HELP WANTED: Write For Barn Finds!

Disclosure: This site may receive compensation from some link clicks and purchases.

We are looking for a few good car hunters to join our awesome team. You don’t have to be a professional journalist to apply, but you do need to have a passion for everything automotive. This position is flexible and the requirements are minimal. Keep reading for more details.


  • Ability to write complete sentences and use correct punctuation.
  • Experience with WordPress and simple photo editing.
  • Ability to follow written instructions.

How To Apply:

  1. Find 3 vehicles that you think fit the theme of this site.
  2. Write stories for each using the same format we do.
  3. Email us ( the stories along with a paragraph about yourself.

Applications are due by the end of the day next Thursday (May 10th), so don’t delay. We are excited to hear from you!

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Rock OnMember

    Cool 😎. I could go for that!

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    • D

      Just a paragraph away!

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    • Niklas

      Hi I would like to be a car hunter
      9 months ago i found a 1963 Mercedes convertible on a vine trip in stellenbosch south Africa. I did show pictures of the vehicle to my spray painted. He said that the vehicle is a sedan that have been converted to a convertible. He could see that because the doors where short.

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  2. Howard A Howard AMember

    Hmm, well 2 out of the 3 requirements is pretty good. I couldn’t press a word if I tried. Best of luck, I would, but I’m a very busy man,,,,

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Thanks Woodie Man, nah, just a spoke in the wheel here. BTW, due to a possible software glitch, I found out you can give yourself a ” thumbs up”. This changes everything.

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    • TriPowerVette

      @Howard A – Respectfully, it changes nothing. Apparently, they wipe all of the thumbs (up or down or sideways) shortly after the activity dies down, so the entire concept as implemented in BF is lacking.

      I had a heated discussion with someone who ended up with an apparent 80-something thumbs to my (something like) 15. There is NO WAY he wasn’t doing that himself.

      Because of this, and several other deficiencies in comment implementation here, I take it with a grain of salt.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      @TriPowerVette – We didn’t wipe anything. The rating software we were using couldn’t handle the traffic so we had to change it and when we did there was no way to transfer the existing data.

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    • TriPowerVette

      @Jesse Mortensen – Well, that is a lot of history, gone. Too bad.

      Has your upgrade fixed the ability to leave one’s self any (much less multiple) thumbs up? Or the “You’re posting too rapidly” error?

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  3. Skippy

    I would apply, everybody knows I love writing about cars, but it would be too tempting to buy the things I see….. my garage, warehouse, and driveway are already full!

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Hi Skippy, ask Scotty G. about that,,,,

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      • ScottyStaff

        Ha, that’s thee only drawback, Howard! Or, maybe that’s not a drawback, come to think of it, depending on what a person’s spouse has to say about it..
        These folks are the absolute cream of the crop, as nice as they come.

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    • Scotty GilbertsonStaff

      Ugh, two more this week, Skippy and Howard.. not good. I need help! 12 cars and 4 garage stalls does not make for a good storage situation.

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      • Marty WilkeMember

        I concur.

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  4. levis gasser

    How much does this job pay?

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    • JesseStaff

      That all depends on experience and if you can write stories that don’t need much editing.

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      • Marty

        Can I do this job from home?

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      • JesseStaff

        @Marty – Of course! Our writers are scattered across the country and just write in the evenings or when they have time.

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  5. Jeremy N.

    What’s the work load like? Is it every day, or a few times per week? Could you elaborate a bit? :)

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    • JesseStaff

      We are flexible. We just like to have an idea of everyone’s commitment so we can plan. Thanks.

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  6. Chuck Foster 55chevy Chuck Foster

    You mean I can get paid? Holy moley! I don’t get to my garage as it is, what with this blonde that takes up all my time.

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  7. PAR

    Writer extrodinaire at your service……… but wait, I’m on the plane to Bali for a month and will miss your deadline. Maybe I could write about some barnfinds from Indonesia however if you have ever been there you will realise this small populous island has NO taste when it comes to automotive finery. I however, coming from the Antipodes, am will versed in all things automotive and have had the fire burning since I was a wee nipper. I will contemplate whilst sitting in the sun sipping on a Pina Colada. Hopefully the urge will posses me to submit to your wonderful web thingee a verse or two about some of my favorites. In the mean time keep up the good work till I come up for air!

