Rare 5-Speed: 1992 Chevrolet Lumina Z34 For $800!

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Many times, I look at compelling project vehicles for their rarity or otherwise unrepeatability (yes, that’s a made-up word) and am able to forgive some pretty big sins for the opportunity to own a car that no one else does. Of course, this approach has its weak points, as many of these vehicles are total unicorns that are hard to find parts for, but the bigger issue is letting significant mechanical faults be obscured by the rareness of the car in question. This 1992 Chevrolet Lumina Z34 is an exceedingly hard-to-find manual transmission model and sought after by collectors of Chevy’s few performance models from the early 90s. Unfortunately, it’s hiding a fairly significant shortcoming, which you can read about more below. Find it here on craigslist for $800.

Thanks to Barn Finds reader Roger for the find. So, by now, you’re likely wondering about the dirt-cheap asking price and my monologue up top. Well, that’s because it skipped a couple of teeth on the timing chain and since the beefy six-cylinder engine is an interference design, the mill is effectively ruined and will need total rebuild or, more appropriately, replacement. Of course, then you’re pouring untold sums and labor into a car that while exceedingly rare (the seller estimates 2,000 Z34s were made with the manual gearbox), it’s also one that will never be worth much no matter how much fun it may be to drive. It’s a shame because the rest of the car looks quite nice.

Now, I certainly am one of the suckers most likely to buy something like this, solely for the prospect of keeping a unicorn out of the recycling bin. But I also tend to buy vehicles that will always have some useful value above a certain price point, aside from one or two dalliances I keep close to the vest. This Lumina is no man’s land as it relates to finding an owner willing to take it on, and is likely destined for someone who owns one of the remaining five-speed Z34s still on the road to keep as a parts car given this thing is loaded with minty components you’re unlikely to find at the local u-pick yard. The interior is in phenomenal condition and the seller notes the passenger seating areas have seen nominal use. The original floor mats will be included as well.

The Z34 does have some cosmetic flaws to report in the form of failing clearcoat, which you can see in the photos. So, it’s not a museum specimen, but it’s still a very nice used edition of a near-impossible to find car. While I have seen numerous Facebook groups spring up in support of rare oddballs like these, there’s usually not much in the way of a collector market willing to invest the necessary parts and labor to keep such a car on the road. I do think the seller has priced it fairly for what it is, but it will be a passion project for sure for anyone willing to restore it back to good health. I’d be willing to bet this is the kind of project you could get for a lower price if you promise to put it back on the road. Would you rescue it?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

    This would be a fun car, if someone has an engine that would fit.

    Anyone know if the GM 3800 V6 would bolt up? Real fun to put in one with the SSEi option supercharged version.

    Like 16
    • Stevieg

      I am not sure if that swap would be possible, but if it is, WOW! Would that be fun!

      Like 6
      • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

        I inquired on a forum where people know such things, and was informed that they bolt right up. One mount would have to be fabricated, and a couple of other sourced.

        Sounds like fun to me….

        Like 8
  2. Mitchell GildeaMember

    Wonder if that Getrag five-speed could handle a LS4…

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  3. Crazy Lou

    3.4Liter engine?

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    • Ralph

      The 3.4 DOHC V6 was a twin cam V6 made from the OHV 3.1 V6 by modifying it to OHC, there was a later OHV 3.4 V6 as well that was just a punched out 3.1 V6.

      The 3.4 DOHC V6 was made from 1991-1996, only available in the W body cars, it was also allegedly going to be the top engine option for the 2nd gen Fiero and the FWD neverwas to be F-body cars.

      It made 210-215 hp in the W cars but it could have made up to 275hp in different tune.

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      • Greg Johnson

        Only in the 5 speeds. 200 HP for the automatic cars.

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  4. Geoff

    At the price it might be fun to restomod in some fashion. But at the end of the day its an FWD GM car. Putting any kind of significant power in it would engender monumental torque steer and its never gonna be worth much. Maybe frame off swapped to an RWD chassis of some sort?

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  5. John B

    Had a black 92 Z34 5-speed – yeah it was fairly peppy but that DOHC 3.4 was an absolute serviceability NIGHTMARE. Yup, the timing belt snapped on this too, and finding a competent mechanic (GM or otherwise) was a bit of a challenge. It wasn’t just the problematic drivetrain, that bodystyle Lumina just had some really odd interior issues, i.e. the dash gauges that pointed downwards towards your lap, power window switches that were on the downward portion of the armrest, plus they worked opposite of the norm… I get the rarity of cars like this, but this is a classic case of rarity not always meaning desirability.

    Like 11
  6. PeteMember

    If it starts and runs as stated, wouldn’t a timing chain service and new tensioner make a difference. Isn’t it possible its usable without a complete rebuild?

