One Like Mine: Hathaway Hunter Roadster


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Several of you have commented on my “Morgan” that I’ve shown in the pictures of my “barn”. Imagine my surprise to find a Hathaway or Hunter (don’t really know which yet, since there are only 15-20 world wide and have only minor differences) here on eBay this morning! It’s located in Scottsdale, Arizona and is listed with a buy it now of $10,000 (you can save $10 if you go to the dealer’s website) and bidding opening at $5,000.


Yes, it’s a kit car, although not all were assembled as kits. It was designed by Mark Goyette as an original design, although there are obvious nods to Jaguars and Morgans. Originally marketed as the Hathaway, the body would accept any TR2 through TR6 frame and drivetrain, of which there were plenty of cheap and rusty ones available in the 80’s. For those of you on Facebook, you can read more here, although the outstanding website appears to no longer be available. I hope that’s just temporary. There’s a whole convoluted story about how the Hathaway became a Hunter, and believe it or not I was even involved in 1989-1990 when I tried to buy the molds.


Back to this car. It’s running TR6 wheels, and based on the serial number of the chassis is on a late 1972 TR6 chassis. However, the engine and transmission have been replaced with an OHC Ford four-cylinder. The first thing I’d do is put a TR6 drive train back where it belongs. That large open area on the back is for a spare tire, and the knockoff (as they were usually wire wheels) is actually the filler pipe for the gas tank. The seller says they have the windshield and other parts as well.


This one has a set of seats from something else; perhaps MG Midget? The regular buckets that came with the kit don’t really fit the image well and I’ll eventually be replacing them in my car. These do look pretty nice in there. You can see the TR6 heritage from the gauges and hand brake assembly.


If anyone has any questions about these cars, I’ll be happy to help in any way I can. And certainly let me know if you purchase this one; there’s a small group of us around the world and I’ll introduce you around!


Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Bill

    Once a kit car, always a kit car.

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    • RayT

      After reading the ad, I’d have to say that it’s a kit you’ll have to completely assemble all over again. The text says the engine will need to be “replaced;” what about the rest of the running gear? Most likely, you’ll have to yank everything out to be sure. Which would also let you check the frame for freedom from rust and bends….

      And then there’s wiring, and smoothing out all the rough edges that came standard on every kit car ever. The original buyer almost certainly knew that going in, but what about the next one?

      Sorry, but I’m not seeing $10K worth of fun here. Not even half that.

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  2. ROARMember

    Not nice!
    Lotus was a kit car until recently along with many many cars that aren’t found in this site because they’re too desirable to lay in a barn for decades.
    Any fool can rent out parts of his/her anatomy to make a down payment on a new car but it takes brains and skills to build a kit car!

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    • Dave at OldSchool Restorations

      @ROAR…… Have to disagree with your perception… Although Lotus sold some cars as unassembled kits because of the UK Tax System, they were NOT a Kit Car Company….

      They actually BUILT PRODUCTION CARS……….if you don’t think so, you can check with FIA

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  3. paul

    Whats the weight? Metal bod or glass? thanks guys

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Fiberglass. Slightly lighter than a TR6, so put the total weight at about 2,100 lbs.

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  4. DRV

    Most compelling “kit” I have ever seen. Wish I was younger.ll.l

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  5. Wayne


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  6. Edward

    Thanks for this information. I heard of these some years ago but was never able to find out much (early internet, at best).

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  7. Rob

    No Thank-you,
    I’m quite happy with my 1978 S1 Clenet #48 (not a kit), ‘n tho some didn’t like it at the time, and/or still don’t, as it was/still is, a bit pricey, I enjoy the hell out of it. :)

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    • Ross W. Lovell

      . Greetings All,

      Rob, seems obvious your Clenet used an MG Midget cowl, windshield and doors in its construction, never realized that, MG powered also?

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      • Rob

        Ross.. Built on a Mark Lincoln chassis and driveline..

