If This Van’s A-Rockin: 1976 Dodge “Amazon” B200

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The high-times of vanning culture meant it wasn’t just the interiors that got decked out in all sorts of fuzzy surfaces the mood lighting: the outside panels were blank canvases to show off your fantastical creativity, too. This 1976 Dodge B200 sports some seriously erotic artwork with an “Amazon” theme, and I can only imagine the uproar it would cause in today’s – ahem, sensitive culture. Hopefully, this one is brought back to its full whimsical glory. Find the Dodge here on eBay with a Buy-It-Now of $4,500 and bids over $2K. 

Here’s what the Dodge looked like when it was freshly painted. The eBay seller includes a link to the original painter’s website, which you should absolutely check out when your spouse isn’t around. What I’m always curious about is where the inspiration came from for these original van designs – surely, this was bath salts-induced. How else does one conjure up the vision to create this combination Amazon-woman-medieval-knight-joined-by-an-iguana theme? I’m not being critical, I just want to know!

The seller notes he bought this van from an estate sale in California. There’s no title, but it’s also not in the CA DMV system which should hopefully settle any sort of ownership issues like the thief – I mean, restorer – original Wild Cherry vanof the recently encountered. The interior still sports its 100% in-period features of velvet ropes, privacy curtains, lots of “sleeping” areas, beverage stations, and a fur-lined roof. When I see vans like this, I really wish the old-school vanning culture would make a resurgence – there’s nothing like it.

Now, the original graphics are quite faded but I’d take it right back to the original painter to have them restored. The seller has done some basic mechanical refreshing, including a rebuild carb and a new gas tank, but notes the brakes are soft and the tires need to be replaced. Still, a fairly short list for such a cool van. I’m not even going to ask if you’d keep the current theme or repaint it, as there’s only one correct answer. Thanks to Barn Finds reader George for the find.

Auctions Ending Soon



    The paintings are copies from the Edgar Rice Burroughs book cover artwork done by Frank Frazetta. 70s I think. Can’t remember the exact book.

    Like 11
    • Bill D

      Probably “Dejah Thoris, Princess of Mars”.

      ….yeah, I’m a hopeless nerd.

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  2. Marko

    Maybe from the John Carter of Mars series?

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  3. KevinLee

    I really don’t think murals on vans were always the result of drugs, in fact this analogy is getting old. While I wouldn’t be seen driving this around, I do appreciate the results of the creativity and talent not to mention s ton of tedious work to pull off a paint job like this. And on a related note, that white shag has clearly seen a lot of action judging by the stains.

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  4. Coventrycat

    Looks like one of those “sleeping areas” ought to be hosed down with something strong.

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  5. Milt

    A new set of shocks should fix the “a-rockin” problem that owners seem to ask passersby with a sign. Be forewarned though, almost always the people inside will not answer the knock on the door informing them of their suspension problem.

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    I think it was one of the Venus series of adventures.

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  7. Andre

    This. Is. Amazing.

    My ex wife is at a feminine convention today (100% serious).. How I’d love to have offered her a ride there in this.

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  8. Jimmy

    I have always been one to go against the grain, especially culture wise. My old man said some day you will end up in jail or dead or both. At 65 it never happened. I would restore to it’s original period correct state and drive it to show the movements of today I’m not into it. We have a van club somewhere around the KC area as I saw them at a 50’s/60’s car show and yes they looked like the featured one but most were 60’s Dodge / Ford ones.

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  9. Rock On

    Back in the 80’s, I was working on Bay Street, the financial capital of Canada, right across the road from Toronto City Hall. A coworker of mine had his car in the shop one day and pulled into the employee parking lot in a custom van with similar murals to this one. The image of him emerging from the van in a three piece suit and tie still flashes in my head every time I see one!

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  10. Will Fox

    Dude, are the seed burns in the seats and carpet standard?

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  11. Stilbo

    I was in my 20’s in the 1970’s.. I was also single in the 1980’s. I owned a VW bus in the 70’s and a stretch Dodge Maxi Van in the 80’s. Both were plain inside and out but full of bean bag “chairs”.
    They were much safer when considering that anything that looked like this van were every daughter’s father’s worse nightmare if seen in their driveway.

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  12. Bill D

    You better hope that “sleeping area” doesn’t have a blacklight.

    Obligatory Guardians of the Galaxy quote:

    Gamora: Your ship is filthy.
    Peter Quill/Starlord: Oh, she has no idea. If I had a blacklight in here it’d look like a Jackson Pollock painting.
    Rocket: Quill, you got issues, man.

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  13. Skippy

    I had a 1976 Dodge Maxi van with giant schooner murals on the sides and a custom interior that was better than this one. I can tell you that the artist who painted my van was not high when he thought up or painted it. I can’t tell you the same about me when I drove it.

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  14. LAB3

    If it where my project I’d probably forego the murals and do a period correct multi layered geometric graphic, those tend to be rather benign culture wise and have a timeless appeal.

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  15. Steve D

    Ahhh… the good old “Super Scoop”. Back in the day the place to hide the weed from the cops was right out of the front opening of the Super Scoop.

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  16. AF

    Would look good sitting next to “Wild Cherry” Chevy Van

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  17. George

    Frazetta inspired artwork was fairly common on vans with full murals. I love this as is and would do my best to preserve or restore the paint.

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  18. S Sharitz

    Yes, notice how they say…. “No title but out of the system so it should be okay.” So what if someone says… “Hey that’s my van!” Exactly what happened to Chris. Not in the system…

    Like 1
    • rob

      Not exactly, no. This one has paperwork from where it was purchased, and can be traced. Chris did months of research, talked to tons of people along the way (except the owner of the property), drove across the country from Illinois to California, talked his way through a locked gate, onto the private property and straight up stole the Wild Cherry, then restored it. While I commend him for his vision of restoring an iconic van which was, in fact, rotting away in a field, what he did is straight up theft. If he were smart, (which he clearly isn’t, clever does not equal smart), he’d work with her and find a solution which works for both parties and save his skin. His next GoFundMe should probably include a fund for legal expenses.

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