1 Of 1? 1968 Plymouth GTX Hemi

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I love when seller’s break down the options to show that their car is a one of one. Sure, this Plymouth GTX is the only one built in 1968 with this exact set of options in this particular color, but they actually built 421 GTX Hemi cars in ’68, which is quite a few more than just one. Personally, I’m not too concerned with whether they built one or 421 in this exact spec. All I care about is that it’s a genuine Hemi car! The 426 is what makes this GTX special and valuable. The seller has listed it here on craigslist in Bristol, Connecticut with an $89,900 asking price. Our thanks to FordGuy1972 for this tip!

Certain option combinations can definitely make a car worth more, but when it comes to Hemi cars, most buyers are concerned more about originality, condition and bright paint colors than how many were built with a certain set of options. Don’t get me wrong, I love to see the break down of options simply because it tells the car’s story. This one was optioned with the 727 TorqueFlite automatic, SureGrip rear end, power disc brakes, power windows, AM radio and rear seat speakers so it was clearly ordered by someone that wanted to go fast in comfort. It received a complete restoration, but there’s no word on how long ago it was done. Overall, it looks to be in nice shape, but I’d recommend having it inspected by a Mopar specialist prior to making an offer.

And that brings me to the price. At $89,900 it isn’t necessarily a steal, but it doesn’t seem too far off. The seller states that they are looking to make a quick spring sale and will hear offers. If it were a bright color and/or an ultra-low mileage survivor, I think it would be a great buy at this price. I don’t think its “one of one” status adds much in the way of value and the non-numbers matching engine certainly doesn’t help. That being said, it’s a well documented genuine Hemi car that looks to be in good condition. So how much would you be willing to offer for this Mopar? And does the one of one status add value for you?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. KKW

    I’m not sure what’s gotten more out of hand, the price of old cars, the price of new cars, the price of real estate, or just the price of everything in general. Nobody loves old cars more than I do, I’ve had many, and still have a few. But damn!!!

    Like 43
    • Steve

      @ KKW- Despite the high cost of living it is still popular :-)

      Like 16
      • KKW

        I know. I guess it’s my age, I remember how it was back then, and I see how it is now. You could buy 2 year old muscle cars all day long for a couple thousand bucks or less. If I had only known. Lol

        Like 30
    • Dovi65

      KKW .. I’m guessing we’re about the same age, as I was lamenting the costs of new cars, classic cars, the price of milk …
      Looking at some of the old [not necessarily ‘classic’] cars being offered here for crazy money, I can remember seeing them for sale all over for just a few hundred dollars. Now .. jeezems … a rusted derelict shell of a Charger is commanding $30K. Time marches ever onward.

      Like 11
    • Keith

      I agree but back in the early 2000’s any Mopar with a Hemi was bringing in close to a million dollars or more (the beginning of the Barrett Jackson days) but now that bubble has busted. Those who spent the big bucks back then are taking a loss and/or stuck with their over priced Mopar. This GTX at 90k is at a bargain basement price considering what they went for back then!

      Like 14
    • steve

      Saw one of these (matching numbers) sell on BARRETT/JACKSON couple of years ago for north of one million….

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  2. TomMember

    KKW, my final answer is, D, all of the above !!

    Still kills me people would option a dual quad hemi with an automatic….on the column yet with a bench seat !!!! That is cool to a point.

    I had a 67 442 with every factory performance upgrade including 12 bolt posi, factory traction bars, factory front and rear sway bars, HD radiator along with PS, PB, power windows and AC with an Automatic on the column bench seat because the original owner bought it new in 67 at age 55 and yes, he picked the steel wheels with the dinner plate hubcaps ! Cool story AND rare, like this one….but I still would have rather had buckets and a 4 speed on the floor !!!!

    Like 16
    • TortMember

      I love the sound and how a torqueflite shifts with a high HP motor in front it. That would have been me if I would have ordered one. Both transmissions are fine, just different tastes.

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  3. SFM5S

    One of the shiniest cars I’ve ever seen.

    Like 14
    • Husky

      Not very original with all that coats of clear….

      Like 6
  4. Todd Priest

    My father had a 69 GTX that I’m pretty sure he misses a lot!!

    Like 3
  5. Joe Machado

    61 Imperial trunk lid chrome. My LeBaron has same one and it came with it new. Dual air also. My LeVaron weighs 5,500 pounds on a truck scale. No spare and 1/2 tank fuel. Me not in it. Great vacation vehicles. Will take it out Wednesday for a short test drive, tomorrow.
    The 60 Imperial Limo Kennedy had was a serial numbered 61. Just how it is. In mid 80’s, I drove to Palm Springs tobuy a 61, was disappointed it was a 60 body. Plus, Mr Gleakley had the 60 fins removed and installed the 67 Continental tail lites. Dang it. Passed on it. But did a lot of video. It was later purchased and I had located a 60 2 door to get the fins back. It is a done car now. Dow Chemical company ordered it new. John Kennedy as a Senator got the car from Dow and a long story goes along with that purchase

    Like 3
    • Joe Machado

      Woops, wrote above from an Imperial ad and somehow it is here. Sorry all dudes and dudettees.

