Our Projects

One I’d Like To Have Back: 1967 Triumph 2000 Estate

Even long-time Barn Finds readers might be surprised to learn my heart skipped at least three beats when this unusual British station wagon hit the market last week. More about why later, but the important thing is that this… more»

Restoration Update! 1966 Mattel Stallion

Restoration Update: After a long and painful, or at least painfully expensive restoration, this bike is finally done! Well, it’s not the same exact bike that Michelle wrote about here on Barn Finds back in September of 2022. As… more»

Barn Find Garage Update: 1977 MGB Roadster

We’ve got so many projects currently going on at the Barn Finds Garage that I said no more new ones until a few have been completed. Well, Jesse drug home another derelict, but this is one that we have… more»

Barn Finds Garage Update: 1967 MG Midget

It’s been a little while since we’ve done a garage update, but we’ve also been incredibly busy with Barn Finds Auctions, so we haven’t had much time to work on our projects. I decided to take a break from… more»

BF Project: 1962 Morris Mini Cooper Update

After posting about our current project, this 1962 Morris Cooper, we got a lot of great feedback and requests for video updates. So, I filmed a short video (vlog) of what I’m currently working on. Rather than rehash what’s… more»

BF Project: 1962 Morris Mini Cooper 997

A while back, we listed and sold our Lotus Elan barn find right here on the site. What we failed to mention was that when we found and purchased it, it came as a package deal with two other… more»

New Barn Finds Project! BMW R90/6 Motorcycle Shop Find

I recently had the chance to embark on a project with my uncle who is a long-time motorcycle builder and rider. It was in a recent conversation about one of his long-term projects – a desirable BMW R90/6 –… more»

What’s in Jeff’s Garage? Nothing!

I wish I had better news for you all about my collection of barn finds, garage finds, and unconventional projects, but sadly, this is all I have to offer at the moment. We actually moved to a new house… more»

We Bought A Triumph TR3A Barn Find!

There’s nothing quite like pushing back barn doors to find a dusty classic car parked inside! It’s even more of a rush when you have no idea what to expect when you see the find for the first time…. more»

Todd’s Rods! What’s in the Garage?

Before reading on, take your best guess to identify each of the vehicles visible here! For my 1000th Barnfinds post (and after multiple requests) I’m sharing a glimpse of the current fleet here on Fitch Mountain aka Todd’s Island… more»

ENDING SOON! No Reserve 1973 Porsche 914

The Porsche 914 is a great option if you want to experience an air-cooled sports car but aren’t ready to step up to a 911. You sit low to the ground and the engine is right behind your back… more»

We Bought A Garage Find Go Kart!

A while back, we showed you our Honda CT70s that we purchased and I made mention in that article that they sent us down a rabbit hole. Well, this is strangely where they sent us, to a go-kart! We… more»

We Bought A 1961 Triumph TR4!

For those of you that have been with us for a while, you might know that we have a soft spot for British Roadsters. We’ve owned more than a few, but we decided to give German sports cars a… more»

We Bought A Pair Of Honda CT70 Barn Finds!

I recently walked into the Barn Finds’ office and was greeted by a bright green 1969 Honda CT70s motorcycle. Jesse has long been into bicycles and it isn’t uncommon for me to find a new bike sitting in our… more»

Todd’s Garage: 1972 BMW 2002 tii Project

Before the birth of the iconic 3-series, BMW’s 2002 defined the now-popular class of two-door sports sedans. Parked since at least 2007, this 1972 BMW 2002 tii found a home in my garage after a friend decided it needed… more»

Barn Finds 1958 Berkeley SE328!

A few days ago, we featured a Berkeley SE328 that reader Ikey H tipped us off to. Shortly after Russ D wrote it, we realized that this little rarity was right here in Boise, Idaho. We’ve been on the… more»

Barn Finds