Custom Made For John Belushi: 1975 Chevrolet Corvette

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When you think of those famous Hollywood custom autos from back in the sixties, there’s a good chance the late George Barris had a hand in their creation if it happened to be a TV car, with a couple of his more famous creations including The Munsters coach and the Batmobile.  But up for grabs here on Craigslist is a later-era Corvette, an unusual C3 from 1975 that Mr. Barris custom-made for John Belushi, so if you’ve been in the market for a 1 of 1 type offering with celebrity ties this one’s probably worth a look.  It’s located in Bellingham, Washington, and comes at an asking price of $24,999, or the best offer.  Yargbull, we appreciate your excellent tip here!

We don’t get any details about the Corvette under Blues Brother extraordinaire John Belushi’s time with the car, but apparently, the car went into a collection of a man named John Foster in 1995 and remained there until he passed away.  It was then sold at his estate sale but now is in search of another home.

Some custom fiberglass creations seem to turn out better than others, but for the most part, I’m kind of on board with what’s been done here.  The fenders and quarters have been reshaped and extended upward, with a continental-style rear end and a Lincoln emblem over it for those unaware of what this shape is trying to emulate.  I kept staring at those taillights and finally decided they were borrowed from an AMC Gremlin, or at least I think so.  The front end has a totally custom look as well.

Other than the fact that there’s a 350 under the hood, we get very little additional information about the drivetrain other than the transmission is automatic and that the car is very dependable.  We can see some headers in the bay leading to chrome side pipes, a very popular touch back in the day, and there’s also a set of Erson dress-up valve covers and air cleaner.  The mileage is listed as 24,500 and has rolled over.

We only get this one photo of the interior, which looks to be in well-preserved condition overall, and I’m guessing the T-Top panels are stored behind the seats in the baggage compartment.  The seller also throws out the idea of a possible trade, up or down, and is interested in something else that’s a head-turner but not a project, so if you’ve got a car that fits that description maybe you all can work out a deal.  What are your thoughts on this one-of-a-kind custom 1975 Chevrolet Corvette?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. KC JohnMember

    Too ugly for words. It’s just horrible. Gremlin taillights? George Barris… subtle wasn’t exactly his forte.

    Like 50
    • Sherm

      We call that Fugly

      Like 27
    • Ed Rosko

      Agreed. Looks like something Belushi and Robin Williams would have sketched out on a dive bar napkin after a three day bender.

      Like 42
    • Stan

      Perfect for Belushi, a total riot that guy lol. Automatic, so one hand is on the cigarette 🚬 and waving 👋 to the fans.

      Like 9
    • Ricardo Ventura

      I’m a fan of Mr.’s work. George Barris, but with all due respect, this is horrible.

      Like 6
      • John Jasper

        Gene Winfield was also one of those shops that was building cutoms back in the day so maybe it wasn’t a Barris custom.

        Like 1
      • bobhess bobhessMember

        This looks like Barris’ work. Winfield wasn’t into the wild and crazy.

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    • BlackTa

      I don’t hate it…

      Like 1
  2. Animal House Backup Car

    Food fight leftover from Animal House.

    Bring the dogs to check out tgis car prior to purchase in case its still housing powders 😉

    Like 8
  3. Vin_NJ

    Car looks like it either sits too high or the tires are too small. Way too much space in the wheelwells

    Like 17
    • Frank TA

      I agree, it makes it look like a “kit” car from the sides.

      Like 5

      For some reason, when the springs are replaced on the C-3’s they always look like a 4 WD conversion.

      Like 0
  4. Nevadahalfrack NevadahalfrackMember

    George Barris has a Pablo Picasso moment..

    Like 15
    • Ike Onick

      Or “Bluto” supplied some Bolivian Marching Powder to keep the job moving

      Like 5
  5. JoeNYWF64

    Is that a modified Oldsmobile badge on the back?!
    Still no opening trunk lid – or hatch.
    With those fins on the door, not sure now if the mirror could be put back on.
    I’m surprised it doesn’t have custom wheels or steering wheel.

    Like 1
    • Henry Dupuis

      It appears to have a Camaro steering wheel based on the badge in the center. Odd choice.

      Like 4
    • Henry Dupuis

      It appears to have a Camaro steering wheel based on the badge in the center. Odd choice. That is also a Lincoln badge on the back. Weird.

      Like 4
  6. RoadDog

    Love it or hate it, it’s definitely a head-turner. Would love to take it down Route 66 in 2026!

    Like 6
  7. Gary

    Never cared for the Barris built cars……..This is one of the worst……… my opinion

    Like 16
    • Randy Carlson

      Barris had nothing to do with this car. Google “Cooper Markette” and you will see the real story.

