Pair Of 1952 MG TD Projects

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When I originally saw this listing appear, I was expecting to find two VW-powered kit cars. However, both of these 1952 MG TDs are “the real thing”, and they are being sold together in Grafton, West Virginia. With one complete and the other in mid-restoration, you can use the intact car as a pattern to finish the other one! The original ad is here on craigslist. The price for this pair of dreams is $7,000 or best offer, and some new and rebuilt components are included to make that price sound pretty good to me!

The second TD included in the deal was apparently under restoration at some point. It looks like it was on its way back together, with a rebuilt engine and lots of other new-looking components in place already. Unfortunately, we can’t tell everything from the pictures and there’s only a little description to go on in the ad. Thanks to Ikey H. for sending these diamonds in the rough our way!

The red car pictured on the trailer looks very complete but has obviously been stored outside for quite some time. You could tell a lot about how far this one will have to come apart by opening and shutting the doors and observing the scuttle for flex. Underneath that pretty sheet metal is a wooden sub-structure that requires pretty decent woodworking skills to duplicate. I know of many TD projects that hit the point of needing serious woodwork and then just linger on and on. Unfortunately, with the price of restored versions of these cars dropping it is becoming difficult to justify a full restoration project — a shame, because these are extremely simple cars that can be resurrected with hand tools and patience!

It appears that some of this wood is new. If that is really the case, and it was done well, the hardest part of restoring the “garage” car is completed. Someone was optimistic enough that they zeroed the odometer in preparation for debuting the restored car — maybe that first drive could be yours!

The interior of the red car is not as encouraging, but it does look complete, although some of the auxiliary gauges have been replaced. Perhaps the smart thing would be to finish the mid-restoration car using the still-assembled red one as a reference?

Imaging yourself behind this dash! Anyone else want a British roadster restoration project? Let us know about your T-Series experiences in the comments!


  1. Johnny

    The more I see these little British cars. The more I am determined to get one next year. Hopefully one(2) like this. I,d restore both if I could and enjoy riding it (them)

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  2. SMS

    These are wonderful cars. Easy to work on and an absolute blast to drive. I had to laugh when I first got mine and saw the grease and oiling schedule. Not an every day occurrence but a couple trips around the block and it was time for something to be greased.

    When my parents were just married they had a 4 year old ‘52 TD. My ‘52 was 49 years old when I had it. Was amazing that my TD was no less reliable than my parents TD. Fantastic engineering.

    Jami is right on about the wooden frames. That was the hardest work with the TD. Look closely at the wood. Then talk with someone that has tackled that job. One door is a bit. Both doors is a lot. The whole car is such a task you need to have both eyes open ot tightly shut going in.

    These two cars, from the look of them will need a lot of love.

    As for the price and value. Drive one, you will be thrilled at how much fun and how good you look in them for such little money.

    Like 7
  3. bobhess bobhessMember

    The wooden frame work is pretty straight forward on these cars, especially compared to the ’52 Mercedes convertible we did that took ten working days to do the left door. The Germans apparently invented the compound curve. I’d vote to rebuild both of them. Our ’53 was just pure fun for weekend drives.

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    • Johnny

      Instead of replacing and making the wood frame. Why couldn,t a person make it out of steel? Like channel and NOT tudeing. Tubeing will rust from the inside toward the outside. I know for my dump truck had the bed frame made with tubeing and one day it broke. I had just put it on and was under the truck . Went to move the lever and it broke. Had about 11 ton of gravel on it at the time. When it came down. I almost crapped myself and loud. NEVER–reach over the truck frame. Always work the lever from UNDER the truck.

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  4. FastEddie/OldEddie: pick one

    Ikey H, when you redo your will, would you kindly bequeath me your hunting skills & talents? You are a locating god! I would almost give an arm for these, but shipping to Canada is quite difficult in these times. I bought a Texas Avanti through Barn Finds, early this year, and it is still sitting there, and God bless the seller for their patience. If anyone can recommend a n honest shipper, it would be very much appreciated.

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  5. Frenchy

    I’ve owned my MGTD since 1962. Restored it once back in 1974 and since then it’s been very reliable.
    KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. For example the fuel pump on these is cursed, beaten, with hammers, sticks, and often replaced. Or you can pull a piece of fine emery paper through the points once in a while and have it last 50+ years!
    The Wood is ash and often the doors can be rehung if you drill out the holes and glue Ash dowels in then redrill for the proper screws.
    These cars are so friendly and cute that strangers come up to you and tell about their experiences. Smile and wave at people and they smile and wave back. They are just fun.
    Want to amaze people? Turn on the ignition and grab the hand crank to start it. A smooth pull and it sits there idling eager to go for a drive. It’s not a muscle thing either, your wife or teenage daughter can do it.

    Like 8
  6. Bill B

    My family had one.. wonderful cars…always hoped for another..this looks like a very good find!

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  7. Johnny

    This is the kind I would like to get. You have to work on. You can learn as you go and once you get it finished. You know it is done right and safe to drive. The more I hear about them–can start with a hand crank–in case you have a WAL-MART BATTERY. HAHAHA Then to beat all. The car is about 100 miles from me. Might be the right timimg. Getting the bronco on the road and it would be a good excuse to put some miles on it and work some of the bugs out of it. I like everything about it.

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  8. Little_Cars

    I’ve been through Grafton, West Virginia a few times. Perfect location for a top-down drive in an MG.

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    • Johnny

      Its been awhile since I have. Used to work putting a shaft mines in above Philippi,W.Va. That was back in 1974. I took a tour through the reform school in Prunty town.They have a National Cemetery their. If I,m not mistaken.The first man killed in the civil war was near their.

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  9. jpeter275

    Agree with everyone’s comments. Owned a ‘51 TD for 4 yrs in the mid-50’s. I was a teenager and foolish enough to do my own “mini-restoration”. Tore down the engine in my parents’ garage to try and fix what I believed was a “low” oil pressure situation. Bought new bearing shells, had the crank reground, fiddled endlessly to balance the SU’s, new oil pump, etc., etc. After all that the oil pressure stayed the same. Car ran great when I bought it and even better after a year of “fiddling”. The little MG survived despite all my amateurish efforts to attempt to destroy it. So much fun when it ran, sold it for more it cost my Dad and I. The education was more than worth all the trouble!

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