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  8. John B

    Hey, someone has to fill the shoes of Tom McCahill, Brock Yates and Gray Baskerville…good luck to all!

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    • TriPowerVette

      @John B – Brock Yates was in many ways my model. I read him in Car and Driver since the mid-1960’s. We are all poorer for his passing. I liked Sam Posey, too.

      I used to have a picture of Yates on my bulletin board, he had his arms crossed and was dressed in a black turtleneck. The caption read: “Ralph Nader is a Pain in the Ass”. That made him larger than life for me.

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    • Fred W

      Tom McCahill quote:

      “With no exception, the blockbuster Hemi 426 is the hairiest full size stock production car ever tested for these pages….. This family sized rig has all the belt of a 2 mile swim in a whiskey vat…… When you put your foot through the firewall make sure your teeth are well anchored…….It is as furry as a mink farm and as snarly as a bengal tiger in a butcher shop – more sex-appeal than a boatload of starlets anchored off Alcatraz.”

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  9. JesseStaff

    I understand. If you would like to apply later, we aren’t going to turn you away. It’s always good to have deadlines though. Thanks.

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  10. chad

    I, unfortunately never run across the vehicles.
    I think the rest is within my ability (time, talent, terrific guy…

    If ‘fed’ some pic – I’d like to give it a try.
    ( then)

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    • JesseStaff

      I should have mentioned that we do help with the finding part. We receive a ton of reader finds and Josh and I are always looking too.

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  11. Clayton

    I’ve got my Bachelor’s Degree in English and would love to edit copy. I’m also pretty good in Photoshop and can improve photos with editing. I’m too busy to write for Barn Finds, but if you ever want a copy-editor or photo-editor, let me know. I don’t care about $ so long as I get some experience and a business reference.

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    • JesseStaff

      We might take you up on that offer Clayton. Thanks!

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  12. Howard A Howard AMember

    Would we get to use the private Barn Finds helicopter?
    Happy 4th of July, everybody.

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    • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

      Naturally, Howard, as soon as you get checked out on it. Of course, it’s a suitably vintage machine with modern capabilities. Here it is being rolled out of the Barn Finds hangar…

      Happy Independence Day to all of our readers and writers (and those that are thinking about moving from one to the other!) And especially to Jesse and Josh who make all the fun possible!

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      • Howard A Howard AMember

        Hi Jamie, wow, they really have one? Be careful what you wish for, I guess. I’ve never been in a “Whirlybird”. Apparently, with these, you don’t just kick the tires and go.

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      • Jamie Palmer JamieStaff

        Howard, I’m guessing you’re pulling my leg, just like I was pulling yours. Have a great holiday!

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      • Sam Sharp

        Remember, when (not if) the engine quits, collective full down. Don’t even say”wha’ th’.??”

        “May your tail rotor always clear the fence” — Unknown

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    • phil

      Happy Independence Day everyone! (we don’t say Happy December 25th so we shouldn’t use Happy July 4th IMHO)

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  13. Caio

    Hi Team, I would love to be part of that but looks like it is only for US, right? I have a department the restore cars so would be great have that published! Let me know if it is interesting for you (Barn Find Team). Tks!

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  14. Oil Slick

    I’ve often thought about this since the last time you offered. Could you give us an example of a typical days work?

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    • JesseStaff

      Some of the guys just write occasionally, but most average about 15 posts per week.

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  15. JesseStaff

    Very true GOPAR. Should we expect an application from you soon?

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  16. EthanMember

    @Jesse, I clicked on the email link up above to send you an application but it did not take me anywhere. What email address should I send my writing samples to?

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    • JesseStaff
      • EthanMember

        Thanks Jesse, you will be receiving my application shortly!

