Porsche 356 Graveyard

Porsche 356 Graveyard

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The photo of this Porsche 356 graveyard has been floating around online for about a year now. I did a little research to see if I could figure out where it was taken and by whom, but wasn’t able to come up with much. With all the interest in old Porches lately, I doubt this yard still exists, but you never know. So, do any of you recognize this place?

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  1. Quinn

    I think this was Aase Bros. Porsche Dismantlers in Anaheim, California. It was owned by Dave and Dennis Aase that I know of. I remember the concrete fence. They had a railroad track that also ran down one side of the business. It closed down around 2000 if so. I use to go there all the time in the 80’s and 90’s. They were a great company to deal with. I saw Dave Aase at Hershey about 4 years ago and hear that he passed away since.

    Southern California lost 3 big Porsche Dismantling yards in or around 2000. Aase Bros., So. Cal. Import Dismantlers in South El Monte and Best Deal in Stanton.

    It was a really sad time.

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    • jd

      had a bug yard in east Austin,Tx
      ~looks like some of their stuff~HW 183/71~by the airport~ Been 29 years since I bought parts~Who Knows~

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  2. David Frank DavidMember

    I don’t know where thisone is, but here’s another Porsche graveyard article from Hemmings: http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2014/12/23/gk-restorations-porsche-graveyard/

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  3. Joe

    Dave, Looks like your photo is an older photo from
    Aase Brothers Porsche Car Dismantlers
    701 E Cypress St
    Anaheim, CA 92805-3055

    Which seems to have closed after the owner Dave Aase passed away in 2011.

    Satellite and street view of the address shows images of wall and houses just as in your photo, except no Porsches.

    Google search of Aase Brothers Porches address shows the salvage yard, porsches, white gravel and similar wall and surrounding house.

    Here are some links:



    And the new company with story of original owner of the parts graveyard:


    Hope this helps…


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  4. BQS4

    I may have missed something, but, why are these Porsches going for so much, even the ones that are WAY beyond “basket case?”

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  5. Jose

    This is more Porsche purgatory than Porsche paradise.

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  6. David

    This was the Aase Brothers Salvage yard. After Dave Aase died, it was moved to Columbus Ohio by the new owner. Dave Aase ran both a parts service and salvage-yard, but the new owner didn’t need the salvage yard, which was mostly liquidated. The photo is from the sales site, and dates to 2011. Aase was in LA, here’s another photo, different angle. He also carried some Karmen Ghia bits.

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    • Horse Radish

      Karmann Ghia,

      Nothing to do with Karma, or Carmen but rather the last name Karmann (in Osnabrück, Germany) where the bodies of many a famous car were made, starting with these, some Porsche 356 and 911/2s, then BMW E120 and E9s, 6 series, Volkswagen Cabriolets, Vanagons, Jette I and II, and others…..

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  7. Joe

    Agree Dave.

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  8. jim s

    that was fast. there is a great knowledge base on this site.

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  9. Grr

    If these are ever released back into the market, the bubble will burst…

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  10. RoughDiamond

    Now that first picture of Porsche s is a sight to behold.

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  11. gunningbar

    It would be fun to rat rod an old 356 and go to all the P club events… watch the P boys posing next to THEIR cars… too bad Rodney Dangerfield isnt still around… he d show em.
    R I P Rodney….
    (Is this wrong?!) LOL

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    • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

      I’ve always wanted to take a Tatra air-cooled V8 engine & shoehorn it into a Porsche, and have all 8 alloy valve covers engraved with Porsche emblems, then take it to a Porsche event! And yes, the engine bolts up to the Porsche transaxle without modification.

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      • Snuffy

        I’ve read somewhere that the Tatra designer claims Porsche copied his original design.

        Well, both are air-cooled, rear engine w/swing axles, does kinda makes ya wonder…?

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      • Bill McCoskey Bill McCoskeyMember

        Snuffy – There is an excellent book on the History of Tatra, by Ivan Margolius. in it he talks about a lawsuit by Tatra towards VW, and the German court records indicated Porsche testified he “looked over [Tatra designer] Hans Ledwinka’s shoulder” when the 2 were designing the KDF Wagen [VW] in the 30s. It was in fact Ledwinka’s design for the drive train, including the 4 cylinder boxer motor, transaxle, swing arm rear suspension, and the torsion bar front suspension. The Tatras had a backbone frame [big tube down the center of the car], while Porsche’s contribution was the separate chassis pan. FYI – after Tatra won the court case, VW was forced to pay royalties for every air cooled motor for many years. After the war, Tatra introduced it’s version of the 4 cylinder boxer motor in the Tatraplan T-600, designed prior to 1939.

        A real telling fact that the VW drive train was a Tatra design, is the VW engine bolts up to the Tatra cars, including the pre-war Type T-87, and the post war 4 cyl Tatraplan, as well as the later T-603 series V8 cars. Quite a few Tatraplans in Europe are still running VW engines, because it’s so easy to exchange engines.

        And yes, I’ve owned several Tatra cars over the years, Still have one V8 car.

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  12. Bryan Cohn

    Surely Dave Aase must have been the brother (or other relative) of Dennis Aase that raced Porsche’s in IMSA in the 70’s and 80’s right?

    The Porsche graveyard is yet another example of hoarding. A proper salvage yard that wants to use cars for their parts protects the investment they have in said cars. They’d strip them, organize, shelve and be able to retrieve parts as needed. Those cars clearly show that is not the case. When you live in a dry climate like Asse Brothers its a different story but even then what do you see in the photo but shells stripped bare?

    See the difference? One is a photo of a salvage yard that protected its investment, the other a hoarder who only cared about collecting more stuff. Drives me CRAZY when people call hoarders collectors, the two are not the same.

    Cool photo’s and it would be kinda neat to see all this iron released into the wild.

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    • Dave Wright

      Yes, Dave and Dennis were brothers, I knew Dave better but would see them together at the races……they were south of LA, great guys, helped me rebuild my speedster among others. Very fast on the race track. They were legendary in the SoCal Porsche community. There yard was physically small but very well organized and full of great stuff. This photo looks like it encompasses the bulk of the yard.

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  13. John

    That picture was, literally, jaw dropping . . .Wow . . .

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  14. Adam Wright

    There are still yards out there like this, I took these pics last week here at Unobtanium HQ.

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  15. Adam Wright

    Another angle.

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  16. Adam Wright

    One more.

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  17. Paul

    The GK Restorations Porsche graveyard has been cleared out now after GK died a few years back. I hear that 356A coupe #55001 and a rare 356A Carrera GT #55000 where pulled out of that yard, but sadly it was apparently cleared out by a group from the Netherlands.

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  18. M.D. Kaznakoff

    I used to work at So. Cal. Import Dismantlers in South El Monte years ago when I lived in Calif. I remember my boss’s name, it was Dale. Forget the last name.

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