Domestic Or Foreign? Which Monster For You?

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Yes, I know some of you will say none of the above, but play along with me. Pretend that you have to bring one of these two honking tall hybrids home–which one would you choose? The 1963 Ford Falcon/1984 Ford Bronco combination was sent in by Barn Finds reader Clark B., who obviously has a quirky sense of humor, and I found the 1972 Honda Z600/Suzuki Samurai on my own (Scotty G. is wincing as he sees it). The Falcon is listed for sale here on craigslist and is located in Port Huron, Michigan, while the Honda is in toasty Phoenix, Arizona and is also listed on craigslist.

The Falcon was a former drag racing car, and is actually still titled as a 1963 Falcon. The seller tells us that they had it plated and driving during one past summer, and go into some length about the modifications completed on the 351 Windsor V8, including an Edelbrock manifold, 800 CFM carburetor and a large aluminum radiator to keep things cool.

There’s one major issue, though, in that it’s only front wheel drive at the moment.  There’s no rear drive shaft, and the rear differential is “shot” anyway. I’d add that another issue for me would be the extreme lack of crash protection for that fuel tank hung under the frame!

The seller does tell us gleefully about spinning those front 40″ tires, though, despite the feeling that the engine needs a different cam or smaller carburetor. They say it’s for sale because they need money more than recognition, a theme that carries through to the Honda listing as well.

The cosmetic finishing that has been completed on the Honda does seem to be to a higher standard than that of the Falcon, with, according to the seller, a “fully restored Honda on a fully restored Samurai chassis.” They go on from there in a somewhat self-serving ad about how they can build anything you want, just bring the cash. To me, it’s a shame they didn’t finish the Honda first.

There are some nice Z600 parts here, including the dash top. I can hear Scotty G. and other tiny Honda fans crying now. It’s pretty much the same way I feel when I see this Spitfire video. But at least in all these cases, the cars were “saved,” and in my mind I’m hoping the projects were started with cars that would have never seen the road again otherwise.

You may notice I haven’t mentioned price yet. That’s because I want you to make your choice regardless of cost–however, if you are interested, the Falcon is listed at $2,500, while the Honda is priced as high as it’s suspension at $28,000! Given that neither will cost you anything (unless you plan on following the links and purchasing one of them, in which case we want to hear from you!) which monster would you find the most room for?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. RayT

    Jamie, the “rules” make it impossible for me to comment (oh, I can avoid politics, all right, but the others….

    I would dearly love to have gotten my hands on either of these cars, before….

    ‘Nuff said!

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  2. Howard A. Howard AMember

    The Falcon, no question. That’s one badass Falcon, although, I have little, if any , use for it. Got all the right stuff. Can’t kill Ford 4×4’s. The other “thing”, I don’t know where to start. 1st, I happen to know, not much fazes Scotty G. (not B) although, I happen to also know, he wouldn’t fit it the Honda. The Samari was the worst SUV to hit the pavement ( literally) Highest in rollover crashes. Not sure if he means the Samari motor, but that was another disaster. A friend bought a new Samari, went thru 2 motors in 2 years,( after the 2nd motor went, Suzuki refused to replace it) and it’s probably still sitting behind their garage.

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    • RichS

      My first mechanic job was in North Seattle in 1988 working at a small independent tire store/repair shop. Suzuki dealer was around the corner and we were actually installing lifts and bigger wheels/tires on new Samurais for them!

      One lot kid managed to put one on it’s side on the trip back to the dealer – 30 years has dulled the memory a little but I think we stopped doing the work not long after that incident.

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  3. grant

    The Falcon makes me cry. What a shame. The Honda actually is cute, and looks well done. Tiny cars aren’t safe, but those Samurai’s were tough as hell.

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  4. Todd J. Ikey HeymanMember

    Fluid/oil stains on the driveway under the Falcon somehow seem so appropriate. If pressed, I’d take the Honda…..but hate myself in the morning.

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  5. Adam T45Staff

    I look at them both and all I can think is: “Billy Bob, you should have put down the moonshine before you even thought about these!”