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  17. Joe Haska

    McCahill, Yates and Baskerville, no pressure there. How about, Ken Gross, David Featherston, Dain Gingerelli, Albert Drake, Don Montgomery, Peter Vincent, Pat Ganahl, Dean Bachelor, and that’s just looking at the authors of the books, on one corner of my desk.
    Hopefully you are not expecting that caliber of Scribes, if so I am definitely not a contender. I am retired, have done articles for a now defunct Hot Rodding Magazine ( not my fault) I hope. Produced Car Shows for over 30 years, 20 of that as, Owner and President of Greybeard Promotions, doing “The Rocky Mountain Auto Show”, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver Colorado. I still own and drive my third car, that I bought in 1963, a 34 Ford Coupe. My everyday driver is a 1953 Ford pick-up. My wife has an SUV, that I only ride in, not allowed to drive.
    Good news and bad news. I absolutely love automobiles all types and sizes, but I am very opinionated and think, I know way more than I possibly could (typical car guy)! I do mechanical, paint, body work, fabrication, and just about anything else, and I am not good at any of it, and I know it! However, I can recognize talent when I see it, and I try very hard to suck up, and hang out with those kind of people.
    I think I could do a good job for Barn Finds, as I really do enjoy it, and it is the only, social media site, I have ever responded too. Timing is everything, as several replies have noted. Now is not good, we just sold our home of 28 years and are moving to Phoenix Arizona. The closing is the 24th of July and we leave for the Sunshine state with all our worldly possessions, and my car stuff on the 25th of July. Therefore the July 4th is a bit of a problem right now, if there could be some lee way, and there is any interest in my automobile background, I would like to be considered, and I would be willing to supply samples, references, resume of my work, education, and career in the Automotive Industry.
    Sincerely , Joe Haska

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    • JesseStaff

      Feel free to apply when you have time. Thanks.

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  18. Maxwell

    The “same format” link doesn’t actually list the format. Could you reply back with this please? Thanks!

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    • JesseStaff

      We just want them written in a similar way to what’s currently in the site. Thanks.

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  19. mark

    Put my hat in the ring a couple of hours ago. I would love to have this opportunity!

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  20. Jennifer Cheeseman

    Hi Jesse,
    I’m so the right person for your team:
    a) Total petrolhead,
    b) Born in England and live in Canada,
    c) Retired and planning 24/7 life on the road,
    d) Hobby has always been restoring vehicles. Current projects ’57 Land-Rover,
    ’72 Triumph Tiger, three motorhomes, two Dodge and one Ford,
    e) I’m a woman,
    f) I have enjoyed a lifetime of writing English for many clients and employers. My vocabulary and knowledge of correct grammar are beyond average,
    g) I have editted and proof-read many manuscripts,
    h) I could use some extra dosh.

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    • JesseStaff

      Please apply using the instructions above. Thanks Jennifer!

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  21. Charles Boatwright Jr

    I’m new to the site so I just seen this ad. I am wondering can the application be presented with newer model vehicles ? ( 2000 up ) I haven’t completely explored your site yet , but I intend to. I seen this ad and since I’m an automotive enthusiasts , figured I try my luck. Thanks

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      @Charles – Unless it’s something amazing, better stick with older stuff. Thanks!

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  22. rando

    If I had more time… I wanted to go into automotive journalism way back in the 80s… didn’t get there. Maybe someday… maybe next time… right now, day job is killing us with work.

    Looking forward to reading some new contributors.

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  23. Jesse MortensenStaff

    This wasn’t a glitch. We are just looking for a couple more writers. We reposted this and left the comments because there were some good questions in there.

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  24. Sam Sharp

    “… but it looks airworthy from here.”

    “The engine will clear out once you’re airborne. ”

    ” It only does that after it sits for a bit.”

    “I never have seen it do that before.”

    It always has a 350 rpm mag drop .. it’ll clearcout.”

    “What vibration? I don’t feel any vibration!” (Yeah, the crankshaft counterweight always comes through the cowling on takeoff).

    “Retreating blade stall? Never heard of it.”

    “That crack’s always been there.”

    Famous last words.

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  25. Trent Pope

    I’m so interested! I’ve known of this site since I was in about 6th grade. I’m in 9th now, and I think that’s the only thing that would keep me from being part of the writing team – I’m fourteen.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Keep reading those car magazines and pay attention during English class. Then after you have had some automotive experiences of your own, you will be ready!

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      • LAB3

        Don’t forget a good quality set of basic tools as well, with those someone may stand a chance at being a know-it-something instead of merely a know-it-all!

