2-Owner, 40-Years Stored 1957 Plymouth Fury

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The seller of this one of 7,438 1957 Plymouth Fury models tells us that the car has only had two owners (besides them) and has been sitting in a garage since the second owner parked it there in the early 1970s. It has now been listed for sale here on eBay and bidding has crept up to $18,000 so far. The car is now located in Houston, Texas.

1957 was a banner year for large Mopars, with the Plymouth being named the “Best Handling Car of the Year” by Motor Trend and eventually the entire line being named Car of the Year by the same title. The reason was the brand new “Torsion-Aire” torsion bar front suspension, which was a complete departure from the previous coil springs. The styling was also well-liked, even causing Dave Holls, a GM designer at the time, to state in a June 1992 Collectible Automobile interview “I never thought we beat the Plymouth. I don’t think anybody appreciated these cars as much as we did at GM.”

Of course, the reason for the “Flite Sweep” styling was the famous Virgil Exner, and it’s very evident in this beautiful fin. We’re told that there is very little rust which is unusual for this series of Plymouth — just small blemishes and a dime-size hole in the floor under the spare tire.

The Fury had a distinctive interior as well, and while parts of this one still look pretty good, the steering wheel will need some major reconstruction, probably due to the Texas heat. The second owner had the car since 1964 and the seller has acquired some documentation including a copy of the original build card and production record. Did you know that Chrysler-Dodge-Plymouth had their peak market share among the “big three” in 1957 with 20%?

The 290 horsepower, 318 cubic inch V8 engine with two Carter carburetors (!) turns freely but the seller says they have not attempted to start it due to the lack of keys. I think that’s a shame; it’s certainly one of the first things I would have done (after preparing the engine properly)! I hope this car will be back on the road quickly — would it fit in your garage?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Sam61

    A gentle refresh with some disc brakes…drive and enjoy although a cross-ram sleeper would be a whole lot of fun.

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  2. Rusty

    Ohh, my! What a beauty! As much as I appreciate a smaller car, these do get my pulse racing. Great color combo, too.

    Like 18
  3. Paul Z

    Everytime I see one of those I think of Christine, even tho she was a 58.

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    • Dickie F

      As our family car was a stunning gold 59, it was much admired, but I am glad Dad never held onto the car until the movie Christine arrived in the movie houses.
      Or else my childhood would be viewed differently…

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    • Floyd Richard Sr.

      Although Christine in the movie was a beautiful car, she was a Belvedere, not a Fury. The 56, 57 and 58 Furys were not painted red and white from the factory. They were painted in different shades of beige/white.

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  4. Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

    If I didn’t just buy my bucket list car (’63 Riviera) this Plymouth would be next on the list. Virgil Exner and Bill Mitchell, two of the greatest car designers of the 20th century or any other century for that matter.

    My Riv cost about 1/3 of what this car is up to, but I’ve spent a lot, and I’ve worked my ass off on it. But the allure of the fins is strong….

    Like 18
    • Oingo

      Nice mine’s a 65 GS. Love tthe color What is it? You have pics posted?

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  5. ccrvtt

    The Riv is absolutely a landmark car and worthy of the effort, but the Fury is the quintessence of 1950’s styling. All I can say is that in the movie Cars the Autorama Dream Girls were obviously Furys.

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  6. JOHNMember

    I think it has later model hubcaps, I believe the ’57 did not have the ridges, but a flat spun like appearanceWe had a Belvedere 4 door, and I remember at least twice the hubcaps were stolen, they were very popular on hot rods before the era of “mag” wheels. Wicked car!

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    • Will Fox

      John, I think the wheel covers are `59s. I see the little divvets around the outer edge make me think that.

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      • stillrunners

        Correct guys – the 57/58 caps should have the dimples going around with gold painted in the dimples. Check out that 150 speedo…..

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  8. local_sheriff

    I think 1957 was indeed a great year for GM design,however the Pentastar guys truly hit the bullseye here. The ‘suddenly it’s 1960’ design is in a class of its own.

