This 1964 VW Beetle with a metal sunroof is fresh from a barn after 28 years and is for sale here on craigslist for a very reasonable $1,900. The floor pan is solid and the rest of the car looks like a great start for a project. You could just do the mechanical work and the interior and drive it like it is, or, of course go all out and restore it for not a lot of money. It’s located in Auburn, Washington. (Oh and look at the roofline of the truck. What do you suppose it is?) If you need a less expensive project or parts for this one, have a look at the 1966 in the last two pictures. It’s free and listed here on TheSamba.
Gone already…
Even the free parts car looks salvageable.
Love the flat deck to truck!!
someone got a lot of vw parts for their money. truck looks like a COE or stub nose.
Good deal.