Project Plymouth: 1935 Plymouth Sedan Barn Find

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I don’t see nearly as many 1930s anything as I do Fords, so whenever something from that era pops up from another manufacturer, I get pretty excited! That being said, this 1935 Plymouth Sedan is undoubtedly a barn find, and it is undeniably a mess. It is possible that this car was the barn, and it is also possible that this car was either underwater or on fire or both at some point. That being said, this is a pretty uncommon car by comparison to its period competitors and deserves the title of groovy for that alone. Although it may be pretty rough, the exterior sheet metal appears to be in excellent condition considering the lack of care it has seen. Find it here on eBay in California with a Buy It Now price of $3,750.

The seller provides little information in the listing, but pictures can certainly say a thousand words. In this case, this picture is telling me that what this Plymouth lacks in exterior rust, it makes up for in structural rust inside the car. The entire interior except for the fixtures appears to have been removed, and while the seller does not make mention of where it went or why, there is a picture of some torn up seats included that suggests to me that much of it may be included with the sale. I’m beginning to think this car may have been sitting in a barn without a roof, because the windows have pretty well tinted themselves over time.

Yep, that’s an engine! What we are looking at here is a Chrysler flathead 6-cylinder, and if this is the original 1935 engine that came with the car, it would’ve been the first year for a fully jacketed water system. The seller does not state the condition of the engine, only that it is non-running. Provided it isn’t seized, with a little bit of work it looks like this flathead could run again!

I often wish that cars could tell stories, because this one sure looks like it has had a rough life! Nonetheless, this car will make a super cool project for someone and rusty floorpans (and then some) aside, with enough time and determination this could be a good project. I see a lot of potential in this old Plymouth, but I sure wouldn’t be willing to take it on. What do you see, parts or project?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. -Bear-

    GREAT LOOKING lines on that body! (y)
    Pretty hard to beat the style of a 1930’s grill, front fenders, & lights!
    & yes the outer sheetmetal looks straight & complete.
    BUT that interior looks R O U G H (to say the least!)!!
    & (given all that interior degradation & the other moisture exposure indications) I would assume that the motor is locked up, & I have to wonder just how solid the frame is going to be…..
    Still, for the right person, just that outer sheet metal is worth the asking price!! :-)
    Could it be a super cool Rat Rod candidate??

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  2. geomechs geomechsMember

    Back in the 60s, I knew a farmer who had several acres of land along the river he was determined to keep from being washed away. He bought a bunch of stripped car bodies/frames with the intention of strategically placing them along the riverbank to stop the erosion. With the exception of a ’50 Ford that had been through a massive collision the cars were a collection of practically rust-free cars from the 30s. Hudsons, Dodges, a Chevrolet Master Deluxe, and I remember a ’35 Plymouth in particular that was essentially missing only the power train and the hood. The interior was complete; it even still had the spare in the trunk. The body was dented but all the trim was still in place; even the taillight was still attached. Someone must have taken pity on those cars because, one by one, they disappeared, right down to the ’50 Ford. The farmer was upset but didn’t do anything about it but piss and moan over the loss. It was a time when I actually applauded car theft.

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  3. Ken Carney

    I recall seeing one of these featured in an
    article written for Rod & Custom magazine ny Mike Lamm about a car just like this one. The owner.Jerry Crabtree, from Sparks, Nevada, simply upgraded his car by adding a newer flathead 6, (a’52 I think) and redid the interior with a nearly correct material for the seats and
    door cards. He also used OEM mechanical parts to redo the chassis too.
    What he got was a very nice car that you could drive and enjoy. Since the car is a blank canvas, I’d follow Mr. Crabtree’s lead by using s slant 6 and auto tranny
    to improve the car’s drivability. Throw in
    an electric power steering box from a new Toyota, and you have a winner. The inside would be OEM materials, along with a nice stereo and some Vintage heat
    and air. Add in the cool factor.and you’d have the nicest daily driver around. Sometimes you don’t need a honkin’ V8
    in s car to have fun

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    • John D.

      In high school, I had a 48 Dodge business coupe that I tried to put a slant six into. The engine was too long, at least for where I was trying to put the front engine mounts. Regrettably, I tried a BFH customization to the fire wall. It still would not fit. So I would start with a tape measure or source a mid-fifties flat head with a powerflite automatic.

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  4. Doug Towsley

    Get a title and set the whole body on a modern chassis. Restomod. Great style

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