MGB With Original Paint For $2,800!

1974 MGB

After featuring our MGB we had a lot of nibbles, but no bites. This price point is tough because people don’t want to pay shipping for something so cheap. Still, I think the next owner is going to be a lot further ahead by spending a little more for a car that doesn’t have rust problems. With multiple projects going we need the shop space, so I’ve decided to lower the price a bit to help with the cost of transport. It’s in Boise, Idaho and I’m now asking $2,800. You contact me here via email if interested. Be sure to read the post about what all we’ve done to the car and what it still needs. Also checkout the photo gallery and leave any questions you may have in the comments below.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. ccrvtt

    I dunno. I’ve been looking at MGBs for a while now and this price looks right for a driver, especially since it appears RUST FREE. All the hard work is done, i.e. there is NO RUST. It’s this or another Corvette. Or both. Good luck with the sale. I think it’s very reasonable. Did I mention there’s NO RUST?

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  2. Blindmarc

    One of the very few British cars I would own, but I don’t have the cash. A good deal for someone, wish it was me.

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  3. Joey

    Were is the MGB located?

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    • JesseStaff

      Boise, Idaho.

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  4. Fred w.

    If it’s even possible, someone should make a kit to replace the 5 mph bumper on these with a conventional earlier type thin chrome bumper and grille.

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    • JesseStaff

      Actually, there are kits to convert these to chrome bumpers.

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      • Howard A Howard AMember


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    I would like to let everybody know that U-SIHP.COM is the way to go for shipping. Every car that I have bought on the net, I list it on there website. If you are not in a hurry someone will pick it up at your listed price just to fill their load. But be somewhat reasonable and you will find a hauler. I have shipped about ten cars and trucks across the country for an average $1.00 a mile or less. remember gas has gone down so its not that bad.

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  6. CowboyChris

    Bought this a few years ago for $700 &sold for $2500…I had 9 bucks invested in a set of plugs…mine was a 65

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  7. CowboyChris

    I mean this

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  8. Evan Allen

    I would totally buy and drive this… if there were a single seat in the center with the controls shifted over. Seriously, it’s cool but I’d look like I was in PPPRS if I was driving one of these.

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    • JesseStaff


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      • Ags290

        PPPRS is racing hopped up kids Power Wheels

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      • JesseStaff

        Well, I’m 6’2 and not skinny. MGBs are surprisingly roomy and easy to get into. In fact, I daily drove a GT for almost a year without issue.

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  9. CowboyChris

    Where’s my pics lol

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  10. Howard A Howard AMember

    Oh oh, it begins, the eventual “price slide”. Again, people here think I’m FOS, but here you go. Interest is waning on these cars.( especially in Sept.) It’s a darn shame too, this is a great car. Like I say, in my small town last summer, a guy had a pre rubber bumper MGB, in great shape, for $1,800, it sat all summer. I bet a grand would have taken it. Hey, it’s today’s people’s loss. They are missing out on cheap, “wind in your hair” ( if you still have hair, that is) motoring. Maybe if this car had onboard Wi-Fi and 4 “outlet ports”. ( dasn’t call them “cigarette lighter ” holes)

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    • JesseStaff

      Give me a break Howard! You should have bought that $1k chrome bumper MGB and sold it online. The reason this car hasn’t found a home yet is because of the interior and shipping cost. We have a lot of interested parties though because some people know that rust is the true enemy with a car like this.

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      • Howard A Howard AMember

        Patience, my friend. Someone will buy it. Matter of fact, the other day, while motorcycling in the Catskills, a blue, rubber bumper car like this, was in front of me, 2 young women, top down, big smiles, so we aren’t cooked yet. I’m just saying, 10(20?) years ago, this car, and the Spitfire would have been sold before it even hit the paper. A friend would have scarfed it up. Like I say, it just doesn’t seem to happen like that today. BTW, I thought of buying that chrome bumper car, but I’m no salesperson, and probably wouldn’t sleep nights knowing I made money on a local persons car. Sorry. Small town, you know.

