New Mexico Find: 1967 Plymouth Sport Fury

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This 1967 Plymouth Sport Fury was quite the loaded car when it left the dealership! All the options are still in place as well, just waiting for someone to come along with a hankering for Furys. It’s up for auction here on eBay and the fact that we don’t see a lot of rust might have something to do with its location in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

While it may not be very rusty, there are some dents here on the hood and on the right front fender. However, the seller has a plan for that!

The seller is including this nice looking hood and front fender as well! I’m thinking this nice looking sheet metal must have come from that area too to look as nice as it does. There’s also a replacement front bumper included, although there’s no picture.

There’s also a little dent in the rear. Unfortunately, there’s not a trunk lid included. However, there is a really nice set of tail lights that are!

Although those seats are pretty tattered, take a look at the rest of the interior, which isn’t too bad! The seller also lists the options that were on the car–some of them are cruise control, air conditioning, rear air, rear reverb, AM-FM radio, power windows, power locks, and a power bucket seat. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

This is the only picture we have of the engine. The seller tells us it’s a Commando 383 with a four barrel carb. The car is also equipped with dual exhausts, and is said to run and drive, although we don’t know how well. I’m hoping the cleanliness of the carburetor means it’s been rebuilt recently. I have a soft spot for this particular model of car, as they used to consistently win in the “Blunderbust” class at Bowman-Gray Speedway in Winston-Salem, North Carolina when I was growing up (we used to go about every other week). I think it would be a great car to refurbish, but I’m not sure I could stand to leave it totally stock. What about you?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Rabbit

    Looks like it also had a vinyl top at one time….

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  2. Larry K

    Drive it.!!!! I’m a sucker for these.

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  3. Mark

    Lloyd McKee was a long time Chrysler dealer in Albuquerque, note his badge on the trunk.

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    • boxdin

      I knew Lloyd McKee thru a bank that he was on the board of directors. Lloyd befriended a local sacker at a grocery store and brought him into the car business grooming him for management. Shame that punk, Ken Zangara stole the dealership from Lloyd. Ken later stole his employees retirement funds.
      Lloyd was a really good guy. I could go on……

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      • Blindmarc

        My dad was the service manager from 69′ to 71′. Many a good story from that place….

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      • boxdin

        Good research there Jason. Zangara was a bad dude from the beginning, and Lloyds advancing age and perhaps pre-dementia clouded his judgment in bringing Zangara from a grocery store bagger to Dealership Owner. Lloyd always wore a white cowboy hat and always drove a white top of the line Plymouth. Lloyd had been losing it for a while by that time.
        I think Lloyd just wanted someone he could trust from outside the car business and it sure backfired. There are a lot of crooks within the car business. His GM who bought the store in Espanola was a pretty good guy in my business dealings with him. He was also successful even in a location like Espanola, the heroin overdose capital of the world. An old statistic showed 80% of cars sold in NM were sold on Lomas Street.
        Even on a rotten subject its still fun roaming thru memory lane w you guys.

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  4. Rustytech RustytechMember

    Always liked the big Fury’s. This car needs everything, but with the seller providing most of the needed parts it should be an easy restore. This is a nicely optioned car, and it’s Red! Was a Vinyl top but I wouldn’t put it back on, these cars looked better without it in my opinion.

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  5. S Ryan

    At $2600 now. Probably a great buy if you like them.
    Torsion bars were easy to set up for circle tracks. And safer than pounding 2X4 in coil springs and hoping they stayed.

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  6. milotus

    Love the look of these – back when
    daring designs looked good,unlike the modern

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  7. Chebby

    Christine’s 10-year younger little sister.

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    • Howard A Howard AMember

      HA! I was thinking more on the lines of Christine as an older lady in the remake.

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  8. CharlieMember

    Sort of the offspring of the Chrysler business coupes that were all trunk. Bogart, I think, drove a ’38 Chrysler Royal, again my guess, in a late 30’s movie car chase, same body continued to the ’48’s, appeared again in the ’60’s, long, long trunk. If I were the collector I would like to be, I would want one of each series, so weird looking. Even embarrassing weird looking. And this one almost makes that category.

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  9. Jubjub

    Cool car. I’d love to see this properly put back. I vote on a white vinyl top but black or even dark red like the interior would be quite striking.

    I’ve seen these repurposed, earlier ’60s Chrysler wheel covers on a few of these. Were they for disc brake optioned cars?

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  10. Steven

    Love it, would’ve bought it when it was closer to my home.
    I live in the netherlands

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  11. Tom Driscoll

    Always thought these were the ugliest cars on the planet…love the interior and options though…

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    • Steven

      just so many uglier cars nowadays.

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