    I don’t see 57-58 Furys often, but someone in my region owns a 57 in very, very nice restored condition. I spot it each year on our annual spring meet and it’s even more pleasing to the eye IRL than on pics ,from any angle

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  9. Howard A Howard AMember

    Chrysler may have had 20% going into this era, but probably dropped like a rock after these cars. A bit before my time, but I heard these cars had dismal build quality, doors popping open on bumps( or not opening at all) and I seem to remember these all had terrible rear springs, and everyone sagged in the back.I suppose the 2,4 barrels goes with the history of this car, and would look mighty impressive at a show. Back then with all 2 lanes, you needed “power to pass”, and Detroit’s answer to that was, at .32 cents a gallon ( for premium) give ‘er more fuel. Today, a 2 barrel would get you along just fine, as it’s the style of the car that will interest most today, and probably have no idea what 2, 4 barrels even means. Neat find, someone knew to hang onto it all these years. Don’t you just love the 150 mph speedo? Apparently, the 120 mph one didn’t cut it,,,

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    • stillrunners

      It was a fault of the design more that the workmanship…..and remember that strike…bet a few screws didn’t get the proper torque……. ?

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  10. 86_Vette_Convertible

    Gorgeous car with a lot of character. Looks like it would take little effort to get this one back on the road.

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  11. Jay E.

    I far prefer the ’56 Fury, but it is much harder to find for sale. Howard is right on the money about the build quality and sales plummeted in ’58 because if it. My folks traded in their ’56 for a ’57 and after a year couldn’t wait to get rid of it. The brakes failed on the way home from picking it up ( a line wasn’t installed correctly) and never got much more reliable after that. They still regret the trade to this day.

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    • stillrunners

      The production was around 2500 for the mid-year 56 Fury…..mine’s waiting to be put back together.

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  12. Will Fox

    Given how scarce these first-year Furys are, this is WELL worth the investment. Restored properly, these are $75K+ cars, easily.

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  13. Ben T. Spanner

    In 1965 or so, my friend’s uncle died and his high school aged son needed a car to get to his after school job. His mother let him pick it. His choice was a 1957 Plymouth Fury which was poorly repainted in purple. He complained about the spare tire rolling around in the trunk. Big problem; trunk floor was made of layers of window screen, newspaper, and roofing tar. Kinda like papermache.
    It ran poorly. One cause, the rear cab had no internals and was stuffed with a red shop rag. His mother returned the car and got a 1959 4 dr Ford. No cool factor, but it ran nicely.
    The wheel covers are 1959 Plymouth. My father had a new 1958 Plymouth convertible, and a new 1960 Dodge Dart convertible. My first car was a 1957 Dodge 2 dr HT. The worst build quality of the three was the 1960. The best was the 1957.

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  14. Arthell64

    When I was a kid I didn’t like this style but as I get older I like the 57-58’s more and more.

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  15. PatrickM

    Somehow, I doubt the mileage claim. Is there documentation to support? The interior is going to have to be replaced, no underside pics. I think there is a lot of work to be done and I do not like the price. Also, 2 4BBL’s on a 318. Hot rodded. Body damaged on right side. Will need some work here, too.

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    • RNR

      Patrick, All Fury’s came from the factory with the 318 and dual carbs. What’s more, the Fury’s “V-800” engine package was made available as an option on all ’57 Plymouths, plus the 2 x 4 set up was available over the counter at the dealerships as well.

      What’s troubling here are the red painted valve covers – Fury engines were silver with gold painted valve covers.

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  16. Johnmloghry Johnmloghry

    My cousin Phyllis had a purple 57 Fury convertible. She was very impressed when I flawlessly parallel parked it. I was 16 at the time, from then on she let me take the car out for drives. I loved to put the top down, pick up my friends and drive around Shasta county like I was a big shot. I loved the push button transmission and the easy turn power steering. Great memories.
    God bless America

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    • Jim Benjaminson

      No such thing as a ’57 Fury convertible or a purple Fury. It may have been a Belvedere but not a Fury. Two door hardtop only in Eggshell White with gold trim.

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      • Johnmloghry Johnmloghry

        Maybe it was a Belvedere. I don’t remember for sure. I just know it was a 57 Plymouth purple convertible.
        God bless America

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  17. TortMember

    I drove my brother’s 57 Plymouth back when I was sixteen and I still remember how well it drove. Don’t know for sure if it was the first year of torsion bar front suspension but it was a very nice handling car.

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    • Ed P

      57 was the first year for torsion bars.

