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Reader Dennis T recently spotted this old beast near Salem, Ohio. Since most of the front end is missing, he isn’t completely sure what it is, or was. We haven’t had a good roadside find in a while, plus this looks like a good challenge! Dennis has a pretty good guess of what it is, but he wanted to see what everyone else thought. So be sure to leave your best guess of the year, make and model down in the comments section. Let the game begin!
If you have any awesome roadside sightings, we sure would love to see them! Just put the photos in an email and send them to mail@barnfinds.com.
Bob. I name it Bob.
yes yes…….. not Kate… not Baldrick… but “Bob”
Rusty, not Bob… duh.
no no no definitely “Bob” …but beware Lord Flashheart doesnt run off with him!
Hmm…Utility/Military wheels and what looks like a long wheelbase and high cowl. AA maybe ? Undoubtedly farm use. I’m just north of Salem and would love to set my eyeballs on this one !
Are more pictures a possibility as well as, exactly where it is ?
If I could get a closer look at the hubcap, or the motor it would be a lot easier. Otherwise I’ll have to drag out the books and see what I can find. I might add that someone must be worried about someone stealing it; they’ve got security….
Those are 3 piece wheels suggesting HD/military/commercial application for One Ton and greater. Most likely 1.5.
And We have ADT as well as two 9mm’s in the nightstands….
9/11 changed Our lives as We knew it.
Hi DG. Heavy duty for sure. I’d still like to see the motor. Yeah, 9-11, we don’t have an alarm system—yet—the M-I-L’s dog does just fine. We Do keep a 45, a 9mm and ‘Walt Kowalski’s wrench’ in close proximity though…
Geo i know wheres one compleat motors not froze if interested
I believe it is a sign for an alarm company indicating the property where the rusted out hulk of the vehicle is sitting. My guess the sign is a ADT type early to late 90’s
No rust though, so a solid base for a restoration. If you need spare parts I think I spotted a similar unit on my neighbor’s front lawn, although it is a Canadian version so all the parts will be metric.
Papa…surely not metric back in the 20’s?
I have an ADT sign for sale, used only outside on front lawn, slight water damage but easily would rub right out. Comes complete with NOS ADT window stickers. Mounted on substantial post, needs sharpening. Pics and $$ on request. Rare
The ADT Security sign is still in use in 2017, as well as home window decals.
John , Maybe the ADT sign means the car is alarmed
The wife would hate it, but I would love to have that thing sitting in my side yard.
Not fair, Dennis T could read the cowl tag and the front hub cap. The rear end is not from the same car. It has a different hub and spokes. :-) Terry J
If it was mine I would probably add similarly aged parts from different vehicles just to throw off people like us.
Wooden wheeled vehicles sometimes had more spokes on the rear wheels – they’re doing more work. D.
Could it be an early Traction Advant Citroen, the second front wheel drive car mass produced? Looks like French Pilote wheels. Rear axle is not from this vehicle.
1922 Chevrolet 1/2 ton- best guess.
thought the fenders looked like late 20s Chevrolet truck
Holy Heck! Remind me never to use ADT. That poor thing is picked clean!
On second pause, I have to add: It’s not a Traction, unless it was a cabriolet. The windshield A piller connection is not right to b a Traction. But still may be a Citroen, either an A4, or C6 or Commerciale, from the early 30’s?
A 1921 olds like uncle Jed’s on the Beverly hillbillies 🍺
This ones easy, it’s a ’69 Camaro.
Hit the nurse call button….it’s time for the sponge bath….ohh the sponge bath !
Wish I’d thought of that, that’s funny stuff.
My first impression is mid 20’s REO…
Ford. Just b/c there were millions of ’em.
Mater’s grandfather?
Yard art?
Maybe a Franklin? Air cooled aluminum motor and nose prices long gone to scrap??
Nope, I didn’t get out to look at it, just did a drive by. I had not spotted that the rear wheels were different. The only thing I found with 10 spoke wheels like that is a 1929 Pontiac pickup. The general shape seems to fit. There is one on this pickup page, scroll down to 1929, there are lots of photos including a closeup of the wheel.
1927 Cadillac 314 Victoria Coupe ?
Very short nose, large motor, heafty springs, and heavy duty rear wheels ads up to a truck most likely.
Those wheels are Bugatti! No wonder the grille is missing, that would have been a dead giveaway. Obviously a 1920’s Bugatti pickup!
To Dennis T. They are not like the wheels look at the inner circle number of bolts / studs. But otherwise the same. Think you’re on track. It is a flathead engine and a tag on firewall.So I think this is a buick ore packard top model ca 1918- 1925. And his name is not BOB.
A WW1 Armoured gun carrier.
It’s a 23 window VW can be yours for 90,000 our so l bet 😬
Not exactly sure what year, but my thought is that it’s a Reo truck……as Tyler had already stated
Man you guys kill me. I can’t say what it IS but I can tell you what it is NOT;
1. A Ford of any kind. Do you see the two longitudinal front springs? All Fords from the T up til the 1948 F1 were transverse.
2. Traction Avant. They were unibody/monocoque (no frame), using front tortion bars for springs, not the leaf springs clearly visible.
3. 22 Chevy. Chevys didn’t get front brakes until 1928. See the front drums?
4. Buick. Ever heard of the Buick slogan “valve in head”? This one is a flathead.
OK Guys, Only 1 thing is gonna take the prize in my book: Match the bell shaped reveal on the firewall. When I see that on another (identified ) car then I’ll proclaim “The WINNER!” :-) Terry J
It may be just a bunch of random parts from various vehicles arranged to resemble what’s left of a single car. The different front/rear wheels supports this possibility.
I managed to find the house on Google street view from October, 2015, and amazingly, it was not there. Here is the 2015 shot, right down to the ADT sign by the 2×4 brace, even the same dumpster in the yard. Heck, that hulk sure looks like it has been there a long time, I guess not. I’ve checked around a lot and still think it is a 29 Pontiac. Nothing else seems to have 10 spoke wheels. Anyone live near Salem, drop me an email and I’ll tell you where it is and you can drive over. Dennis
good investigating dennis
ironically i thought the opposite purely because the grass was not growing up under it just looked freshly sat there to me like posed there since the last lawn mowing just to sell. They did a good job of making the wheels look sunken in or is there just nothing left below grass line from its previous resting place..????
notice on your shot the deader looking grass just in front…do they often pose a sale there around that sign