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      • Ross W. Lovell

        Greetings All,

        So you have a V8, sweet. But those Series Ones are most definitely sporting parts from a Midget.

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  8. Dave Wright

    To each his own……….but I have never understood people’s penchant for building things that are not real…….whether it is model cars, replica cars, remote control airplanes……they spend as much time, energy and money as having the real thing. When I was 16, I loved Porsche’s……so I went out and made enough money to own real ones, by the time I graduated from high school, I raced my own Lotus 11, a real one. Had my flying licence by the time I was 21, I had buddy’s with rooms full of posters and plastic models just never understood it. Now a uneque car that is home or kit built is a different issue. A Manx dune buggy for instance, but a phoney Porsche Speedster…….not really. If I wanted a Morgan…….I would have one…..not a bad plastic copy.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Dave, take a look at the pictures before you judge–it’s obvious you haven’t if you think it looks like a Morgan copy. It is an original design, NOT a Morgan copy. It IS real, thank you. Sorry it doesn’t measure up to your standards, but even the Morgan folks recognize the differences and admire the car at the shows I go to.

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    • Mark S

      Dave clearly fortune has smiled at in your life and I know you have worked hard for it. But some of us have also worked hard in our lives and never got as close to the money tree as you have. So for us not so rich guys we have to settle for lesser cars. I’m sorry to say but when you make a comment like this one you are being insulting to those of us that can’t afford the real deal but would still like to have some fun.

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      • Dave Wright

        That is not true………it is a simple choice, do you want to be phoney or real? I have always made my own way, my first Porsche was a 1952 contintal coupe that I paid 100.00 for out of my paper route money , my first lotus I paid 500.00 for, it came with both orignal Climax engines and a trailer. Whenever I really wanted something, I worked and found a way to do it. I spent less on many cars than other people spent on record albums…..(that I have never bought) my 55 Porsche Speedster I paid 100.00 for and rebuilt. I also have never had a car payment. It is all a choice. If I needed to learn a skill to do my own work, there was always someone willing to teach me. That is the point…….simply a choice. Most of the interesting people I know are like that. Craig Breedlove built his first track car from a surplus Jet engine bought from the military for a few hundred dollars………one of the best welders I know was a school teacher that had no knowledge until he decided to go on an around the world sail boat adventure. He bought a set of plans, a welding machine and went to work…by the time he was done, he want back and redid some of his early work…but he had a 500,000 80′ steel motor sailer that he and his wife have traveled the world with………… on and on. Many books have been written about it. The only guy that makes sense building a phony car is the manufacturer that is trying to make a living selling them.

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      • Darel

        This isn’t fake at all! It’s not TRYING to be anything. Cobra replicas, those “Gazelles”, Fiero-rraris. Those are fake, and disgusting and I personally hate them. This is a completely different design altogether that may share some design cues with ALL prewar cars (and yes Morgan because even in 2016 Morgan is still prewar), but it’s its own design, and I for one love it. I’d still need to be rich to own one so I guess my TR6 remains stock for now.

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      • Mark S

        That story is great for you Dave BUT when was tha last time you were able to get a Porsche for a hundred dollars. Since we’re busy bragging our selves up here let me tell you about myself. Licensed auto mechanic since 1985 spent 25 years in the trade. Licensed welder fabricator since 1994 been in charge of designing and building industrial machines for production lines in a suspension factory. So here’s how it is Dave there are NOT a lot of people out there that can build just about anything that comes to mind. So they pick up this as you call it phony car something they can handle, build it to go have some fun, only to meet up with a guy like you that calls their pride and joy car something that they got on the road them selve a phony POS. In the circle of freinds I walk in we’re nicer to each other and we don’t need to brag how great we are to stroke our ego’s