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  18. Joe Haska

    Howard, sometimes I don’t think,” you can see the trees , because of the forrest”, but your not alone. I am old enough to remember these cars, whats funny is I appreciate them allott more now than I did then. The only thing I can say is, “If Only” I had the time and the money, I would have this car. Everything is there to bring it back to its original glory , would be pure heaven to get to do that!

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    • local_sheriff

      Joe, that phenomenon is called nostalgia! I can verify that there are multiple car models I wouldn’t even mention 25-30 years back, which I truly enjoy to stumble upon today. Regardless of them being good or bad quality

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  19. Guggie 13

    My aunt Mary had a 59 Fury in blue and white , white interior , don’t know what motor , nice car !!

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  20. PJ

    I wouldn’t be surprised if this thing tries to rebuild itself. “Show us,” if you will.

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  21. Wayne

    In 1957 we got a new TV, a new baby sister and a new 1957 Plymouth 4 door sedan, six cylinder, stick shift. (Baby blue) towards the end of the model year our car was stolen. ( we lived in the inner city of Chicago at the time) The insurance was good enough to pick up a 4 door sedan with a 318 4 barrel carb and dual exhaust. That thing could fly! At least that is what I remembered being 4 & 5 years old at the time. So Dad had 2 new different 1957 Plymouths. He loved those cars. He had 5 more as the years past. By the time I was six years old, I could pull the plate off the push button control and repair/realign the push buttons when some one (Mom!) would pull a button out causing it to jump off the actuator. I had a bet with the mechanics that worked for me when I was about 35 in a Dodge dealership. A 1964 Dodge came in with the push buttons all off their actuators. No one would touch the car as they said that once that happened it was permanently broken. I noted that I could repair it blind folded. So I was blindfolded given a Phillips screwdriver and all stood around to see me make a fool out of myself as it had been probably 18 years since I had one apart. In 5 minutes it was all back together and working properly and I made $100!
    The thing that I always remember failing on the 1957 Plymouths was the torsion bars. Living in the Chicago area/rust belt. They were prone to breakage when ever the tin worm raised it head.

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    • Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

      Great story Wayne! Nowadays you can amaze the young ‘ns by driving a stick shift!

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  22. daveshoeMember

    My parents bought one just like this brand new, and I remember riding to Kindergarten in it. Cool push-button transmission which awed their friends. The folks belonged to a waterski club and used this car to tow their boat. Many great memories!

    Wish I had the wherewithal to buy this, but alas, someone else will enjoy it instead.

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  23. Wayne

    Rex Kars, yes it works that way. I always to,d my kids that once they completely rebuilt a car, they were allowed to have a driver’s license. When my daughter had competed the body work on her 1972 ( grey market) Audi 80/Fox, I worked a deal with the local body shop to have her work off the paint job. ( she ended up working there from15 until graduating from college ) There were many times she was the only one there that knew how to drive a stick. As the body shop had ( and still does) a great reputation they often worked on high performance and exotic cars. She really loved to call me up to brag on the latest “cool car” that she had driven to the alignment shop and back. Ford GTs, Lamborghinis, Z06 Corvettes, highly modified Mustang Cobras, etc. Yes, I raised her the correct/automotive way!!

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  24. MoparMatt

    The most beautiful automobile ever built in the post war era.

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  25. Oingo

    In the late 60s Gramps a mopar or no car guy had 57 Plymouth Savoy Club sedan that had a large hole in the rear passenger floor so large that he would warn us not to stick our foot into it or your leg could get torn off.

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  26. Charles Boyer

    While they look similar, the ’58 Fury was much more of a machine than the ’57. The ’58 came stock with the B block engine in 350 cubic inches. First of the very fine 350-361-383 series, (Distributor in the front…dual AFB 4-barrels…rated at 305 HP.) My friend was running a 14 flat ET with his aftermarket 4:10 sure-grip gear set….with a 3-speed on the column…yikes! I later bought his dual quads for my ’60 model Belvedere running the 361 cubic inch engine. Good times…great memories.

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    • CG

      The B block 350 Golden commando was an optional engine in the ’58 fury. The standard engine was still the 318 with dual quads.

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  27. Flip

    It still amazes me that the car depicted in the movie Christine was a not a fury but a 2 dr. Belvedere hard top. Also, 56, 57 and 58 Fury’s were painted white not red.Every car with a fin now-a- days is called a “Christine.Great movie though. “Who cares if it was a red Belvedere – – – Right? LOL!

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