Round Two: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro 327 Project

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UPDATE – This Camaro has surfaced again, this time in Piscataway, New Jersey and is currently bid up to $6,600. It’s been cleaned up and better documented this go around. If you’d like to give it another look, you can find it here on eBay.

FROM 11/16/2020 – Last week we reviewed a ’68 Chevrolet Camaro that had a bit of a controversial aspect to its listing and readers responded in kind, many thanks to all for your comments. Today, we are going to stay in a similar vein but back it up to 1967, the Camaro’s inaugural year. Our subject car is a project candidate that’s in need of some help so let’s take a look and see if it’s salvageable. Found in Middlesex, New Jersey is this 1967 Camaro Sports Coupe, it is available here on eBay for a current bid of  $6,800, eleven bids tendered so far.

As is always the case, first-gen Camaros get a lot of attention, regardless of the model or condition. They will always get eyeball coverage. This example is listed as an RS model but it’s not, it’s probably an error due to the model selection picklist within the listing medium. The RS package (RPO Z22) was popular however with almost 65K copies, out of a total production run of 220K, being bestowed with that appearance option. The dead-giveaway is the RS’ hidden headlights which is clearly not the case here.

This Camaro has typical rust in the usual places and some untypical rust in an unusual location, across the front of the hood. As for the typical locations, there is notable rot in the quarters, the rear wheel openings, and in the lower front fenders. The seller sums it up as follows: “As shown, needs pretty much new sheet metal on entire car Lot of rust as shown all over Needs windows on both sides Cosmetically a project car Has great potential …” There is no reference to the underside but it is safe to assume that it will be a continuation of what’s visible topside.

As for the engine, the seller states that it is a 74K mile original. Based on the cylinder head casting mark, it appears to be a 210 gross HP, 327 CI V8. It has been modded with an aluminum intake manifold, headers, an open-element air cleaner, and ostensibly, a four-barrel carburetor. The seller claims that it runs and drives great. The transmission in place should be a Powerglide, two-speed automatic. The seller advises that the brakes are “getting old” and new ones are in order.

The interior, unfortunately, is typically photographed with detritus everywhere. Why one wouldn’t remove their “junque” is a mystery to me. Interestingly, this Camaro is outfitted with a strato-back bench seat (RPO AL4), one of approximately 6,500 so equipped. Unfortunately, it is in sad shape but it can be reupholstered. The door cards are missing and the window regulator is haphazardly placed across the seat, which may explain the seller’s comments about this car needing side glass. There is carpet in place but it looks very rough, pretty much the same thing with the headliner. The dash pad, however, looks to be in good shape. Capping things off are a nice looking aftermarket steering wheel and an overly obvious B&M type gear selector.

Restorable? You bet unless the underside is ready to completely collapse. At what cost? Hard to say but these types of projects usually end up being a lot more expensive than originally budgeted. Let’s face it, you can completely rebuild a ’67 Camaro from scratch, including the use of an entirely new body if that’s your proclivity. Potential here? I think so, how about you?

*Thanks to for production statistics!


  1. Steve R

    Better to pass on this one, especially with the amount of visible rust. This looks like it was modified in the 80’s with inexpensive off brand or the least expensive name brand parts available. The steering wheel was about the cheapest wheel Grant had to offer and the Center Line knock offs, like all knock offs, didn’t age well. Unfortunately, this car will probably be bought by a beginner that looks at what will be a relatively low entry price for a first generation Camaro, not realizing that nicer examples, though more expensive are the better value when either time or cost of restoration are factored in.

    Steve R

    Like 28
  2. Phlathead Phil

    Rust never sleeps and corrosion never goes to bed.

    Ask me how I know?

    Like 8
  3. Mark

    Has Ohio plates. Butler county. Expired in Feb 2004.

    Like 2
  4. jerry z

    For the amount of money needed to make this car roadworthy, rather find a car done and pay a little more and not jave to deal with the headaches!

    Like 12
    • robert semrad

      Jerry Z…..”a little more”? Come on……

      Like 0
  5. Comet

    That “creative” heater hose stand off and clamp fabricated using threaded rod… Much better than a bungee cord… now that would look shabby.

    Like 3
    • oilngas

      At least he left the rubber fuel line laying against the engine and intake to pre-heat the fuel on those cold mornings.

      Like 8
    • Homer

      I think that’s rebar.

      Like 0
  6. Ron

    with the amount of rust that thing has. The subframes probably ready to fall out of the body

    Like 4
  7. Nate

    This is a bucket of rust. I’ve never seen a camaro hood rust through as this one has.

    Like 8
  8. George Mattar

    Junk. Nothing else.

    Like 3
  9. PRA4SNW

    SOLD for $7,300.

    Like 1
    • Steve Clinton

      No, it’s still up for bid. $8,100.00 with 2 days left.

      Like 0
      • Steve R

        That was the last time it sold, back in November. This is a different auction, with what appears to be a new seller.

        Steve R

        Like 0
  10. benjy58

    Rusty very very rusty. You’ll need a tetanus shot just to look at this one.

    Like 4
  11. James Bishop

    No real value to restore it , just a plain jane rust bucket unless you have a lot of sheet metal and lots of extra parts , but probably alot of headaches for a plain jane . Feed it to the Scrapenator !! . You would be upside down from day 1 .

    Like 2
  12. dogwater

    He said garaged looks like the garage without a roof…

    Like 2
  13. Leman

    a $600.00 car for $6600.00 how & why??

    Like 2
  14. Bobby noodle

    Not even a good parts cars , worthless .

    Like 4
  15. Paul S

    The only thing worth any money would be the engine, if it runs but most likely need a rebuild and scrap the rest. Bid should be $300.00 at best.

    Like 3
  16. Mongo

    Need a tetanus shot to drive this car.

    Like 0
  17. Timothy Phaff

    $9000.00 big ones, is the bid now!!! Well, if someone spends the time and money to bring her back, so be it. Better than seeing it get parts out ot\r crushed.

    Like 1

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