Nice Driver! 1949 MG TC

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The seller of this 1949 MG TC came across it when someone saw them restoring a later MG TD and connected the seller with the widow of the TC owner. After some simple refurbishment due to storage, the car is now up for sale in beautiful Burbank, California. It’s listed here on eBay where bidding has started at $18,000 and there is a buy it now of $22,000.$24,000

The cheerful green color lends itself to the flowing fenders of a TC. The seller describes the paint and chrome as “good for a driver but not show quality.” Okay, maybe if you are talking a concours show, but most British car events are lower key than that and I know this car would be welcome at any event I attend. The seller also tells us it is rust-free except for the inside of the fuel tank, and recommends having it treated. That is something that a home handy person can do, or there are specialists that will do it for you. Make sure whatever coating is used on the inside is suitable for ethanol-based fuel – I found that one out the hard way.

The sad thing about T-Series values (or maybe it’s a happy thing if you are looking to acquire one) is that it’s one of the few collector cars whose value has dropped over the last five years rather than risen. I think that’s due to the original enthusiasts becoming too old to have a hobby car, or in this case, passing away. You’ll see another thing that’s true about a lot of collector cars from this graph, courtesy of Hagerty, where the best cars don’t lose as much value as those that are considered more average. With this car rated around a #3 on the Hagerty scale, the $22,000 buy it now price seems right on the money.$24,000 buy it now price seems a bit high.  I believe the BIN price was changed after I wrote this post.

One of the great things about the internet is that all kinds of information is available, even about a car this old. By merely typing in the chassis number of any T-Series MG into this MG Car Club site, you can find out when the car was built; in this case, September 14, 1948. You can also find out the original engine number.

Primitive though it may be, the MG included full weather protection. Okay, that’s an overstatement. But such that it was, the car includes a complete set of side curtains.

I don’t know whether this is vinyl or leather, but it looks rich and inviting to me. The following parts were replaced as part of getting the MG back on the road:

  • Brake master cylinder
  • Rebuilt wheel cylinders
  • Battery
  • Fuel pump
  • Windshield
  • Wire hardness (entire car)

The seller reports the car as driving well.

While the XPAG 1250 cc engine isn’t a power house, it’s not a very heavy car either. I love that this car is nice enough to be enjoyed, but used enough to be enjoyed – I hope that makes sense to most of you. More than that, I hope it is enjoyed by someone soon. Maybe it’s one of you? Tell us about your TC experiences in the comments, and especially so if the future ones include this find!


  1. MattR

    This is nice. I love the stance of the TC with those wheels. I’d put a lot of miles on this one.

    And big thanks to Barn Find readers that brought up the ‘Red Car’ book about a 16 year old restoring a MG TC. That was a great read.

    Like 7
    • Milt

      “The Red Car” by Don Stanford once sold on for $2, but now those scalpers want $125 for a used paperback edition, or $985 for a new hard-copy edition. Fair warning, if your 12 year old son reads it he will discover both Barn Finds and BAT are more addictive than internet porn.

      Like 3
      • Jamie Palmer Jamie PalmerAuthor

        The Roadster Factory, a Triumph/MG parts vendor, reprinted the story about two years ago and offers them at a VERY reasonable price!

        Like 1
      • Cobra Steve

        Jamie’s correct…I picked up a few softbound copies of “The Red Car” to give to friends for Christmas stocking stuffers a year or two ago. The books were around $15 each. I’d be willing to bet they still have a few remaining.

        Like 2
      • MattR

        I bought a reprint off of eBay for $20. Here is the link:

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  2. Solosolo UK ken tilly UKMember

    I don’t remember ever seeing a TC with a rear bumper and certainly have never seen one with the rear lights positioned where these are fitted.

    Like 2
    • Jamie Palmer Jamie PalmerAuthor

      The bumper was an aftermarket accessory in the US—and you are dead right about the tailights!

      Like 2
    • Jay Lockrow

      these taillights seem to be a product of California. I have seem them often on cars from that area but nowhere else. For the most part they were traficators. The “D” lights below the bumper ar correct.

      Like 1
  3. 370zpp 370zpp

    To be driven.
    Two lane hilly country road, early morning. no tunes.

    Like 4
  4. Chas H

    I thought about buying one of these from a local seller. I drove to the seller’s place in a Miata. No way. It was like driving my lawn tractor only harder to shift.

    Like 2
    • Jef

      Should have turned up on your lawn tractor. Driving comparison would have been less stark.
      Never had the privilege of driving an old MG but I can imagine there has to be a lot of ‘compromise’ after newer machinery-especially a Miata.
      Misty nostalgia apparent in many of the other posts. Me included.

      Like 2
  5. Barry Traylor

    I would love to have this in my garage all ready to head for the back roads on a nice Spring day.

    Like 3
  6. Rick

    A customer has one that needs a repaint, but he says, “why”?

    Like 1
  7. Chinga Trailer

    Car seriously over-priced. That nasty vinyl upholstery belongs on a cheap dinette set, not a fine motor car and the steering wheel is a kit car cliche.

    Like 0
  8. Bob Mck

    Could be fun on a nice warm evening.

    Like 3
  9. Cobra Steve

    My red ’48 TC is just as much as fun to drive as my Ferrari, albeit a bit slower, but a helluva lot simpler to maintain! And the “TDSCR” air conditioning is the best! Top Down Side-Curtains Removed.

    To Chas H: My wife has a 2009 Miata for her toy and kudos for Mazda maintaining the spirit of the LBC (Little British Cars). Fun, well-constructed, and reliable car, but I prefer my cars to leak a little oil, have real wood dashboards & wire wheels, and be equipped with “Arm-Strong” power steering (read no PS). Most importantly, I prefer my cars to lack anything with a circuit board including the radio.

    Like 13
    • Jay Lockrow

      Right On!

      Like 5
  10. hatofpork

    A proper English sports car! Why tweed jackets and caps were invented!

    Like 6
    • Bill Hall

      The tunes are the motor going through the gears. This is something vey much missing today.

      Like 3
      • Cobra Steve

        Somehow, a rice-burner with a fart can doesn’t sound quite the same as a “proper” free-flow system from ANSA or Tubi.

        Like 4
    • Bill Hall

      One thing you forgot the PIPE full of fine Tabaco

      Like 1
  11. leiniedude leiniedudeMember

    What a knock out car! On my bucket list is to drive one. When does that stimulus check come? Looks like the other one in the opening photo. Congrats to the next owner.

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  12. CJinSD

    Did they raise the buy it now price by two grand?

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    • Jamie Palmer Jamie PalmerAuthor

      Either that or I got it wrong. I’ll fix the post in a moment. Thanks for catching this!

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      • MattR

        They raised the price. I recall seeing 22k as well.

        Like 0
  13. Emj

    i have an MGA with very similar ‘side curtains’ for use in the wet. all they do is keep from getting rain in your face. And if its a short shower you can stay dry…ish, but otherwise you are getting wet!
    Better for holding some of the heat in on a day that is too cool otherwise but again the noise and draft overwhelm that small postive.
    Just take them off and drive whenever you want, enjoy the fresh air.

    Like 2

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