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      • Dave Wright

        My first comment in this conversation was to each his own…….I am not here to stroke my ego. I am convinced that most people underestimate there own ability. None of this stuff is brain surgery. Too many people would rather complain about some one else’s advantages than making there own luck and taking advantage of there own skills. I bought a clean 914 out of a hoarders garrage for 300.00 4 years ago, 2 years ago I bought my clean 1958 Mercedes 220S for 200.00 out of a local front yard……there are plenty of deals out there……that is one of the themes of this site. Have you ever met someone you couldn’t teach to weld, or paint or turn a wrench? All it takes is ambition, training, and practice………there are no Einstein’s here……off course, that attitude was probably learned from my successful self employed dad and reinforced by my 13 Years in Special Ops.

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      • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

        Mark, don’t worry about it. I love my cars and, ultimately, that’s all that matters. Quite frankly, I CHOSE it over a Morgan; as a matter of fact, finding it was no less than a 31 year search, as there were less than 20 made in all. I like the lines better, especially the nose. Now I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, and that’s fine too.

        And I sure don’t feel like a “phoney.” :-) I don’t treat my Hunter any differently than I do my Italia 2000 that it’s parked next to. I suppose that car has a better pedigree in Dave’s eyes, but I will point out that both are uniquely-designed, small run/coach built bodied cars on relatively standard Triumph chassis.There are actually more Italias out there than Hunters. I don’t care–they are my two dream cars and I love them both! Ultimately, that’s all that matters, right?

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      • Mark S

        I agree your a go getter and that’s a great way to be, even though you and I don’t always agree I still respect your opinion. I don’t think there is any point in any further debate on this matter If your a dad I wish a happy Father’s Day and I look forward to other opportunities to converse some other time.

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      • Dave Wright

        Thankyou…….the same to you. I lost my dad last fall while we were in Europe. At 86 he had worn out his body, too much asbestos brake dust and bad chemicals. You have similar hazards in your trades as well. Be careful.

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      • Mark S

        To Late Dave on the be careful, lost one of my kidneys to cancer, herniated disc in my back, strangulated nerve in my leg, and both knees are shot. Lots of pain every day.

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    • Ross W. Lovell

      . Greetings All,

      Hey Dave, been a while.
      .Understand some of your argument but since a C-Type Jaguar is several million dollars at last auction and just happens to be built out of easily gathered parts.
      I’m not sure a replica at less than $40K for the fiberglass or splurge $120K and get aluminum body, DCO, not DCOE Webers and period correct brakes. The higher priced, aluminum bodied example, a tool room copy of the original.
      Yes, you can pay a lot more, but it won’t be like the original anymore than the $120K example.

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      • Dave Wright

        You are right…..there are a few exceptions. Like an aluminum built Ferrari GTO or even one of the Eastern European Aluminum Cobra’s and probably some Jags. ……..but I have been involved with some god awful stuff…….Fiberfab Avenger….among others ( we spent 50 hrs labor with skilled body men and the doors were still not right). Then after all that sweat and fortune investment they are not worth 2 nickels. They never work right and were expensive. Anything given proper attention by a craftsman or group of craftsmen can be great but with the same energy and effort you can do a great (maby lesser?) orignal car that will retain its value and appreciation potential instead of always explaining……it isn’t really real.

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  9. BMW/Tundra Guy

    I am curious as to why Browns isn’t finishing this one off and selling it that way? That is what they do. They are in the car restoration/sale business. Maybe not enough profit potential once completed, correctly? From what I have seen of their builds, they do them right!!! And they charge accordingly!! Some of their stuff is total creationism and stunning at that!!

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  10. Coventry Cat

    I remember adverts for them new; one of the better looking kits but the grille is just a bit over the top. At least proportions of the whole car aren’t too wonky, but it’s not a 10k car to me.

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  11. Doug M. (West Coast)Member

    When these first came out I ran onto a brochure for one somewhere? I fell in love with it… it’s good looks and proportions, and the TR6 base didn’t hurt it any either. Since then I have heard nothing about them until now. I don’t see this as a replica of some other car, but as a nicely done piece of creative automotive art. I would drive it!!

