When we hear “replica,” many enthusiasts likely think of a dodgy car built in someone’s garage, or at the very least, a factory without adequate funding. The good news is that many good quality replicas have been built over the years, often with the proper manufacturing environment to bring production quality as close to that of a proper production car as possible. The Jaguar E-Type is not the first one we think of when calling to mind the “typical” replicas like the Ferrari Daytona Spider and the Porsche Speedster, but a company called Triple C in the UK did manufacture a very tidy replica of the classic British sports car known as a Challenger. They appear for sale infrequently at best, and this example here on eBay is one of the few located in the U.S.
The seller is correct that Challenger never shows up for sale stateside, with most examples residing in the U.K. What’s great about these replicas is that they aren’t like so many other kits that rely on a VW Beetle pan and a Chevrolet 350; this E-Type tribute features a Rover V8 engine and were manufactured to be “dimensionally-correct” to the original E-Type. As you can see, the interior is still quite luxurious with a proper dashboard, leather bucket seats, and full windows and convertible roof. In fact, the major components came straight from Jaguar, so there’s likely to be very little variation between the Challenger and the real deal.
The Rover V8 may as well be Britain’s version of the 350, but it does at least make the replica feel a bit more authentic. A fiberglass body and galvanized chassis ensures that the owner can spend more time working on the engine and transmission than worrying about the car rusting to bits around him. The Challenger shown here has 3,200 kilometers, so it’s barely broken in. The seller indicates that visual clues confirming the low mileage are present, particularly the cleanliness of the undercarriage and the engine compartment.
If you didn’t tell me this was a replica, there’s a good chance I’d have written this up like a real-deal E-Type. The brakes are from an XJ6 while a 5-speed gearbox allows for better fuel economy and more pleasant long-range cruising. The marketplace for an authentic Series 1 E-Type is out of reach for many enthusiasts, but a sympathetic replica like this makes an awful lot of sense as a car you can use and enjoy like the real thing without the same sort of downgrades that often come with copies. Have you ever seen or driven a Challenger E-Type?
The rear looks to sit to high or something.Other than that neat.
The flared rear wheel arches don’t look right,& (at least)
from the angle in the first picture,doesn’t look right,plus
the V8 is just plain wrong.
Is that hood to long,or is it the picture?
Can live with the V8 but the flared rear fenders don’t do a thing for the car. It isn’t a big deal to shorten a solid axle housing or modify an independent suspension/driveshafts to get the proper fit for the stock rear wheel openings. Those wheel openings are a major visual factor of the E type design.
Totally agree. The subtle flares on the Ser III E-types look so appropriate – it’s a shame the designers went so far overboard with these.
If I bought it, I’d try to get rid of those and swap in a proper XK 6-cylinder engine – the V8 just wouldn’t sound right.
I had a body/paint guy working form me once who had an E type with a Chevy Vega drivetrain.
See, now that Rover v8 doesn’t seem so bad, does it?
The front wheel opening looks too big (to my eye).
“Dumpster Fire” Model.
Whatever faults may be found, I still think that this would be fun to own and drive.
It’s a replica guys, not a restored show car!
Comparing the front wheel arches with an original E Type shows that there is definitely a difference between the two. The distance between the front of the opening and the rear looks to be correct but the shape of the curve is a tad out. Other than that, and the rear wheel flares, I think it is beautifully done and would be more than happy to drive it, even with the Rover V8 engine although if it were mine I would source a 4.2L mill and install it in this chassis. Most people would then not even know that it wasn’t an original E Type.
Definitely wrong profile from sides; arches and sits up too high
It’s a replica …………price should reflect it but probably will not.
I have seen British versions that do not sit as high in the rear. It is probably correctable. Overall not bad.
I have a 62 XKE OTS. Like others have sad, the rear wheel arch is absolutely wrong. The Series 1 XKE did NOT have an arch. This came with the Series 3 in 1972 The car is sitting entirely too high in the rear! Also, the convertible top is not correct. It has a “pointed” profile! Otherwise, looks great, but there are two major problems! I don’t understand why it has these problems when everything else is good (looking from the front end, rear end and interior)!
Google challenger xke. Many have correct stance.
So, how do I get one wit a 6.0 LS in it?
Buy a Corvette? Or anything other than an E Type, that comes with a 6.0 LS in it.
An LS is such a gas miser at smooth running and a rocket when called upon. Plus the cool factor
SOLD for $37,100.