      Like 8
      • Steveo

        “motorized mutation” and not in the kindest way.
        This is horrible.

        Like 2
      • Jim

        Correct. There are pictures of a white one I posted under the Facebook post for this car.

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  8. Troy

    Add doesn’t mention any documentation that what the seller claims is true. But the beauty of fiberglass is you can change it to fit your style

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  9. Dave from CT

    I agree with Vin NJ the wheel openings are way too high. And I don’t like the rest of it either. Look at the overspray orange in the engine bay. Upper rad hose, vacuum advance, etc. Someones going to try and tell you its been rebuilt.

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  10. Big Len

    Give it the same fate as the the guitar in Animal House.

    Like 8
    • Mike VickersMember

      …or just dump mustard all over it.

      Like 3
    • Doug7488

      A Mud Fence comes to mind…

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  11. Fahrvergnugen FahrvergnugenMember

    Looks like it got punched by a Stutz Blackhawk and kicked by a Toronado SX.

    Like 10
  12. FlGuy

    Lesson on how to ruin an otherwise beautiful Corvette.

    Like 8
  13. Allen L

    Interesting nostrils in the front end…

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  14. Jay Finke

    I like it.

    Like 5
  15. PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

    Why would you put a Lincoln hood ornament on a Corvette?

    As a child of the ’60’s, I usually like Barris’s outrageous creations. This one not so much.

    Like 4
    • PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

      After looking up “Cooper Markette” I realize that this is NOT a Barris creation. Thank God for that, I can still appreciate the cars he did kustomize.

      BTW, that thing is just ugly.

      Like 5
  16. KenMember

    What do you get when a corvette, tbird , toronado and continental have an orgy ???

    Like 3
    • Frank TA

      You left out the AMC Gremlin.

      Like 7
  17. Al camino

    How do you get a corvette this high? The tires don’t look small enough,I don’t remember ever seeing one this high unless it was four wd

    Like 3
    • SirRaoulDuke

      How do you get a Corvette this high? An 8-ball should do the trick.

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      • Steveo

        I see what you did there, and a stunning tribute to Belushi

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  18. John

    LOL, Belushi gets a last laugh on us. This thing was built as a joke, don’t ya get it?!

    Like 5
    • Roland Schoenke

      It just so ugly!

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  19. Threepedal

    Are there still drugs anywhere in this thing?

    Like 3
  20. Jack Quantrill

    Why turn a good looking car into a Frankenstein? From the land of fruits and nuts!

    Like 3
  21. Big Bear 🇺🇸

    Ok yes it’s fugley.. but … put nice 16″ or 17″ wheels it’s would definitely help. Those front fender wing were shave down and rounded a bit. Get rid of that Continental emblem in the back. Put a nice Corvette racing flag emblem back there. Then it would not look so bad. 🐻🇺🇸

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  22. Tony Primo

    At least he didn’t sacrifice a desirable Corvette. The 1975 model was the lowest base horsepower of any V-8 Corvette.

    Like 6
  23. Randy Carlson

    This has absolutely nothing to do with George Barris. This is a Cooper Markette, a blend of Corvette and Lincoln Mark V styling.

    I assume the Belushi connection is BS as well.

    Like 17
  24. RallyeMember

    It wasn’t a real desirable car before the custom work.

    If you gave it to me, I’d grab the Sawzall before anybody saw it.

    Like 1
  25. rbig18

    Randy is correct. This is not George Barris car at all. You can read and see for yourself here. Pretty much makes anything this seller claims as questionable.

    Like 2
  26. Sam

    FUBAR. George Who?

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  27. I_cant_drive_65

    I’m not convinced this is a 1 of 1 given the cooper markette history and looking at the vintage pictures. There was unfortunately more of this spawn out there at one point

    Like 4
    • Frank TA

      Yes, if you google, “Cooper Markette” you will see there were several of these Corvettes made. Basically look the same with minor differences, like different tail lights for example.

      Like 2
  28. dogwater

    I’ve been restoring corvettes for years it was a labor of love many hours of body work put in to this car.

    Like 2
    • Christopher

      Love is blind sometimes.

      I agree that real skill went into the modifications, but the end result is aesthetic torture.

      Like 1
  29. bill tebbutt

    It’s a huge challenge to make a 1975 less appealing. Insurmountable, given the prior legacy of Corvette styling, some would say. The creator of this beast succeeded – congratulations!


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  30. Dan H

    Some people were doing a lot of coke back then.

