Blue Chiaro Metallic: 1991 Ferrari 348 TS

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There’s no such thing as a cheap Ferrari (well, there is, but it won’t be cheap for long), but there is a model that remains somewhat “affordable” if you’re a fan of the prancing horse. The Ferrari 348 is a ideal candidate for a car that’s worth spending on now before the price climbs far higher as it seemingly does for any Ferrari model that was previously unloved. This 1991 348TS is listed here on craigslist with some cosmetic needs and a significant mechanical need for a reasonable $61,000.

The seller notes that this 348 has not had its must-do belts service job yet, which is a major undertaking on almost any Ferrari model. It’s also one of those services you need to do before driving the car, as the 348 has an interference engine, and a rebuild on a car like this will easily clear $20,000. Truthfully, I can’t recall the last time I saw a Ferrari come up for sale without the belt services done, and I wouldn’t reasonably expect to be able to test drive this car knowing full well the belts could give way at any time.

But, that is why it’s so cheap – so if you’re a gambling man, perhaps you can rationalize it in your head that the car must still run, so you can buy it without hearing it fire up and take it straight to the workshop. The interior is in very nice condition, especially for a car with some miles on it (110,700, to be exact.) The prior owner clearly wasn’t worried about a belt service, as they drove it well past the mileage interval where it’s recommended that the belt be swapped.

The seller adds an interesting detail that may not add any real value, but it’s curious none the less: he contends that the 348 was to become a Challenge-spec car, which is Ferrari-speak for a factory race car. Apparently, some combination of badges and a “Challenge”-spec ECU indicate to the seller that this one was headed to Maranello to be converted to full Challenge configuration before being moved into the rotation as a consumer-ready production car. Whatever the story is, this is as cheap as it gets for a 348, even with the outstanding maintenance costs baked in.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Howie

    Not long ago these were way cheaper, but like everything else has gone up. Odometer 110700, oh my. Notice most of the photos are far away, no close-ups. Like i said before the last car i sold was my first and last Ferrari.

    Like 8
  2. oilngas

    I put belts on Escorts, and Hyundais. They were interference engines. So how hard could this be? Don’t ask about the TR7 with two timing marks on the balancer. That wasn’t my fault.

    Like 1
    • Steve3n

      To change the belts on a 348, the engine must come out. I believe the timing belt had to replace be replaced every 3000 feet. The next model the 360 was the first one the belts could be changed without taking the engine out. You remove the driver seat and use the access panel behind the seat.

      Like 4
      • tompdx

        The 355 (which also required engine out timing belt service) was between the 348 and 360.

        My 348 still had its original timing belts when I bought it in 2008 with 34k miles. They definitely outlived the 3 year or 30k miles recommended interval!

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  3. JE Vizzusi

    A good friend’s girlfriend just bought a new Corvette. Its the ugliest overpriced piece of crap ever made. Its lines and contours are crazy, like some AI computer thought this was a good design. I argued that a used Ferrari would be 100 times better and market-wise a better value. She said no and spent an extra 1000 bucks on red vinyl wrap brake calipers that cost $10 a wheel to do. Ferrari is timeless, no mistaken Pininfarina. Its something no American Auto Company will ever match. Italian designers are just plain smarter, speedwise, artists and beauty masters. I vote yes on this gorgeous true super-car since that ridiculous term is upon us.
    jv – smash palace

    Like 7
    • carlo gambino

      Its all personal preference, but i think your friend made a wonderful choice. The C8 is a wonderful car without the known issues of ferrari.

      Like 16
    • Stephen

      I don’t like the look of the Vette. It is vastly improved interior wise. It is a lot of car for the money. This Money pit is a slug compared to the new Vette. Sorry. Apples and oranges.

      Like 8
    • Danno

      I like that the Vette’s gone mid-engined, but yeah, the body design looks like two halves smashed together, to me. We’ll see how they integrate things as the design evolves.

