Max’s Post-Apocalyptic Interceptor: 1974 Ford Falcon XB

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Most, if not all us, know about the Mad Max films. As car enthusiasts, I would be willing to bet that 99% of us need this 1974 Falcon XB done up in true apocalyptic fashion. Although this car in its entirety did not appear in the films, some of the parts on this car were in Mad Max Fury Road. Originally built as a promotional vehicle for the Sydney Premier, this rolling chassis was built into a true Mad Max interceptor. Many others have decided that they need this Falcon as there have been 78 bids, bumping the price to $35,701, with the reserve not met. Find it here on ebay out of Albion, QLD, Australia.

The magical and suspense inducing supercharger that was so recognizable from the first film is present on this recreation. Although, this is a “dummy” supercharger, as it does not compress air. It is simply a creatively built air box that resembles the money maker. Amazingly this car was just converted into a driver last month and was put together by a performance shop. Ford blue with 351 cubes, this 351 Cleveland is a runner with new parts, and a rebuilt carb, but it would appear the engine is a second hand unit. There is no mention of a rebuilt engine in the sales ad. Max likely wouldn’t care as long as it had enough compression with the supercharger to catch Toecutter’s gang.

The cockpit is in great condition for a post-apocalyptic car. But in our modern day and age, the ripped driver seat may not fly so well. The seller has new seat covers to redo the seats if you prefer, but Max could care less about the seats.

Although originally premiering for Fury Road, this car is actually equipped with body panels from the first and second films. For the hardcore fan it may be in their interest to make the car authentic to one or another. Although, Max really isn’t concerned about looks. Described as “beautifully rough” this Ford is exactly that. Dirty and one color, the paint finish varies from panel to panel, and there are even a few dents likely from other disrespectful post-apocalyptic folks like Toecutter’s gang. A great deal of work has been performed, mechanically and body, to get the car to this condition. This Falcon is ready to roll, and if you were lucky enough to win this Ford, hopefully you have some motorcycle friends with café racers to “chase” down. Out of all of the Mad Max films, which one is your favorite?


  1. Z28DUNC

    Its the ducks guts!

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  2. Rob

    I would drive it all day every day.

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  3. Jeffro

    Original Mad Max was the best. IMO

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    • BrianAuthor

      I agree, the first film was so raw and edgy, with its vigilante justice. Great films.

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      • jaygryph

        The ‘Black and Chrome’ version of Fury Road is pretty outstanding.

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  4. Steve

    RHD- I would use it to deliver mail here in the US!

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    • Andrew

      A male-man with an attitude.

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  5. EJB

    “Last of the V8 interceptors.”

    The first movie is my favorite maybe because I never cared for Adam Ant.

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    • misterlouMember

      Sorry to nerd out here but that wasn’t Adam Ant. It was Hugh Keays-Byrne who ended up playing King Immortan Joe in Fury Road.

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  6. JW

    This car would surely be a hit at any car show.

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  7. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    I did like the movie but, who ever ends up with that is certainly MAD at that price.

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    • Junkfixer

      I’m not so sure. It does indeed have provenance from at least one of the films and the production company. This certainly helps.

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  8. Gunner

    “Cundalini wants his hand back”! I was absolutely obsessed with the “Super Coupe”. How do you ever forget the scene in the garage when he sees the XB for the first time chomping on that Apple? You can almost smell the fumes when that Supercharger kicks in! :-D

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    • Doug Towsley

      MAX: You know, hope is a mistake. If you can’t fix what’s broken, you’ll, uh… you’ll go insane.

      Nux: If I’m gonna die, I’m gonna die historic on the Fury Road!

      Max: [Narrating] My name is Max. My world is fire and blood. Once, I was a cop. A road warrior searching for a righteous cause. As the world fell, each of us in our own way was broken. It was hard to know who was more crazy… me… or everyone else.

      Immortal Joe: Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!

      Bullet Farmer: [while firing two sub-machine guns at the War Rig] Sing, Brother Heckler! Sing, Brother Koch! Sing, brothers! Sing! SING!