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  31. 59poncho

    Looks like an EL Dorado

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  32. DRV

    I’ve never seen a Barris custom that worked. If this is or isn’t one of his , it showcases many themes together into a ” what was he thinking” moment that Barris is famous for.

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    • Pat P.

      Really? The Bat Mobile and Munster Koach worked for me.

      Like 2
      • Christopher

        Barris didn’t really design the Batmobile. He added bats and repainted the beautiful 1955 Lincoln Futura show car in 1966 and took credit for what was mostly the work of others.

        Like 2
  33. Al Dee

    Those AMC Gremlin taillights are absolutely hilarious! With a Lincoln Continental fake spare tire hump and what looks like a Lincoln symbol as well. The nose looks like a Mac truck kick it in the rear and it’s stuck frozen in its reaction. All it needs is a slow-spinning big clown head bolted to the roofs cross panel and loud calliope music playing whenever you fire it up – and it’ll be ready for where it should go…

    Like 0
  34. 370zpp 370zpp

    This is what custom cars looked like back when. Some seem unable to appreciate this fact and instead choose to focus on more ways to say something negative.

    Like 6
    • Al Dee

      Well – that’s because there’s a lot of negative to say about this remod. Just because it’s an old remod doesn’t give it special dispensation from honesty.

      Like 3
      • 370zpp 370zpp

        “special dispensation from honesty”?
        Al, how long have you been waiting to use that phrase here?

        Like 1
    • Howard A. Howard AMember

      Thanks, 370, I can’t even get in on this one, but will. Everybody a comedian, well, I say it’s cool, Barris was an automotive genius, on EVERYTHING he did, Belushi was a comic genius, Corvette, the best we had, I think it’s the people that are negative, probably missed out on that era, and have no chance of ever achieving any of that greatness, so may as well demean it.Again, I’m pretty sure you and I, and a handful of others are in the same gear with these awesome customs, but it’s painfully clear, we’re losing the battle.

      Like 1
      • 370zpp 370zpp

        Yup, I completely agree Howard. AMT models helped inspire many of us too. Not to mention the soundtrack of the time, AM radio, when it was king.

        Like 1
  35. Batman

    “To the Batcave, Robin!”

    Like 1
  36. nlpnt

    What about the van made for Chris Farley?

    Or is it still down by the river?

    Like 0
  37. Howard A. Howard AMember

    So many missed the boat on this one, but I’ll try and be the voice of reason here. I read more on this fabulous creation. It originally was called the “Eldorette”, and Barris made a few of them. It was Barris’ attempt at a cross between a Corvette and a Cadillac. There were several variations, the red one here was supposed to be Belushis, but no real evidence he ever drove this.
    I’m saddened and disappointed with most of you that just had to pick this car apart. Must you trash on everything we hold dear? Seems to be going that way,,,
    and another thing, we’ve lost so many great comedians, and if you bozos would look a bit further into their pasts, practically everyone was a troubled soul. They saw life from a different view, and it eventually killed them. Chris Farley was a great guy,( from Madison, Wis) but demons forced him to a life of excess. Not sure any of us would be any different. SHAME on you all that belittle their names, remember, one of my mentors, George Carlin once said, “the world is a giant freak show, and comedians have a front row seat taking notes”.

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  38. Dan D

    This is such a odd combination of styles that of course it doesn’t appeal to 99.9% of car enthusiasts,myself included.

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  39. Terry

    Corvette with a lift kit.

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  40. Beauwayne5000

    🎃 just in time for Halloween, Samurai Cheeseburger Cheeseburger 🍔 With Jane the Ignorant Sl UT at your side wearing a grease & gravy stained apron cig hanging out her mouth a black eye- of course & bruised lips 💋
    Torn stockings empty liquor bottles on floor & wearing a Long John Silvers hat.
    BUT to Complete the Outfit the DEATH MOBILE from Animal house must be found.
    Together Samurai Cheeseburger Blutarsky & his drunken Ho rampage across what’s left of post apocalypse America with the Death MOBILE packed with …….ALL YOU GUYS ABOVE waving Auto Mags & Spear Guns as you raid unsuspecting survivor Farm steads & search for the HOLY GRAIL – THE VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER.
    Which is rumored to contain a MAP to the LAST REDOUBT.
    CAMP MOHAWK on LAKE RHINELANDER where Chris Farley as a kid buried directions to the MINES of RED MOLEY guarded by the terrible HODAG.
    1st step gentleman is to BUY THAT CAR.!
    Red chip Blue Chip Gold chip these are the things needed to find the map of RED MOLEY
    Good luck

    Like 0

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