Top 10 Barn Finds Of 2019!

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#1 – Huge Trans Am/Firebird Stash Discovered!

This one was exciting for us because we were asked to auction off all the cars right here on the site. Well that, and there were multiple SD-455s stashed in that warehouse! We had put BF Auctions on hold, but this is the find that helped kick start them again!

What was your favorite find of 2019? We are excited about all the barn finds just waiting to be discovered in 2020. Be sure to subscribe to our daily email so you don’t miss any of them. Happy New Year!

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Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Johnmloghry Johnmloghry

    What a year BF gave us. I was in love with so many cars I couldn’t count them all. I’m proud to be the owner of this 1964 Buick Rivieara I bought N.E. Texas in 2011. A one family California car with just 27,000 miles showing on the odometer. I’ve been a lover of cars since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Most of my favorites are pre 70’s Buicks, but not exclusively.
    Thank you Barn finds for a great year and to all the readers posts.
    God bless you all
    God bless America

    Like 11
  2. 86_Vette_Convertible

    So many cars, so little time. Thank you for bringing these items of interest to us.
    Happy New Years everyone.

    Like 8
  3. Bluetec320 Bluetec320

    My vote for best video is the 1980 Ford Fairmont electric car. I just watched it again, and it is hilarious.
    Happy New Year!!

    Like 10
  4. Pat LMember

    The site just gets better and better each year. Keep up the great work and have a Happy New Year!!!
    Pat L.

    Like 9
  5. CanuckCarGuy

    Looks like a few top ten “patina” contenders are hiding in that list as well!

    Safe, happy and healthy 2020 to all.

    Like 6
  6. Bob_in_TN Bob_in_TNMember

    My thanks to the Barn Finds staff for their fine work. I also appreciate those who provide comments, many of whom offer constructive insight or who have had personal experience with the cars being featured. I’m also amazed when someone has actually seen the vehicle — it happens quite often (I have seen two of the featured vehicles this year).

    Like 7
  7. jerry z

    How can they be only a top 10? There was way too many cars I wanted to buy but couldn’t (one can dream!). Hopefully 2020 I can sell some of my stash of cars and get one of these barn finds!

    I want an old car again.

    Like 5
  8. Howard A. Howard AMember

    I’m a bit disappointed none of Scotty G’s made the top 10, as far as I’m concerned, all 10 should have been his submissions, but I enjoy all the posts. Thanks for a great site.

    Like 4

    Anyone still following the Wild Cherry Van saga?

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    • Aaron has a thread about that van. Interesting read…

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    • Bluetec320 Bluetec320

      Just found this on Hagerty from 03/2019. Looks like he is not going to get away with the theft of this van. Unfortunately, it looks like he also destroyed it.

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      • Mountainwoodie

        If you follow it through the other articles., you’ll see that a plea deal was cut and the van “savior/thief” is on probation, gets to keep the hulk of the van that was mysteriously stripped after he “restored it, and has to pay the property owner who owned the van, five grand.

        Personally I think he’s lucky. There must be more we don’t know.

        Like 2
  10. Troy s

    I liked all the old Ford muscle posted this year, one GT 500 Shelby really took me back thirty plus years ago. The stash of Trans Am’s was amazing…very rare Super Duty hardly seen and bam, a bunch at once!
    The pink Donna Mills Corvette really freaked out a few readers, so many interesting cars it’s very hard to pick only ten. Toast to twenty-twenty!!

    Like 1

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