      Vuvalini : One man, one bullet.

      Immortal Joe: Return my treasures to me, and I myself will carry you through the gates of Valhalla. You shall ride eternal. Shiny, and chrome!

      Max: Worming their way into the black matter of my brain. I told myself… they cannot touch me. They are all dead. I am the one who runs from both the living and the dead. Hunted by scavengers. Haunted by those I could not protect. So I exist in this Wasteland. A man reduced to a single instinct: survive.

      Immortal Joe: Once again, we send off my War Rig to bring back gasoline from Gas Town, and bullets from the Bullet Farm. Once again, I salute my Imperator Furiosa, and I salute my half-life War Boys, who will ride with me eternal on the highways of Valhalla! I AM YOUR REDEEMER! It is by my hand you will rise from the ashes of this world!

      Nux: Oh, what a day! What a lovely day!
      I’m the man who grabs the sun, riding to Valhalla!
      I live, I die, I live again!
      I never thought I’d do something as shine as that!
      Witness me.

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      • Nova Scotian


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  9. Doug Towsley

    I sent this in for submission, I thought it would be a nice distraction from the Mustang/Bullit controversy. Besides,,, how bad a$$ is it to have a nickname like

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  10. TBAUMember

    An XB four door (blue with white roof ) was our family car when I was a kid. I still smile when I see one on the road although there’s not too many around anymore.

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  11. Jason

    “I am the Nightrider! I’m a fuel injected suicide machine! I am a rocker, I am a roller, I am an out of controller! Step right up, chumps! And watch the kid lay down that rubber road ride to freedom!”

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    • Mr. TKD

      Thumbs. Up.

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  12. Gunner

    You guys!! Now I am going to have to go home from work today, and slip #1 into the blu-ray, just so I can get my fix from reading all this awesome MM stuff! Jason, I was thinking of that spectacular opening scene this afternoon! LOL! :-D

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  13. Skloon

    Bring a dingo

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  14. Jeffro

    And put another shrimp on the bar-bee!

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    • Andrew

      Ouch Jeffro. I’m not Australian, but I do know Aussies really dislike it when you say that old Paul Hogan line, even though the Aussies created their own advertisements, adjusted for U.S. English. Shrimp are called Prawns there, and Foster beer is not really something they drink. It’s all wrong, lol. Let’s just move on from 1986, as that’s really what Australians like to see.

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      • Adam T45Staff

        You are so right Andrew. I cringe every time I see the “shrimp on the barbie” advertisement…..and as for Fosters beer? I’m pretty sure that it is only served cold so that people can tell the difference between it and urine!

        Seriously though. If you were looking at turning this into a replica of the Mad Max 1 interceptor, you’d need to replace the transmission, as I think the original was fitted with a “top-loader” four speed (with that red switch to activate the blower).

        Trust me, even if it were a standard XB Falcon two door, the value will continue to climb rapidly now that Ford have ceased local manufacturing in Australia.

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  15. CrazyGeorge CrazyGeorge

    ” It’s the last of the V8 interceptors, a piece of history ! ! ! ! …………………………………. Be a shame to blow it up ! “

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  16. RoughDiamond

    The guy that is the main character on the Velocity show Junkyard Empire built one of these and invited the main character be present for the reveal and give his thumbs up or down. He was blown away by it.

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  17. Alex B

    This would be fun to drive to a cars and coffee event. :D

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  18. Tim W

    IMHO, The second movie,” The Road Warrior”, was the best of the series.
    ” Three days ago I saw a rig that’ll haul that tanka. You wanna get outa here, ya talk to me..”

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  19. Pete

    If that supercharger worked I might be a player on that rig. LMAO. Man that would be cool to own. Didn’t Max’s car also have nitrous?

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  20. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    Not my style, but it sold for $45,600.00. 90 bids. Interesting rig.

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  21. DAYTONA500

    How did you get this that is sooooooooooo cool

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