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    • david r

      yeah seems to me value on a car like this is going nowhere but up

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  4. sonny

    The comments that get posted here are sometimes just too much to accept without comment……BA should be BS as he/she knows very little and states improperly about the Italian heritage. Re -read; revisit your lack of schooling …the Italians bring so much to the melting-pot that historically will never be matched. With respect to cars, the 348 was succeed by the 355, then the 360. The removal of the sub-frame for belt changes are not very complicated and are very well designed to easily service the entire engine. The “3000 feet” comment was also said with little intelligence as the original belts in the 90 ‘s needed to be changed within a five-year period; never “feet”; todays belts last well into the 10–15-year range due to tech advances such as steel cording, etc. If you need more, ask me …I own two 355 models, a Testarossa and a 458. Finest examples ever to be manufactured with fabulous investment growth (exceeds almost any other means) and a smile on the face with each contact!!

    Like 18
    • Gordo

      Why does Ferrari use belts and not chains?

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  5. sonny

    BA…..Comment from an ingrate ; BA should be BS . Your intelligence level is too low to be commented on or discussed.

    Like 3
    • Ricardo Ventura

      “Grazie mille” Sonny.
      Put things in their right place.
      Let’s focus on the cars.

      Like 4
  6. KurtMember

    Pulling that engine out looks like a weekend project. My VW takes an hour to pull its engine. But I’d rather have this Ferrari. Chick magnet for reals. The only thing better would be a rag top version.

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  7. Rocco B.

    I think that Red Foreman from That 70’s Show, said it best. Don’t be a dumb a$$ BA.

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  8. John Frazier

    I’d be leery on this one. If something as important as the belts were ignored, what other services were also?

    Like 5
  9. MarkMember

    There never has been a “value” Ferarri and never will be because of the maintenance costs. I love the 308 and 30 years ago I test drove one and was about to pull the trigger when I asked about preventive maintenance costs and the Ferarri dealer salesmen was forthright saying the next service which was due in 6 months. The amount for this service astounded me. I have owned XKE’s and 911’s but that was a dealbreaker. That being said, the 360 is on my radar as the belts can be changed without dropping the engine. However, due to that fact, they have become very pricey. As I said, there are no value Ferarri’s.

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  10. dean h peter

    this car costs easily 40000 to restore.110k miles is a lot. belts not done is a red flag.

    Like 1
  11. Acton Thomas

    I’ve been looking for a 348 for a while now. I test drove one last year, I liked it very much, not a rocket ship but fast enough for me. The 30K mile maintenance starts at $8k and can go much higher for a car with 110K miles, depending upon what is found to be worn during that shop visit. It is a beautiful Italian car no doubt. The Germans may have invented the automobile, the Americans massed produced them, the Japanese made them reliable, but the Italians taught them to sing.

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  12. douglas hunt

    my favorite color, if I could afford the entry fee, I would gladly take on doing the work myself…..after all, it should be considered a weekend car, not one that needs fixed in 4 hours, I wouldn’t mind spending a couple weeks going over the or more doing the necessary repairs, as I believe the driving afterwards would be a definite reward.
    With that said, a Testarossa would be even more rewarding to get all in shape for weekends …….my soul for a Ferrari 12, lol

    Like 2
    • Gordo

      As I suspected there is a youtube video covering the timing belt replacement on the 348 motor. The mechanic appears to be a very brave first timer with this motor.
      Good luck to anyone who attempts this.

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  13. BobinBexley Bob in Bexley

    Good looking Ferrari. T-belt ? Those that can’t do, don’t.

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  14. Crows Nest Pete

    As said previously, this model nearly bankrupted Ferrari, company saved by the 355 and 360. I would never buy a 348 to add to my 2 already owned and loved, a complete disaster. Belts not done, so what else isnt? Beware!!
    The grammer, or lack of it, of some of your contributors is astounding!!

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  15. t-bone bob

    Located in West Hollywood, CA

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  16. Dave

    I had a 91 TS for several years, changed the belt myself, belt is like $100, but to do all the service parts run about a grand. If you are a decent mechanic the belt change is no problem. It has shim and bucket valves, that takes a minute to sort the clearances. All you need is a lift. Fun car.

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  17. Steveo

    You folks talk like you’re going to take your money with you when you die.
    Life is for living. Money is for spending.
    Yeah, you’re not going to be an Uber driver in a Ferrari – save that for your econobox – and enjoy the Ferrari when you want to treat yourself.

    Like 2

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