Floridian Survivor: 1938 Nash Ambassador Six

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Florida stored since 1965, this barn find Nash Ambassador Six is delightfully original and ready to drive. Wearing a lovely factory paint, with minimal signs of age, this Ambassador looks to be a great preservation project to take on and enjoy at local car events. This well maintained Nash is offered for $8,000, and has since migrated to Twinsburg, Ohio. Check it out here on craigslist.

Certainly not perfect by definition, but perfect in the sense of its classic appearance, this Nash looks to be an old “honest” survivor. The seller has made note that the odometer reflects 80,000 miles, and based on the cars past there is certainly a chance the mileage could be actual. There are no photos of the interior, or of the engine compartment, but hopefully those areas have aged in a similar fashion as the rest of the car.

Hosed down to offer a shiny appearance, it is more than likely the paint offers a matte finish. One thing that stands out about the paint is that the hood, and side covers appear slightly darker or off color from the rest of the body. Perhaps engine heat took its toll on the paint? Beyond that concern, there are not any other issues that are apparent from these photos. The seller also mentions that there is minor surface rust present, but there is absolutely no rot. Unfortunately he did not elaborate where the surface rust is located. The body appears straight, and the bright work still offers a shine after 79 years. With lovely original looks and ready to drive, would you be the next care taker of this Nash?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. 86 Vette Convertible

    A car from an era when men were men and fenders were metal. Great looking car with parade potential.

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  2. joeinthousandoaks

    It looks like the rear fenders are discolored as well. No interior photos so assume the worse.

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    • King Al

      Stored 50+ years in FL? Those little salamander lizards that infest everything in FL have probably long ago digested the mohair seats.

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  3. DrinkinGasoline

    Lower the rear 2″ then add wide whites, beauty rings, fender skirts, peep mirrors and curb feelers. Google: Pachuco Bomb.

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  4. John D.

    Well, my page won’t stop loading, so something is back. Twinsburg is only a few hours from me, so if. . .

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  5. Paul S.

    Always makes me suspicious when they wet down the car to make it look shiney. Any other tricks to make it look better than actual? Caution caution caution.

    Like 1
  6. Dave Barros

    I find that people who suspect others of being shady, are usually shady people themselves. If you see pictures of homes for sale they take them at dusk, hose down the driveway, and turn on the lights. It’s done to make the home more appealing. Same thing with the car. I’m surprised more people don’t do this especially the driveway. Remember when you point the finger, you have three fingers pointing back at you!

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