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      • JesseStaff

        I just don’t appreciate some of your comments Howard. When I listed the tvr, you got on and said no one would want it. Well, it sold right away. This one will too. The internet has changed how things used to work in your local market.

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  11. Blueprint

    This is a great deal for upper West-Coasters, but shipping to Montreal (and current $ exchange) ruins it for me. Your MGB is so much better than the purple one that just sold for $2550 on BaT. That purple one was just a 5 hour drive away though. I have to send you guys a local listing for a complete TR4A I found up here!

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  12. Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

    The heck with shipping–I want to have the time to buy it and DRIVE it home! Not at the moment :-(

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      That’s what I’d do.

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  13. angliagt

    i’d be surprised if it doesn’t sell soon.
    I just gave away a ’68 B rolling,rust-free shell to
    a guy in Florida,& it will cost him over $1000 to
    get it there.
    This car was last registered here in CA,
    in 1999.DMV wanted $749 in back fees,as the
    non-op hadn’t been renewed.
    The car was a one owner,garage kept,but
    suffered from a battery charger fire.

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    • Dave Wright

      The myth of the California non op is that you don’t have to pay fees while the non op is in effect. All the non op does is saves you the penalties, the back fees are still owed for the entire time when the vehicle is re registered…… course, the penalties are crazy but so are the licence fees. Welcome to the “Golden” state.

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      • cyclemikey

        That’s simply not true. If you have executed a *valid* California Non-Op they will send you periodic (yearly) offers to renew, get your stickers, and put the car back on the road. The total amount due if you decide to renew is just the current registration fees. No back fees are due. That, in fact, is the entire raison d’etre of the non-op.

        There are a lot of reasons to hate the California DMV, but this isn’t one of them.

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      • Dave Wright

        You are wrong….,,,,we have felt with it many times

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  14. Vance

    WHY would you make it SO HARD to find the location of this vehicle. The first post didn’t mention it until the very last paragraph. This post doesn’t say at all where it is.

    WHY DON’T YOU SET AN EDITORIAL POLICY TO ALWAYS INCLUDE THE VEHICLE LOCATION IN THE HEADING???? at THE VERY LEAST, PUT IT IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH. In Contrast, Bring a Trailer ALWAYS has the location in the right column near the top. (It also should be included with the post description, WHY MAKE IT SO HARD TO FIND THE LOCATION???

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  15. stillrunners

    Vance…get some coffee….the car is for sale by this site’s manager’s….and we hope folks keep up with them…..always read an entire post….before ranting…..

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  16. Fast Eddie/Old Eddie: take your pick!

    Yes, I find it difficult to read beyond the first line, after all it took me over 4 seconds to get down to the location. Can we not get these listings in an audio feed?

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  17. JesseStaff

    The MGB has sold to one of our readers in Texas!

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    • Monsieur Le Baton

      That’s a great price , I happily fit in mine at 6’5″ , not many lbc’s fit taller drivers too well, and not many people know that’s what the mgb does best. Really pleased you got the sale, looking forward to see how the mga works out.

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    • DolphinMember

      The readers on BF tend to be a savvy bunch of folks. I think the buyer got a car that most people could even afford to reserve just for the good weather part of the year without breaking the bank. Who cares if the interior isn’t perfect? Spend a bit each year for a few years bringing it back to near-new inside and just enjoy the ride.

      Someone listened to the words of wisdom (“it is a lot easier to replace soft goods than it is to cut out rust, weld in new metal, and repaint it.”) and got a good unrusty MG. Good for him/her.

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    • forestghost07

      Congrats Jesse, wish I could have given it a loving new home, but I’m already owned by 2 B’s (and LOVE em to bits!)

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      • JesseStaff

        Nice pair forestghost07!

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  18. Blindmarc

    Good deal! Where’s Howard’s mouth now!

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