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    • Eddie Diener

      The tensioners were defective once you got to 130,000 miles. The replacements are better. $1000 in parts and 3,000 in labour.

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    • Ralph

      I had a 3.4 DOHC Grand Prix and I broke the timing belt, it wasn’t an interference engine, the belt was replaced and the car ran another 60,000 miles after.

      Belts needed to be done at 60K on the dot, they didn’t last much beyond that point, mine was a 1993, but as far as I can recall, these engines don’t crash when the belt breaks.

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    • Greg

      Yes, as I understand it, only the later 3.4 DOHC engines were interference, so this could be an easy fix (at least compared to an engine rebuild). Someone seems to have gotten a steal.

      Like 1
  7. Superdessucke

    Would a 5.3 liter LS4 V-8 out of a 2005-08 Grand Prix GXP bolt into this thing? I don’t know enough about these to say but both are W-bodies, though the GXP is two generations removed from this. If so, you could even do the wider tires in front thing and do a lot of smoky burnouts with that 303 horsepower!

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  8. grant

    A friend’s parents had a pair of these, one black with the 5 speed and the other a red automatic. Idk what happened to the black one but the red one lunched head gaskets which were a complete pita.

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  9. Tom

    I had a 1994 Lumina Z34 Bought brand new. The stick was not available in 94(I went there to specifically order it and found out.)This was on of my favorite cars to own back then!! Quick for back then.handled like it was on on rails,was super quiet inside(no road noise) and road like glass. I was amazed back then.
    bose sound system was OK. Interior was eehhh blah but very comfortable . really an enjoyable car… Was black with beige interior. good old days

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    • Ralph

      If you wanted this engine with a much better interior you would get the Grand Prix GTP…..

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  10. Bakyrdhero Bakyrdhero

    This design hasn’t aged well. I’m a fan of the 90’s Z24’s and Beretta Z26’s. The Lumina was a boring, uninspired and dated design from the get go. The euro sports and Z34’s were a little exciting in hindsight, but hadn’t held up well IMO.

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  11. AndyinMA

    I bought a new 91 right when they first came out. It was fun enough to drive, but the quality issues were the worst I have ever had. And then there were those door mounted seat belts. I sold it right when the warranty ran out.

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  12. charlieMember

    My friend had one until (in New England) the front suspension/body rusted through. Until then it was a good city car, no one wanted to steal it, it got him to work and back reliably and could be parked in a parking lot safely. My Corvette, on the other hand, could not be left in a city parking lot or parking garage, pieces were stolen and I almost lost the whole car in an attempted theft. So, this is an unusual car (now – was in some rental fleets back then) and will still be a good city car. And no one will want to steal it.

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  13. Arby

    Who picked the names back then?

    Lumina – rhymes with enema…

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    • DN

      Not really 😒

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  14. Bakyrdhero Bakyrdhero

    Lumina, Corsica, Beretta…Seems the euro cars Had to end with an A.

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  15. Matt

    Cool to see! I have a 92 grand prix with the LQ1 and a 5 speed, fun car (though not a racecar by any means). I had a 94 cutlass with the same engine and snapped the timing belt, wasn’t too hard of a fix and no valve damage, though I heard the redesign for the 95/96 engines were interference though I’ve heard of people snapping the belt without issue. These engines got a bad rap for being hard to work on, but other than some dumb design choices it’s not bad, just a bit cramped.

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  16. Dave Mazz

    I had a 1992 Olds Cutlass Supreme with the 3.4 DOHC V-6 engine and Getrag 5-speed. It was easily the worst new car I ever owned. While still under warranty (thankfully) both the tranny and short block had to be replaced. While still under 50,000 miles, other things like a few electronic sensors, the alternator, the starter motor, the air-conditioner compressor, and a few more things failed. I finally got rid of it via a trade-in, and still feel sorry for the poor dealer who gave me $500 for this sorry P.O.S. of a car.

    Once the Cutlass was gone, I vowed that my next GM vehicle would have to be a snowmobile…..because they’d be having blizzards in hell before I bought another GM product!! My vow is still in effect, and my advice to anyone interested in buying this Lumina is; DON’T!!!

    P.S. I put a curse on the dealership where I bought the car, and they went out of business a few years later. The last time I drove by the place, there was some ladies exercise class workin’ out in the showroom.

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  17. Don Henderson

    I have and original paint red Z34 I did a sb chevy swap. added some frame 4 link coil over rear 9″ ford with 4 speed . Turned out sweet took me 10 year to complete working on and off. More off than on. Nice driving car head turner with carbon fiber rear wing and nose splitter.

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  18. Gabriel

    I bought this car. Was just out of time no internal engine damage. It ran when I bought it… barely. Couldn’t get itself over 25 mph.

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