Automobilia Mania

Mobilgas Topper

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The other day Josh and I went to look at a huge collection of automobilia. These guys have a lean-to full of vintage signs, fuel pumps, and license plates. The owners are brothers and they have been collecting for about 6 years. It is time to move on though so they have listed everything for sale. There are a few things I’d like to pick up, but I thought I’d share a few of the treasures with you guys. Everything seems to be priced right around market value, but they would sell the whole lot if someone makes them the right offer. If anyone here is seriously interested I can send you more photos and forward their contact information. See anything you’d like to hang in your garage? Enjoy!

Texaco Sign

Oldsmobile Service Sign

Quaker State Sign

License Plate Collection

Mobilgas Clock

Valvoline Thermometer

Sun Tune Up Tester

Shell Bottles

Vintage Maps

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Cassidy

    Cool stuff! What did you guys buy?

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  2. CT

    This brings me to remember that I have been meaning to suggest that maybe, like Wagon Wednesdays, you could run an Memorabilia Monday or something and spot light cool things for sale for our garages.
    I’ve been contemplating moving overseas and been thinking about parting with my 30+ year collection of things that look way too cool on the walls, in the shop and might be willing to feed you some things every week if you are interested…..I’d be interested to see these guys’ inventory and pricing as that would help me do that with you as well.

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    • WARREN

      Hi would be interested in your memorabilia, I am a collector from Australia and buyer of classic cars which I ship back to Australia several times a year.


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    • Josh JoshStaff

      That’s a great idea CT! We might have to give it a go next Monday. Send us an email with some photos of your collection, we would love to see what all you have! Josh

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  3. John h

    I would be very appreciative of knowing what is for sale, but regrettably on a piece basis versus the entire lot. Especially pumps and signs.

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  4. Bob

    What are they asking for the Mobil clock?

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  5. Bobsmyuncle

    I’m sure it’s all beyond my means but I’d still love to see the collection.

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  6. Kevin

    I love the Texaco sign and the clocks and stuff. I would be interested if you could send me some photos and prices. Thanks guys keep up the good work.

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  7. jim s

    sun tester would interest me. nice collection, should bring a lot of money. a lot of reproduction/new stuff out there for people who do not want to pay the price for the old.

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  8. Randy Forbes

    My neighbor down the street has a garage like that__must be at least twenty (>20) electric sign/lighted clocks in it. All are on and lit, but with the most random times displayed! Says he keeps looking at different ones ’till he see one that shows the time he likes (too bad they aren’t calendars, with a choice of 1957 through 1967…).

    I don’t know how much he does anymore, but he’s restored then sold quite a bit pf service station memorabilia, like globe-top pumps, oil racks etc. He moved here about a year ago, and there’s still a lot of unpacked boxes in the garage…

    I was down there a couple of times today, getting ideas on how to stabilize the steering column intermediate shaft, where it snakes through the headers of its Kinser crossram injected, 712 bhp L-88 in his 2100 Lb Grand Sport knock off. Second trip was to test fit a piece I machined to attach a 3/4″ rod-end bearing to the xmbr/engine mount brkt. Pretty cool car, with a replica GS chassis & a very well done ’65 Stingray body with faithful GS spider bodywork.

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  9. Dan

    I’d be very interested in any Jeep or Willys stuff.

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  10. Garry

    Hi Jesse

    Another great find

    Can you please pass me their contact information

    Thanks Garry

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  11. Doug Towsley

    Like most vintage enthusiasts, I like some of this material, looking for a set of matching auto plates for Oregon for 1930, and 1939 as well as any vintage Oregon motorcycle plates. On occasion if the prices are right I like vintage Oil cans, and signage but it just depends on what they look like. I also have some vintage california plates i was considering selling, but having a hard time with pricing. Like most people, wanna be fair but I have material needs so it always seems i sell something and folks say its not worth anything, but lo’ and behold you wanna buy something and the price is thru the roof. Memorabilia like this is so all over the map its really hard to get a fix on what stuff is worth. About 20-25 years ago, a old shop liquidated and amongst the stuff was cheesy old motorcycle accys, Guys selling it were peddling it CHEAP. I WISH I had bought it all up. That stuff commands insane prices now. Sparkly helmets, goofy 70s belt buckles and leather belts, Period 70s T shirts and stickers. They had a bunch of Buco fake leather pants and coats, the material was called “Pleather” I suspect it meant Polyester synthetic leather. I bought 6 pairs of each, wore them once dirt biking and was very unpleasant, made you sweat like a pig. Made a custom MC seat of some, gave away others, and recently ran across the last ones 2 years ago. Put on FeeBay and could not believe it. The Jacket sold for $400 and the pants for $225. I never imagined anyone would pay that. Conversely, some stuff will never sell but its funny how some people think its made of gold.

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  12. trevor

    Am interested in the Oldsmobile service sign

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  13. Julie

    Can someone tell me what these German ADAC badges may be worth. They are in mint condition and have makers mark on each on. All around 1964 to 1969.

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