Superbird In Back: 1970 Dodge Charger R/T

1970 Dodge Charger RT

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So, the 440 equipped 1970 Charger R/T is cool and all, but look at what’s sitting behind it… There’s a real Superbird back there! A quick scan of the Q and A section at the bottom of the eBay listing proves that everyone else saw it and a few people want it badly. Apparently, the seller’s wife put together the auction description and now they are regretting that first photo. People are making offers on a car that isn’t even for sale and one guy even sent photos of piles of cash to entice them. It’s interesting to see how greedy people can act when they think they might be able to make a buck. We are probably guilty of fanning the flame, but it’s all in good fun. Hopefully the extra attention received from all this will help them sell the R/T project. The auction ends tomorrow and there is currently only one bid.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. jim s

    seller has some more cars and parts listed on ebay. i see 2 mustangs and a camaro in the background of photos. not sure seller made a mistake including the bird on the first photo. from the posting he has that sold also. seller has posted a lot of photos which is nice. great finds

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  2. bobhess Bob HessMember

    If those flares are factory, that car is a Carrera. Makes a difference!

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  3. JW454

    This was a way for him to get exposure to sell a high dollar item without paying any Ebay fees. There is always a loop hole.

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  4. Justin

    I like the seller’s comment for one of the people that wanted to buy the Superbird.

    Q: What is a good number to call you regarding the bird in the backround?I am in Lakeland, would it be possible to stop by and take a look? Thanks, Matt Jun-28-15
    A: I am not really selling it.. I have been offered $65,000.00 cash as is where is and shown the money in hand.. didn’t get off the couch for it..what price were you thinking, don’t want to waste your time… lisa
    Q: sure where are you located i dont wanna call long distance from my cell if your long distance i gotta call from the house. Jun-27-15
    A: if a long distance call will break you… this might be the wrong car to be looking at.. you might want to move on.

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    • Alan (Michigan)

      Nice comment….

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  5. JW

    Call me a idiot or a uneducated gearhead but I love Mopars except the Superbirds & Daytona’s, I just feel someone had a lot of spare time and some illegal substances along with spare parts to make such an ugly car. I know they are valuable to some but not to me, I have a neighbor who’s son bought a Daytona blue with white top and rear stripe, while the color helps the car it’s still god awful ugly to me. OK I’m done ranting and it’s raining here AGAIN so I’m POed !!!

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    • stillrunners

      JW….agree….being a Mopar guy on the Plymouth side….most likely would take the Daytona over the bird…..did chase a few Birds/Road Runner wing cars back in the day….alas….didn’t bring one home…

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  6. Justin

    Hey idiot! LOL

    I am not a Mopar guy but the Daytonas and Superbirds were built BY THE FACTORY for one thing and that was to go fast! The nose and the rear wing made these cars aerodynamic. They were so good that NASCAR band them from the track after their first season. As far as looks, they were a blur as they sped around the track.

    It did not matter what they looked like on the street. They were made for the track, but they had to be a production car, made to sell to the general public. They are low production cars, meaning that they are few to be had and that they are demanding high prices.

    I had several ’87 Monte Carlo SS Aerocoupes that were built specifically for NASCAR. Both were black, one with gray interior, the other burgundy, but only a few people knew what they were. I have been pulled over by the cops just so that they could find out what they were.
    You may know the man in the picture that drove one of these cars back in the day.

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  7. Justin

    You may be too young to remember this guy. His name is Richard Petty. He also drove one of those “ugly cars”.

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    • Woodie Man

      Just rub the blue emu on and your shift wont grind

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  8. Justin

    Here is “The King of NASCAR”, Richard Petty with the Iconic Superbird.

    @JW, Considered yourself educated and schooled the subject.

