The Isetta was designed in Italy in the early 1950s as a microcar that would carry two passengers. The single door opened outward from the front and its overall shape was that of a “bubble car.” It was built in several countries with automakers like BMW involved. More than 161,000 were produced worldwide, but when was the last time you saw one in person? Located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the seller calls this BMW 300 from 1957 a “kit car” but it’s just a collection of assembled parts to further along a better project. It’s available here on eBay for $8,500 OBO.
BMW’s version of the Isetta was built from 1956 to 1962 and mostly what changed over the years was the engine displacement. Powering the Isetta 300 was a 298-cc, single-cylinder 4-stroke motor that would help the car top out at 53 mph. It has a 4-speed manual transmission fitted with a reverse gear. Overall weight was less than 800 lbs. My earliest recollection of these cars was from the late 1950s when they were a common sight along Miami Beach.
The seller’s “kit car” is said to contain a lot of repairable or restorable parts. If you were to take the trouble to part it out, all the stuff might be worth $10,000 per the seller who professes to be an Isetta collector. What’s here is estimated to be 98% complete. The body is heavily rusted but could be fixed, or the seller can turn you on to a friend who has a rust-free body for sale.
We’re told the seller doesn’t want to restore this car himself because his chief source for repairs is planning to retire. Extra parts are available, but we don’t know if they’re included in this sale. These are odd yet neat little cars that are hardly practical today – but can be a lot of fun and attention getters, for sure.
A rust bucket on wheels. Look at the photo that shows the back left. Seller says he has 5 of them.
I think even the rubber has begun to rust on this…
Concerned about the wood bracings(?) in last picture. Not original.
I’m sure you can find parts at the local junkyard… Lol Watched one of the restoration car shows and the builder had to fly to England for parts…
Overall weight is now about 50 lb less than when it came off the assembly line judging by the amount of rust, or more precisely, number of holes. There is likely no way that this can be repaired to be made safe, even by Isetta safety standards. Strictly a parts car at best.
“…cars that are hardly practical today …”
& how many K cars are sold each yr? I]d say the design is very practical.
As I age’n look back I can truly say
the auto industry has a model for
EVERY application (the 50s guys said it well: “A car for every xxx.” )
I remember when a commuter in the Boston ‘60s
a guy on my schedule drivin this every day. He practically drove
it on the sidewalks to get around the rest of us.
Yeah Michael, I saw that show too. It
was an episode of Wheeler Dealers In
about 2016 or so. I’ll say this, it ain’t
gonna be for the faint of heart when you go to rebuild this thing. Would make a really cool EV though. In fact,
there is a company in Europe selling
a 21st version of this car as an EV.
The only one of these I ever saw in person was the toy car I played with as a small boy. Good luck to the seller, he”s gonna need it.
Why in God’s name would you put a “grope” knob on an Isetta? I’m not even going to go there.
Second question….. if he’s such an Isetta “collector” why doesn’t he keep it for a $10,000 parts car for his other or future Isettas?
Sorry but his story isn’t adding up.
As a kid of 4 or 5 my brother had a friction metal model of one of these. I was always fascinated by the one front door. Wonder if the model would be worth $10,000?
Hi Angel! This one may be the worst of the lot and needs to go. Or: this is the only car he has and he’s given up
on restoring it. And like you, I’m not
going there with the grope knob thing.
Makes me sound like a dirty old man
if I say it. And yes dear, that friction
powered toy your brother had would be worth some money to an avid toy collector. Have you seen that ’65 Sedan DeVille yet? From what I can see, it’s a honey of a car! After I saw
it, I had to take a heart pill and wipe the drool off my face. Well honey, it’s
bedtime again. I”I’ve got a doctor’s appointment in the morning. Still doing the ’56 DeVille hardtop I showed you the other day only I have
added a four square style Sears kit house in the background and have
enough space for at least half a Queen Ann house to go with it. Good
Night Angel💋