Worth Saving? 1968 Chevrolet Camaro SS

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While it is a terrible experience when you lose your beloved set of wheels to the careless actions of another driver (been there, done that), there can’t be a much more heartbreaking moment than to watch your pride and joy being consumed by good old Mother Nature. That has been the fate of this Camaro SS, as it is the victim of flood damage. It is now listed for sale here on eBay. The Camaro is located in Lowell, Massachusetts, and it comes with a flood/water damage title. Regardless of the damage to the car, bidding has been quite brisk. After opening at $1,000, it has now reached $7,388.

The external appearance of the Camaro shows some obvious signs of body damage. There is some damage to the hood, the nose, and the top. These may have been inflicted by floating debris, or the car itself may have bobbed around in the water, hitting things as it went.. The overall appearance of the car is pretty good, and all of the panel damage is repairable. The seller claims that the car had only clocked 12,300 genuine miles prior to the flood, which I do find to be quite a believable claim. I’m not sure how long ago the flood happened, but apart from a couple of small spots of surface corrosion, it looks like the car currently doesn’t have any rust issues.

Mother nature has also left her calling card inside the vehicle, with a fair coating of leaf litter throughout the car. I have been examining the photos carefully. I was hoping to locate a ” high tide mark,”  as this would provide an indication of how deeply the car was submerged. Since one isn’t visible, it is probably a fair assumption that the car was completely submerged. I’m not sure how long ago this all occurred, but it’s also a safe bet that the car is probably smelling a bit swampy inside by now. There’s no doubt that the whole interior will need to be stripped out, and only then will the new owner know what can be salvaged.

The engine looks quite clean, but I guess that’s hardly surprising. It’s a 350ci V8 with an automatic transmission. If the flooding occurred in the recent past, then the engine, transmission, and rear end may have survived to the point where a decent flush out will save them. What worries me is the fact that there is corrosion starting to form on components like the master cylinder, which doesn’t bode too well for the engine itself. The seller has made no attempt to start the engine, which may be a good thing. Hopefully, though, it can be salvaged.

Buying this Camaro will take a leap of faith. Restoration will involve a fair amount of stripping components from the car and drying the whole thing out. For me, the most pressing question would be how long the car has been sitting since the damage was inflicted. The longer it’s left, the worse it’s going to be. Is this one that you would take on, or are there too many unknowns with this one?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

    @ COPART?

    I don’t believe that the seller has any way of knowing what the actual mileage is of this car. The claim is based on what is showing. Obviously, this is a milder “resto-mod”. Could be nice, but please, seller spare us the hyperbole!

    Like 22
    • Steve R

      You are right, there is no way of knowing the actual mileage. This is another case of someone claiming whatever is showing in the speedometer is proof. Either they believe it’s true or are hoping potential buyers is gullible enough to believe it’s true, probably the latter.

      This car looks good, but there are signs the work, at least recently wasn’t. The brake lines coming off of the master cylinder look amateur, the routing of the spark plug wires isn’t well thought out, the fake braided hose coverings are dated and point to a possible late-1990’s, same with the valve covers, which were also popular at that point in time. I’d have a good look at the underlying bodywork, if it wasn’t done well initially it will come back to haunt whoever buys this car.

      Steve R

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      • Dan S breer

        It’s a standard not an automatic as stated

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  2. RayT

    The mileage really doesn’t matter. If the “flood” reached higher than the bottom of the wheel rims, I’d expect to have to strip this down to the bare, echoing shell and start over. Everything mechanical should be opened up, dried out, cleaned thoroughly and put back together with fresh gaskets, seals, bearings, etc.

    Then the cosmetics: wouldn’t surprise me if the body damage resulted from salvage operations or time in a Copart yard. Some of it looks tricky to me, unless the next owner just trows on a new hood, front panel, etc. The interior would have to be gutted, too, perhaps saving the seat covers, but ditching the padding underneath. Carpet’s a goner, too.

    Did I mention wiring and electronics? No, but you get the idea. To me, this would be a fun project with a lot of heavy DIY thrown in. Is it worth $7K? Possibly, but I’m afraid you’d be underwater before getting this back on the road.

    Like 37
    • CapNemo

      Ha! Underwater! I see what you did there!

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  3. canadainmarkseh

    Ray T you have nailed it on this car. My only concern is was the flood salt water or fresh water. It would matter in how I delt with the restoration I agree everything needs to be gutted out accessed and stored I’d then take the empty shell to a wash bay and wash out every knock and cranny that I could get the spray nozzle into. I agree that the seat covers look ok but the foam would likely have Mold in it and stink. Engines that take on water when there not running are easy to get up and running. Engines that were running are likely to have bent connecting rods from liquid slugging the Pistons other wise known as hydrolic effect. As for transmissions ans axles a simple clean and flush service should be adiquate. Electrical again it would depend on weather it was salt or fresh water. And connectors will be your concern. All of these wires will come out of the plastic connected blocks with out damage. Then it’s just a matter of filing/ sanding off the corrosion and plugging it back together. Remember by the time this car was built all wiring was plastic coated and very resistant to moisture.if this were a 2018 camero I’d say forget it but this car has no computer tech in it so way easier to deal with. JMHO.