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      • Blueprint

        Yup, keep it up Trent! I taught myself written English through car mags in the ’70s (I’m French-Canadian), and in the mid-2000’s I started writing about cars at C/D of all places. The hobby has been in full swing for the last few years and the dayjob is the only real limit to how many cars I can review. Just be patient – I’m 49 ;)

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  26. BrainMember

    Application sent!

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  27. Fred W.

    “Gotta go out and look for more classic cars today Honey… after all, it’s my JOB!” :)

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      @Fred – Exactly, it’s the perfect excuse!

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  28. Francisco

    Josh, I would be happy to do one or two of your posts. I’m usually reading Barn Finds until 1 or 2 a.m. EST. Perhaps a few other readers will volunteer, and we’ll become a team of volunteer Barn Find copy editors. We might even have our own T shirts.

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  29. Mountainwoodie

    You know, we should all go easy on the Barn Finds crew.They do the work and we just enjoy it. Mistakes happen. It;s not half as bad as the grammar of some of my fellow readers. Duck…incoming.

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  30. Milt

    I could be great for this website. I know all the bad puns and tired references for most cars. Ambulances? I have at least a dozen Ghostbuster comments at the ready. Delorean? Yep, I’ve seen Back to the Future and can chime in with something. Even a mid 50’s Sunbeam Alpine will get a To Catch a Thief reference from me.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      Well, send in your application then!

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  31. Jesse MortensenStaff

    The answer can be found above. Pay depends on if you can write the posts without us needing the edit them. Please send in your application and we can discuss it more. Thanks.

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  32. Will Owen

    Lovely! My current gig is co-editing and DTP-ing the AROSC* newsletter, which pays a pat on the back now and then. Formerly Mg Ed of Automotive Calendar of Events until the boss at Autobooks-Aerobooks got tired of paying for paper and press runs. And me.

    I should be drooling on my keyboard about this, but we are going to France next Monday and I only just now stumbled over your announcement … so I’ll wait until next time you’re looking. For samples (though no real car stories) go check out Tony Barthel’s website, under Stories and my name. Just some anecdotes and a book review or two.

    *Alfa Romeo Owners of Southern California

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  33. Amarthfea

    I just want to say that I love this site and am happy to see openings like this.

    Out of curiosity would this opertunity be open to non U.S. citizens?

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  34. David Jones

    Arrghh!!! I always come across these ads with only a day left to apply. I’ve had a lot of O.T. at work the past few weeks including right now and most likely tomorrow night. I doubt I’ll make the deadline, but I will try.

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  35. Julie Wilson

    Your comment is brilliant and you’re to be commended !! If they just taught your paragraph in school so many could benefit!

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  36. Randall

    ok so I found this barn find with out the barn, but it must of been in one most it’s life judging by the solid shape it’s in it’s a 59 Edsel Ranger 2 ht said to be the rare 361 v8 w/ power bench seat what should I do with it?

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      @Randall – Send it into the site if you want to get it listed. Thanks.

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  37. Hank Bernstein

    Hello! I just found out that you were looking for writers. Please let me know if you still haven’t filled the positions even though the deadline has passed. I am interested and have recently retired from over 40 years in the Auto Industry working primarily for Auto Manufacturers / Importers. I am also a restorer, Hot Rodder, Classic Car fan and avid writer, automobile memorabilia collector, etc. Note: photo is of my ALFA Powered Lakes Modified Hot Rod. (Homebuilt)

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      We are accepting applications again so feel free to apply.

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  38. Jesse MortensenStaff

    We just reposted it because there were a lot of good questions in the comments. We are hiring though so please send in those applications. Thanks!

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  39. TriPowerVette

    @GOPAR – There’s a tear rolling down my cheek. It needed to be said (and a lot more). I’m tempted to use the thumbs up defect to give you 10 or 20 *thousand* thumbs up.

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    • Jesse MortensenStaff

      There isn’t a rating defect TriPowerVette. Please give it a rest.

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  40. Gage

    Can you do it if you’re under 18?

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  41. john porch

    Oh snap! Get ready for some east coast flavor.

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  42. Riton

    Open a french/european subdivision! ;)
    Richard (french reader)

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Barn Finds