You Can Write For Barn Finds!

Dirty Car Art

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Everyday we receive dozens of submissions from our readers and we just can’t keep up! That’s a good problem to have, but it also makes it hard to find a minute to work on our own cars or to even take a weekend off. So, if you think you have what it takes to write for Barn Finds, then we want to hear from you!

What could be better than getting to write about classic cars everyday? We get to work with great people and have a lot of fun doing it. The fast-paced nature of an online publication isn’t for everyone though. It takes stamina and a serious love for automobiles. There are no age or gender requirements and we don’t expect applicants to know everything about every car. We do expect you to know what makes up a good barn find though. The application process is simple. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Write a short paragraph about yourself and why you want to write for BF.
  2. Find two cars, trucks, etc. that you think our readers would get excited about.
  3. Write a story about each in a format similar to how we do it.
  4. Copy this all into an email and send it to us at

After reviewing everyone’s stories, we will publish the best ones (credit will be given) and we will contact you to discuss the position. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments below. Thanks guys!


Photo Credit: Dirty Car Art

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Julles

    How long do we have to turn it in?

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Let’s give it a week, but the sooner the better. Thanks!

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  2. db

    Great idea Jesse! I look forward to reading more about this

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  3. Howard A. Howard AMember

    Hmm, write for BF’s, you say. Interesting. While I’m not sure I could make a commitment like that, some say when you mix hobby with a job, it’s not the same. However, a few questions come to mind. 1) Is this a paying gig? (Y or N) 2) are the leads provided, or do we have to find them ourselves? ( could be a problem with my “backwoods” internet service) 3) Any pressure involved? ( c’mon man, you aren’t cuttin’ it) 4) just 1 opening? and lastly, done from home computer (or do we relocate to Idaho or where ever?) Personally, I’d like to see a woman on the staff. Would sparkle things up a bit ( and give a perspective other women may enjoy) and it seems things may be headed that way anyway. (Oops, no politics) Good luck, there’s some knowledgeable people here, so should go smooth.

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Good questions Howard. Here’s the answers:

      1) This could turn into a paid position depending on experience and ability.
      2) We do forward the good reader submissions received.
      3) Pressure? We are pretty laid back, but will mention things if they need mentioning.
      4) The number of positions will depend on how many posts each candidate can commit to each week.
      5) This can be done from home whenever the writer has time.

      I hope that helps. Thanks for asking!

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      • Scot Carr

        ~ Good plan, guys. I view cars and trucks almost every minute that I am online so if I see something that inspires me I will write it up.

        . But the primary reason I comment is to salute Dirty Car Art.
        terrific work!! I’m sharing.
        well said Howard

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    • PhxBarbie

      Howard I like the way you think. There’s plenty of women who love cool cars and trucks.

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      • Howard A. Howard AMember

        Hi PhxBarbie, oh, I know. My ex-gf, who grew up on a farm, still remember’s the old Ford farm pickup that was the 1st vehicle she drove ( a mid-50’s) and would love to find one to rattle around in. I’ve noticed a big increase in women at car shows lately, and not sitting in a lawn chair doing knitting while the old man shows off his GTO. It’s HER GTO now, and pickups too. Seems there’s a lot of women, like my ex-gf, that going through old pictures or have memories of dad’s ( or grandpa’s) truck, and they want to be part of that. I don’t see a lot of women on these types of sites, they’re a timid bunch, but get them talking about their car at a show, and they have a lot offer.

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  4. van

    You know, would
    A husband and wife team work.
    And yea what Howard said

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Sure, I suppose that would work. Send in your stories and we will give them a look. Thanks!

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    • Howard A. Howard AMember

      Hi van, sadly, I don’t have a wife. ( taking applications for that, btw)( crickets chirping) Besides, I’d be a little leery of a husband and wife venture ever since that one canoe trip. :)

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  5. Dan the Man

    Sounds like fun to me, weather it is a paid Gig or Not!!!!

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    • motoring mo

      Sounds like the write guy for the job

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      • Scot Carr

        ftw! ~

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  6. Scotty G

    Dream job! I combined my love for being an architect and being a photographer into my dream job of being a full-time architectural photographer, so it is actually possible to do what you love and still make a great living at it.

    This writing opportunity sounds like it would be more of a labor (or, labour, depending on if you’re hiring anyone from Canada, Great Britain, or Australia / NZ) of love more than a paying career. Although, anything is possible in this country, as we all know.

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  7. Danian

    I am a guy from Poland but totally fascinated with american cars. I would love to try myself writing for your site, but I am worried about language barrier. I mean I think my english isn’t good enough. I have been already writing for polish us cars sites and one printed magazine. But it’s still not english :) You think I should give it a try in this circumstances? :)

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  8. Jake

    Hi Jesse!

    I am super excited about this application and have composed a few articles for your review. In what format would you like the write-up submitted? Word, PDF, other? Here is a preview of one of the articles (picture attached)

    Thank You!

    – Jake from MN

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      Just stick them in an email. Thanks Jake!

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  9. Jake

    Thanks Jesse! Sending the first one now, maybe you can use it for the evening edition email!

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  10. Michael

    How many applications are you accepting?

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    • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

      As many as people send in.

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      • Michael

        Also, is there a minimum and/or a maximum to how many articles you write?

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      • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

        We asked for two samples.

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      • Michael

        I meant if you approve someone to write articles on this website, is there a minimum or maximum to how many finds they can post on here.

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      • Jesse Mortensen JesseAuthor

        Yes there is, but that will be set with each writer depending on how much time they can commit. Thanks for clarifying.

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      • Michael

        Thank You for answering my questions.

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  11. Victor

    Is it too late to submit? I saw this post only a few days ago?

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