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    • jdjonesdr

      Agreed. Piece of cake if it was fresh water, whole different story if it was salt water.

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      • Walter

        Absolutely right on with regard to the salt water issue. This one deserves a closer look. I am betting on a low,fresh water flood. The trunk,gauges etc… will tell a pretty good story,keeping in mind if it was in the garage with water damage it would be to totalled out too.

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    • Tom

      Fresh water is much better, Houston flood cars routinely brought 75% and above on copart and ebay. I bought a Houston flood brand new Chrysler Pacifica with 300 miles on it and couldn’t be happier.

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  4. Classic Steel

    Aside from price which is going GA GA this would not scare me on a restoration. Your body is not rusted through or massive damage to inside.

    I would buy the car and gut the insides in a garage . This is take everything out to metal and then scrub and clean and dry out and who cares rattle can the floors and inner doors and dash as it’s all mainly undercover. The visible parts will clean and wax out. I just think the floors needs some primer and paint to ensure no future rust. Drain the engine oil out and remove the pan and manifold and valve covers to let it dry out. Then reassemble after making sure after oil down the spark plug holes allow the engine to turn freely . I bet the engine will save fine. The automatic needs the pan removed and drained and let dry prior to new fluid etc. the rearend the same on removing the rear pan but
    these usually are solid and I bet no water is in rearend.

    Rebuild the rear brakes and flush the lines as well as gas tank dropped and remove the fuel pump and let it dry.

    Reassemble .. start.. put your wiring Harned back and clean guages or replace with digital for
    fun…drive it two hundred miles and change oil and trans fluid and depending on coloration of fluids repeat again or go 1000 and repeat …

    This to me is easier than many rusty projects…

    Like 7
    • Vince H

      Use POR 15 on the floors

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  5. Bernie

    Roof is also dented!

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  6. KevinLee

    If that’s an automatic car, it’s camoflauged very well. I see two pedals and a manual shifter.

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    • jdjonesdr

      That’s just to throw you off.

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    • Classic Steel

      Good eye and yep I missed the best part of a classic muscle car …

      I must have had “manual” memory loss🤦‍♂️ ..Ugh the pedal miss…😔

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  7. J PaulMember

    I noticed that this 350 car has 396 badges—while I’m sure it was a lovely car before the flood, there’s not a lot here to prove the low-mileage claim or that it’s an actual SS.

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    • Rik

      If you look at the position of the heater hoses, it was a big block car to start…I think this one’s got a deep history we’ll never know…

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      • Steve R

        The big block heater core swap was very common. I had several friends do so when they rebuilt the engines in the Camaros, the parts were still available through GM at least into the mid-80’s, and are currently available aftermarket $55 for the outer housing, $70 for the heater core. The swap made work around the engine and plug wires easier. I wouldn’t consider its presence as proof of anything.

        Steve R

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  8. John C

    Yep $7000 is possibly the very most I’d pay for it. Feel better at $5,000, the cost will keep popping up right and left and WILL add up.

    When I was a kid a guy who restored cars told me, estimate a figure of cost and then multiple by 2 1/2 and there is your cost. I’ve restored several and kept his advise in mind.

    Will be one headache and problem solving quest after another. I’ve never restored water damaged car. Be I know only Fire is more destructive.

    In love with theses cars they were new when I was in high school.

    I believe it was a TV show called Road and Track that a Camero in the opening scene would back up at high speed the driver would then spin it around, with out loosing a beat. Amazed me then and still does.

    Wish nothing best of luck to guy or girl who brings this back.

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    • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

      Called a J-Turn. Not that difficult, and fun. Selecting the correct gear mid-spin is crucial to a proper getaway!

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  9. Joe

    Article stated automatic tranny, but looks like clutch pedal in picture and manual shifter which would improve car value and would fair better in flood.

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  10. Gary Fogg

    I bought a flood damaged 2002 Mercedes Benz CLK320 back in 2003, to date I have STILL not finished it !!!!! Flood cars are a B***H unless you are parting them. Do yourself a favor and and stick to accident or rust damage. Trust Me !

    Like 6
  11. Steve A

    Wasn’t this car listed before??? I’m pretty sure it was.

