The Second Lamborghini Jalpa Built?

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The listing for this burned out Lamborghini Jalpa claims it may be the earliest production number available today, as the first one ever built resides in a museum and this car appears to be number two. Early production numbers can make all the difference in vintage car values, and even massive basketcases can be restored if the production numbers are low enough. Find this battered and burned Jalpa here on eBay for C $25,000 (or about $19K US).

There has to be an enormously interesting story as to how a Lamborghini Jalpa became a twisted, tangled mess and ended up on what looks like a farm in Alberta, Canada. Unlike the eBay seller we often see pulling wrecked vintage cars off of their many storage racks, it’s hard to identify a good reason why a car this badly damaged didn’t go straight to the insurance auction when it was initially totaled. To me, it looks like it ended up here completely  by accident.

While it’s fairly obvious that the cabin is decimated and the roof structure gone, the seller points to the presence of an engine as a bright spot. I’m not sure if this was in jest or meant as a serious selling point, but I suppose it’s at least numbers matching. I’ve never been sure how you go about reviving an engine that burned, but I’m sure it’s not cheap and likely only makes sense for the rarest or best-of-breed examples. It does, at least, come with a clean title.

If low production number Lamborghinis are your kind of car, this crusty Jalpa may look slightly appealing. That’s because, given the limited production of almost every Lamborghini model, early versions or low production number models are few and far between, regardless of which model is your favorite. If you compare it to owning the second Countach ever made, it starts to make a bit more sense as to why someone may take this burn victim home. Thanks to Barn Finds reader Ole J. for the find.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

    Jeff, you’ve piqued the interest of many I think with your question of why it’s here, and as to how it met it’s demise.
    Two thoughts as to why it’s burned: insurance or electrical/mechanical. In either instance there’s no immediately logical reason as to why it was found on a farm in Canada..
    As it’s believed to be the second Jalpa built it may have some intrinsic value to a select few collectors but what a job it’s going to be-to a hardcore Lamborghini follower though it may be their own Holy Grail. After all, Lamborghini is the last exotic car hold out to developing a fully electric model..
    On another tangent-
    I noticed the seller has a few other rusted hulks to sell; is this “patina” thing really that popular!?!?? 🤣

    Like 7
    • JohnP

      Is the still for sale or who owns it now?

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  2. Ralph

    This WAS the 2nd Jalpa built, but its not a car anymore, its not anything anymore.

    This is like trying to sell trash for $19,000……

    Cool melted Gotti wheels though…..

    Like 19
    • Ike Onick

      Hate to see the first one they built.

      Like 7
  3. sir mike

    It will never be a car again..

    Like 9
    • Karlton Spindle

      Want to bet I now own it..

      Like 2
      • kale moth

        I can vouche for Karlton owning it as I sold it to him! and there is a very cool story on how it was found

        Like 1
  4. BarnfindyCollins

    This car is a Canadian market Jalpa and that’s why it’s there. Cars catch on fire for many reasons it’s not necessarily due to fraud. A more interesting photo would be of the Lamborghini cars piled up behind the factory from test crashes over the years.

    Like 5
  5. hank

    …only $48,000 left to go to reach high NADA book…how much do you think it will take for an individual to restore?…time? money?…base engine and a few body panels?…

    Like 3
    • David Hatch

      $250k try to find parts even..

      Like 1
  6. Arthell64

    Ran before burned.

    Like 20
  7. Dave

    “This car appears to be Number Two” .


    Like 39
    • Steve

      I see what you did there.

      Like 8
    • t-BONE BOB

      Funny how everyone thinks that the VIN ending in 002 means that it was the second one produced. Italian manufacturers did not produce their cars in sequential order. This is a early car, no doubt, but it could have been the 20th car or 100th car.

      Like 3
      • Ralph

        I think it depended on which car started first at the end of the line……

        Like 1
  8. Stangalang

    💩🤣lmao…at least its good for par…well nothing

    Like 8
  9. rustylink

    looks more like a Jalpa-peno popper that stayed in fry basket too long…and actually would be worth more…

    Like 9
  10. George Mattar

    Mine recycle day is Wednesday.

    Like 5
  11. Tempo Matador Ray

    Just give me some rubbing compound and I’ll massage it back to life…

    Like 2
  12. Mike

    BHCC is on their way with a trailer and a check.

    Like 5
    • John

      If Gullwing doesn’t get there first. Then it will be $60,000 US.

      Like 3
  13. Poncho

    Strategic photos reveal little of the condition after sitting outside for who knows how long, and after a fire, not to mention how the front end got banged up and who knows how the windshield frame and roof got bent upwards. So you are left with twisted, heat distorted, rusty metal exposed to Canadian elements for who knows how long for a mere $25000? Heat was so hot it melted the wheels? Only needs everything? I wonder if he has the title. I’d say this one is TOAST!

    Like 2
  14. Glen

    $25000? not even $2500… maybe $1000…

    Like 1
  15. Wiley Robinson

    Look on the bright side, all those parts copped from the Fiat parts bin should be cheap and easy to replace.

    Like 2
  16. mjf

    Should buff out no problem…

    Like 5
  17. jimmy the orphan

    Cheer up ! you could park it anywhere anytime day or night and no one would steal it !

    Like 1
  18. paul oberman

    Ran when parked

    Like 2
  19. Steve

    25 you got to be kidding.

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  20. TimM

    The ridiculous meets the insane and the work together hand in hand!! Where do you start???? New body???? Can the manufacturer even send one??? There’s not a part on this car that hasn’t succumb to intensive heat!! I would save my money for a better less expensive project!!!

    Like 2
  21. 433jeff

    I definitely see number 2

    💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩 💩

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  22. Andrew Franks

    It’s absurd.

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  23. v

    it looks like they forklifted by the windshield frame. way to preserve parts…

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  24. dr fine

    Nothing of value except the VIN plate, and re-using it seems shady at the least. Rusty and welded metal can be painted, not so for burned steel.

    Like 1
  25. Michael Streuly

    All i have to say about this car is
    Clyde scrap the lambo.

    Like 0
  26. Concinnity

    That’ll buff right out.

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  27. Karl

    My only hope is there is something left I can hook my chain to so I can drag it on my trailer to haul it to the dump!

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  28. paul oberman

    The worst thing would be if he gave it to you and then……

    Like 0
  29. William Dillon

    Even the ones with paint are butt ugly. A Muira it ain’t.

    Like 0
  30. Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

    Terrific news, classic exotic lovers-the seller dropped the price $5000! Better get your bid in before it’s…..still sitting there a week later

    Like 2

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