Good luck to you Steve. No hard feelings. If there is value in it for you make it happen and let us know how it works.
    Me? An inexperienced flipper with a negative attitude? I am more a realist that doesn’t get excited and watches his money.
    I have had many cars. Not just AMC’s I like and appreciate all cars. I have had just about every brand of collectable at one time or another.
    It is with those speculations and assumptions you speak of that has always got me by.
    Buying a car by looking at a picture at times isn’t easy. I look at a lot of things mainly condition and take in consideration of its surroundings. Above all I do the math. I have passed more cars then I have bought. Because it seems rare or hard to find was the case before ebay came along . Not now. Rare shows up daily.

    In person looking at a car I never listen to the seller. I trust my instinct. If I want it I get it and only I buy what I like, I watch what I buy and never paint myself in a corner should I decide to sell. Worst case. I might trade money but more often I make out pretty well. Then on to something else.

    The best way to learn is by doing. This Pontiac and a half should teach you everything you need to know and then some. Good luck and keep us posted.

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  14. Slickimp

    Looks like a wiring puzzle under that hood

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    Sanded to the metal

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    This is the car that was on Craigslist in Albuquerque. This gp is complete I have two sets of everything

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    This is it

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  18. Richard

    Rebuilt 400 bored to 406, and th400. Almost everything under the hood is new, exhaust is new, seats were replaces with better seats, no leaks. Had punched the heads for bigger swirl valves new wheels, new wiring. Just needs some paint and body. Very minimal rust. Body is solid. Hideaway LED lights. I also have a doner car with good steel, glass, the rear curved window, all the trim parts etc. Complete car runs good has good power

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