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Thank you, Doug, for seeing what’s there.

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  12. Darel

    I’d kill to find a Hathaway kit to put on my TR6. This is the ONLY kit car I think I’ve ever seen that got the proportions right. And, I happen to have a TR6 in need of a crapload of bodywork.

    Going to have to stop bashing kit cars now.

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  13. Matt Tritt

    Really a neat car – kit or not. Not real crazy about the size of the XK-150 grille, but that’s just a matter of taste. My dad’s G-2’s were sold as kits and as finished cars, but the Ascot was going to be sold as a factory produced model only.

    Don’t feel bad about not getting those molds. The old addage in the fiberglass industry says it nicely: Loose your ass in fiberglass.

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    • greg tritt

      I thought that was scratch your ass in fiberglass …… that’s what usually happens to me.

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  14. Stephen

    Definitely not an XK150 grill, the shape is totally wrong.

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  15. Chris A.

    There is something about the lines of the car that remind me of a pre-war BMW 328. And that is not a bad thing at all. As for the spare tire well, put the spare in it with a good fitting wheel cover and the lines of the car would really look good. The current grill just looks too big for the front end, but maybe cooling is a factor. Actually one of the better looking kit cars. But I LOVE that Italia later in the posts.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Thank you, Chris 😀

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      • Danny

        Hi Jamie,
        I also have one. and when he’s ready I probably sell my Morgan 4/4…
        Because I like the Hunter more.

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  16. Chris A.

    Looking at Jamie’s car and the XK150, the chrome strip down the center of the hood appears to stretch out the grill so that it is integrated into the flow of the bonnet shape. This is a very nice body design that has the fender sweep and back end design reminicent of the VandenPlas X101 bodied Squire. Very clever design that would be improved with a vintage steering wheel.

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  17. Joe

    I bought a frame and motor years ago for a TR6 and the seller handed me what I think may be the assembly manual for the Hathaway. Also gave me some orignal sales brochures for it also. Seems he was going to build one but sold the kit to someone else and I bought the frame and motor. Not sure why the manual didn’t go with the kit but I saved it. The frame I bought was used to build a Cobra replica. A friend put a 289 HIPO and top loader 4 speed in the frame. He used the stock TR rear end and it held up well. It was super fast!

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      In case anyone is curious, Joe and I corresponded and I have purchased the assembly manual and the other Hathaway/Hunter items that Joe had. Another Barn Finds connection made — thanks, Joe!

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  18. Darel

    I’d still love to find a Hunter kit or donor to put on my TR6 frame…if anyone sees one of the other 19 lying around gathering dust.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieAuthor

      Darel, keep in touch with me and check out the Facebook group (although it seems to be inactive at the moment). Occasionally I run across one and I will always write them up :-) Yes, I’m biased!

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  19. Last HH

    This car is back on eBay, with a few modifications.


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  20. Joe

    I was cleaning out some more papers and found the TR6 plate that was with the books I sent you. Not sure it it’s any use or not but I kept it. It was a 1976 plate. Original owner was John Hudimac phone number is a NC number for some reason. Not sure why but I found it interesting.

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  21. Jim mindy

    For what it is worth. In the early it’s I made an offer to buy the Hunter assets. They were being offered after the death of Mr. Hunter whose first name escaped me, by I think his girl friend or ex wife, not sure which, Lisa Porter. Think I have that part right. It was a collection of body molds, and Triumph chassis’s and drivetrains. The car was not meant to be a copy of anything but just offer the essence of a British sports car. The grille I recall was made from a billet of aluminum and quite heavy. The project produced a great example of the type of sport car many of us loved and enjoyed in past decades. The assets were sold to someone in southern California but I am still a buyer for a project or manufacturing assets. Jim mindy

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