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  6. Woodie Man

    I hate to say this…….and I feel awkward admitting it…but I like them both. Dont know why. Probably need a shrink.

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    • Adam T45Staff

      Don’t feel awkward admitting it. It’s like everything: it’s a matter of taste. I don’t “hate” either of them, and I think the Honda could be an absolute riot. I can just see a better use for two cars that are becoming increasingly rare. Having said that, always remember: “One man’s lemon is another man’s grapefruit!”

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      • Dairymen

        That is 1 bitter tasting grapefruit…

        Both cars are beating each other up whose on the highest spot in the hall of shame.

        If I have to take 1 I would take the Falcon but not till I need a hearse so I don’t have to see it, and you might as well bury me in it so it cleans the earth of another eyesore. I wouldn’t take the Honda cause I would be too cramped up in it as a coffin.

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  7. JACKinNWPA Jack NW PAMember

    Falcon for sure,needs more work yes but then paint it yellow and call it “Big Bird”

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  8. Duane Boda

    I’d take it the Falcon. You’d think regardless of intended use

    that the guys or owners would complete the job with a proper

    paint and buff job. It might be able to do this and that etc but

    it looking rough (2nd) rate throws all modifications like a rushed

    redneck hillbilly 3 day weekend rush job. Going to do it then do it

    right the 1st time or why bother at all?

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  9. Bob S

    I really like the looks of the Falcon, but when I see the cooling fan setup, I wonder about how everything else was done. I like the concept if well done.

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  10. JW

    If I had to choose and being a Ford guy Falcon all the way. Now the ADs themselves bother me, the Falcon guy lists all the things wrong which is honest but when building this beast why didn’t he measure and have a rear driveshaft made along with replacing the rear gears to complete the 4×4 system and with something like this you are going to have to start with a custom wiring kit like Painless to avoid the issues he’s having but for $2500 I could deal with it. Now the Honda AD scares me to death as a scammer with all the grammar mistakes and bragging about his abilities like a side show barker, I was afraid to try his video link being his Side Show Bob attitude and coming from Craigslist, also having 50K in this is insane along with his asking price. JMHO

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  11. 68 custom

    shame a 63 Falcon had to be butchered that way. what was that guy thinking?

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  12. rustylink

    I’d pick the Falcon to roll over in first. No need to worry about the fuel tank – it will likely fall way from the rusting frame member shortly.

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  13. sir mike

    Ruined a good 63 Falcon Sprint…

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  14. KO

    I’ll take the Falcon with the tastefully modified wheel openings.

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  15. TRC

    Kind of like the Falcon as I saw a older Mustang done in a similar way by me a while ago.×4-mustang-i-have-seen-yet/

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  16. JCW Jr.

    From reading the ad I would say the falcon being an old drag car qas cut up to begin with. If so I am ok with this. At 2500 you could do a lot to finish it and still not be in deep. The other one what a waste.

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  17. Jubjub

    Falcon has a halfway decent, Mad Max vibe as is. Or maybe that Cherry 2000 Mustang. Either way a good thing to me.

    The Honda just reminds of a toy I’d have seen as a child and wished it had proper wheels and stance.

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  18. jimbosidecar

    I’d choose the Falcon because…I’ve never owned a Japanese car

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  19. KevinW

    As the buider of a ’63 falcon futura hot rod and keeper of a ’62 falcon original ’70s gasser, I can’t say anything good about a 4WD falcon. Send all your thumbs down in care of me, kevin w.

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  20. stiffler4444

    Never mind, I’m crying over the wasted Samurai. If it originated in Arizona, good chance it was salvageable.

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  21. smittydog

    Had a Falcon in the late 60’s with a straight axle and a 543 rear end..great for pulling wheelies! Who knows, this could be it!

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  22. Alan (Michigan)

    Good luck with that 1300 (even modified) getting those giant wheels and tires rolling with any authority. Not nearly enough torque, unless the gears are up in the 6.50 range. I can smell the burnt clutch from here.

    Like 1

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