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    • JW

      Well now have we got our panties in a twist Justin, I know you have grown up in a negative way of responding to criticism as it is a politically correct world but come on we are all gearheads and some like certain cars others don’t, you are taking things way too personal. I like Gremlins / Pintos / Vegas all with big motors and modified to the max. Others think their ugly and worthless pieces of junk but that’s OK as I’m at the young age of 62 and nothing can upset me that much anymore, the world is too far gone for me to have a heart attack over cars. So please accept my apology and try to chill out. By the way I never have been a NASCAR FAN but I do know these gentlemen.

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      • Woodie Man


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    • redwagon

      but the guy in the first picture is different, right? who’s that?

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  9. booger

    The R/T has no VIN tag, no interior, and apparently no wiring. What a steal. At least it does have fender tag and broadcast sheet.

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    • stillrunners

      still scary no matter what make….if there is no vin plate….one will have to be acquired… like some other makes have #’s in other places…..still a dice roll…

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  10. bhankins

    Earnhardt’cars were in 1st and 2nd. He was driving for Richard Childress Racing in 3rd. And it was RCR which held the 3 out of competition for years, not the Earnhardts. Also, he was the Intimidator, not the Intermenator.

    And even though these winged cars were so ridiculous, and even though the Hemingway was so big and bad, the Fords/Mercury’s still won more races during the years that they were legal.

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  11. JW

    OK to keep things respectable around here I will no longer respond to or comment on your posts, and I respectfully ask the same of you.

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  12. 1970MockOne

    Always thought Mr. Ralph Dale Earnhardt was referred to, as the “Intimidator”.

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  13. JesseStaff

    Please chill out Jason and JW. This isn’t a place to insult people. We are all learning and that’s what makes this site fun. Thanks.

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    • josh

      not sure anyone is insulted. are you reading the same comment thread? Someone asked to be referred to as “idiot” and someone else jokingly addressed them as such and then cordially explained why the superbird/daytona gets so much attention. I think everyone knows what the opening “LOL” means. except maybe @JW.

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    • St. Ramone de V8

      Yep, Jesse is right. This part of the site is called “Speak your mind”, and it sometimes gets heated. It shouldn’t. If a guy thinks Superbirds and Daytonas look awkward or rusty hulks should be scrapped then they are “Speaking their minds “. Please don’t get nasty about it.

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    • JesseStaff

      I left the comments you are referring to, but had to remove a few offensive remarks after things got heated. Everything is alright now though.

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  14. Justin

    I stand corrected. This is good information.
    As far as the spelling goes, darn spell check.

    Yes, Dale Earnhardt was known for his aggressive driving style that earned him the nickname “The Intimidator”.

    However, Intermediator could describe him as well.
    Intermediator – verb (used without object), intermediated, intermediating.
    1. to act as an intermediary; intervene; mediate.

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  15. Chuck Foster Chuck F 55chevy

    Sold for $10,600, not a bad price.This is the same guy that had the 69 Charger R/T Field of Dreams feature, he has a 70 Mach I on Ebay at $4800 starting bid with 3 days to go, no bids.

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  16. RoughDiamond

    Let’s remember everyone’s opinion carries equal weight on here. I tend to think the whole SB thing was planned too as someone else suggested. I mean come on how do you not notice there is an incredibly rare and desirable SB in the background when taking pics. Once they got some bites the lady sure did not mind stoking the interest now did she? If that auction had of continued much longer I could have easily seen the eBay police shutting it down.

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  17. stillrunners

    oh don’t you love a ….p contest,,,,you can buy the nose and tail pieces – so beware…..and did someone say the big 43 car won how many races in a row – was it 11 ?….in 1967 against those little Fairlanes……glad those Ford’s had time to catch up…..

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  18. Chip H.

    Okay, I haven’t had or worked on Mopar in many years, but all other cars have the VIN tag attached to the body, not the dashboard. Stealing a dashboard would not end up with getting the tag. Very questionable excuse right there. I wouldn’t touch a car like this one, wouldn’t want my fingerprints on it. Yes, I know this one is sold already, just saying.

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  19. Justin

    This is what most Daytona and Superbird drivers saw in their rear view mirrors.

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