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  12. Rx7turboII

    The car is up on copart with no reserve, so either the guy selling it on eBay owns the car and he’s listing it on multiple sites, or he’s bidding on it on copart ( currently at around $2500.00) and hoping to turn a fast profit….hmmmm…..

    Either way it’s a really cool car with an awesome stance!

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    • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

      Selling something that you don’t own…

      Isn’t that illegal?

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    • PRA4SNW

      Yep, I found the auction here: https://www.copart.com/lot/49700518
      $5100 seems like a more realistic price for this.

      And, it’s got the tell-tale Copart zip tie around the column.

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      • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

        COPART now at $8K with 4 and a half days left, while FleaBay has bidding at $13,600 but with less than two days to go. Certainly seems as though the flipper/scammer/opportunist is set to make a tidy profit, on a vehicle that is not even owned, but….. Not sure how that is going to work, selling out the front door, before the prize has come through the back door.

        This just has to be illegal somehow. Certainly seems to be unethical! Seriously, the eBay lister is insisting on a $500 “non-refundable” deposit within 24 hours of the auction end, and the COPART auction will still be running. Yep, selling something that you don’t own…. Not OK.
        Liars. “Item location: Lowell, Massachusetts”. Well no, COPART says it is in Raleigh, NC.

        That is against eBay’s policy:
        Item location misrepresentation policy

        To make sure buyers have a clear understanding of shipping charges and delivery times, all sellers must provide clear and accurate information in their listings about where their item is located.

        Like 0
      • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

        Looks like the seller has a Bunch of COPART cars in the pipeline….


        Based on the history, this is definitely a new thing for this seller!

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  13. Fahrvergnugen FarhvergnugenMember

    Wonder what the pedestrian that got hit and thrown onto the hood / windshield / roof looks like…

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    • moosie Craig M Bryda

      Yeah , me too. Could have been a Deer or something similar also.

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  14. Gaspumpchas

    Would be interesting to see what this brings. Depending on what the underbelly looks like, might be good to take it all the way down put on a rotisserie, and go from there. Roll the dice, rust or flood damage—neither one is a bargain!!!. my $.02 worth. Good luck to the new owner.


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  15. Vance

    Run Forest Run, you guys scared me and I’m not even a buyer.

    Like 2
    • Steve A


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  16. Shaun Dymond

    $12,100 and rising. Sure is a lot of love for this SS.

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  17. Stilbo

    Easy fix. Wouldn’t cost a lot either.
    I’ve taken on three muscle car flood victims.
    And I profited on all three.
    Key thing is to make sure that the damage isn’t too extensive and make sure it isn’t a Bondo Monster
    Even the hillbilly underhood stuff would be easy to correct.
    Tragedy is also watching a ‘67 Shelby GT500 get t boned in an intersection by a Toyota blowing a red light at 50 mph.
    Both drivers were unbelievably okay but the Shelby owner simply got out of the car, laid down on the pavement and wailed like a baby…
    I waited for the police to give a witness statement..

    Like 3
  18. Del

    No thanks.

    My Pool is already full.

    And the insurance company is getting suspicious 😂

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  19. Tom

    The car will come clean, but the title is stained for life.

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  20. Lucky strike

    Looks like a 4-speed car to me and it also says 396 SS on the side so which one is it an automatic or stick. ????

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  21. Comet

    This car is definitely worth saving. Look at some of the rusted out hulks talented folks bring back from the dead. Flood cars often get a unjustified rap. There is a HUGE difference between salt and fresh water flood cars. I’m driving a branded title 2017 Ford Escape right now that was a fresh water flood car on a new dealers lot. I bought it for 50% of new sticker price. 26000 miles so far without issue. Depth of submersion is also a big factor. This Camero looks to be a very nice car, and worthy of repair. I’m curious to see what kind of money it brings.

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  22. Paul Grumsha

    Those brake master cylinders are rust by the 1 st Monday after the weekend you changed it out! 25k for this car, no matter what the damage.

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  23. DonS

    This does NOT appear to be a flooded car (I repaired a flooded 93 Porsche 911). The dry (not wet and muddy) leaves in the back seat are probably from a lowered window. There is no corrosion on the battery terminals – classic sign of salt water submersion (always disconnect the battery of a flooded car to stop corrosion). No mud or even dirt lines or puddles anywhere and yet it doesn’t seem freshly cleaned – the valleys of the intake manifold always hold mud). No moisture in the speedo which indicate water intrusion or sometimes just a damp cockpit. Looks like a garage or tree collapsed on the car causing damage – possibly from a hurricane and thus “flood” damage.

    As for the Copart link noted by Rx7turboII and PRA4SNW. This guy has multiple cars listed on eBay that he hopes to win on Copart and flip tot he eBayer. Great plan until someone Googles the VIN and finds it at Copart and just bids themselves. He covers his but but complaining that a non-paying bidder caused the relist when in reality he is postponing due to the auction taking longer than expected – typical at Copart waiting for paperwork or pricing from their seller.

    I just checked – the seller has NO feedback from selling activities!

    Totally worth saving and probably an easy project for a body shop. But buy it direct from Copart…

    Like 3
    • Ronald

      I see other salvage title Copart cars listed on Ebay at a California lot so I assumed this was a Copart employee listing this. If its not he is pretty brave in listing something he does not have in his possession yet nor with proper paperwork that could take months to get. And he has not even won the auction yet. Big kahunas for sure in my book Aside from that I would not be afraid of this car at all. Ive built and owned many salvage cars including driving 3 as we speak. I think Dons is right on about the no dirt, leaves etc. The only people to know true story is the po and the insurance. Wound not bother me in the least if I wanted it.

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      • Tom

        I’m aware of dealers who list the same car on copart and ebay at the same time, I suppose they can manipulate the reserve to take the best deal. This car is listed as “enhanced”, which means copart basically steam cleaned the whole car…removing any signs of high water mark, mud, etc. common for flood cars.

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  24. Graham R

    I can’t see any evidence of a waterline on the interior (or other tell-tale signs as mentioned by DonS) and the engine bay is quite nice and clean, so I wonder if this old girl has been the victim of a falling tree in a big storm and the water damage is simply from rain that may have got into the cabin? In any event it warrants closer inspection, but my feeling is that restoration may not be all that daunting.

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  25. DaveA

    I have a Explorer that I am at least the third owner of and the second previous owner couldn’t pay for the tags and instead of making it non op she called it salvaged and the title reflects same. This year insurance companies are either not accepting or charging a higher premium for salvage. Buyer beware. I will be more careful till the ins. Companies change.

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  26. Sam Shive

    PARTS CAR……..Nuff Said

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  27. stevee

    Now at $14,000 plus, and counting. 2 hrs to go, to get your bids in!

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    • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

      Why would anyone who knows better bid for this on eBay?

      Bid @ COPART!

      It’d be fun to bid up the price there so that the eBay lister is underwater and can’t deliver the car to the unsuspecting eBay buyer!!!!

      This certainly does NOT seem like a legitimate business practice, selling something before it is bought!

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  28. stevee

    Last bid was $15,200. Sold, or ??

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  29. PRA4SNW

    I reported it to both EBay and Copart. I don’t expect EBay to do anything about it, but I explained to Copart that I would never have confidence in bidding on any of their auctions if they allow people to advertise cars that they don’t even own yet.

    But then, they are a business like any others, and $$ always wins.

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    • stevee

      It’s not Copart’s fault that a person took pics of the car, and listed it on eBay. Copart has possession of the car and likely has ALL the correct documents to list it for sale. I have bought and sold cars with them, and they are very precise in the handling of the sale of cars. It’s the ‘middle man’ that’s responsible for the mucked up eBay sale!

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      • PRA4SNW

        The point of my posting is not to blame Copart for the actions of another person.
        They should be made aware that some folks are trying to circumvent their system by stealing and posting pictures of their inventory and then misrepresenting that they themselves own it.
        I would think that any business would want to know this and have processes in place to deal with it.

        Now, if the EBay seller would admit that they are acting as an agent for Copart and they don’t actually own the vehicle but are helping the buyer to procure the vehicle, that’s a different story. In this case, the seller doesn’t even mention Copart at all.

        There have been some of those EBay auctions posted here at BF. The seller will say that the car is located at Copart and that they, in fact, purchased the vehicle and are now re-selling it, with pickup to take place at Copart. That’s an entirely different scenario.

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      • Tom

        I’m not sure there’s anything illegal about this, and I doubt Copart even cares. Our local dealer wholesale auction openly suggests bidding dealers post pics and try to make a sale prior to ownership in order to drive their sale. It’s called entrepreneurship…everybody wins.

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      • PRA4SNW

        No matter how many places encourage or ignore it, it can be considered underhanded at the very least. I, as a buyer, am putting faith in the fact that the person I am doing business with has actual ownership of the item they are selling.

        I guess the next step is these “entrepreneurs” grabbing pictures of items off of Craigs List and throwing them on EBay. For all of the crap that people here give flippers, this is much more underhanded.

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      • DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

        If you compare photos…. They are the same in both auctions. It appears as though the eBay seller just lifted the images from COPART!

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  30. DayDreamBeliever DayDreamBeliever

    Well, this IS getting interesting… $14,400 at COPART, with a day and a half yet to go. Not sure what the auction fees are, but it seems as though all profit potential is gone. I wonder if the eBay bidder/winner has paid the $500? If he will ever get the car? If he is the same bidder as on COPART? Curious minds want to know, LOL!

    Like 1

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