      Like 10
      • Chris M.

        D.B. lol

        Like 1
  6. LARRY

    How many coats of clear was sprayed on this car…looks like a freaking mirror! Gorgeous car. Whoever buys it gets a whole lotta car

    Like 5
    • Terry Bowman

      Larry, ……with 10lbs of clear. I went to a lot of pain to have my 69′ Dodge Dart 340 swinger painted in R4 “Bright Red” using Imron, back in 87′, so it would be as close as I could get to being “original”. I enjoy my project car on the details, but it is frustrating at times when I get beat out at shows, by a car with 5 coats of clear. In all fairness, an over restored car, does look better, then the ones off the showroom floor. Everyone has a different prospection of their hobby.

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  7. Jwinters

    this is a scam. those are pictures of pictures from a magazine

    Like 4
    • JohnfromSC

      Before I escaped the peoples republic of Connecticut for South Carolina, I belonged to the Mopars club. There aren’t many guys named Ralph with high end Mopars in Bristol, so based on the map I’m 98% sure who the seller is. He owns dozens of highend Mopars, and has restored many of them. He is also very helpful to other Mopar fanatics with their cars. You can bet this car is precisely as represented.

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    • Todd Priest

      So these pictures are from Hemmings. They involved in this ‘scam’ too? Step away from the Alex Jones….:)


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      • KKW

        It does seem a little odd to advertise a car with pictures taken from a magazine. I think actual up to date photos would be much more appropriate, especially for this kind of money.

        Like 3
      • KKW

        What the hell are you talking about Mr Priest? The one listed in Hemmings isn’t even the same car! Lol.

        Like 4
      • Tricky

        Todd, you need to give up the crack pipe, seriously man!!!

        Like 1
    • moosie moosie

      @ Todd Priest, the only resemblance this car and the one in Hemmings share is the make, the model , the year, the color. The Hemmings car is a 440″ with bucket seats and a console, and different wheels which I will grant you are very easy to change.

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      • KKW

        @ moosie Thank you. I was hoping someone besides me picked up on that.

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  8. 86_Vette_Convertible

    Heck of a paint job on that one. I like the color but it looks unnatural to me with so much shine on it.
    Knew a guy back in 69 that had a Hemi RR and a 440 GTX and even new never looked that good. Again, IMO it’s purely a drag car, not something a normal driver can take out for a leisurely drive.

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  9. DRV

    The digital picture is oversaturated and is why most think it is too shiny and over clear coated.

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  10. Al

    Nice car but that whole body was dipped in a vat of clear coat will no doubt be very problematic in the future. Plus it will magnify any later ding or scratch that eventually unavoidably happens anyways.W/o being a ‘#’s matching, its a little over $20k overpriced despite it’s ‘1 of 1’ unimportant status based on that reasoning to get to that.

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  11. John

    Josh have you ever noticed that nobody ever answers the questions you conclude your stories with?

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  12. Benny

    Over the top restoration so I hate to be picky but he could have cleaned the rear window better!

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  13. John

    OK, Mopar guys, am I correct in thinking that back in the day, Hemis could NOT be ordered with A/C? It seems like I remember folks saying the bought a 440 because of that restriction.

    Beautiful car, though. I could afford to put gas in it about twice a year.

    Like 5
    • W9BAG

      That is correct, John. A/C was not offered with the Hemi option. Being enamored with the Hemi in the 70’s, I didn’t learn until later that the 440/6 was a better engine, with fewer mechanical issues. And yes, you could get A/C by Frigidaire (?).

      Like 2
      • moosie moosie

        Off the showroom floor the 440+6 was usually quicker than the 426 stoplight to stoplight, but beware if the Hemi received a “massage”.

        Like 4
  14. George mattar

    I used to work at Hwmmings. When I was there, Hemi this and Hemi that did command stupid money. A Hemi Cuda that was correct, was bringing north of $500,000 easily. I wrote several stories on Ralph from Conn. Do not know if this is one of his beautiful cars. He is class act. He let me do a burn out in his perfect FE5 70 Hemi Cuda.

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  15. karl

    Having a lot of options doesn’t necessarily mean a customer checked the options box , it could have been ordered by any dealership and sat in their showroom or lot as a display . The owner of a dealership I worked at years ago always ordered the top of the line car with a the bells and whistles every year and drove it until the new one came in. Then the year old car ended up on the lot .

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  16. SFM5S

    Perfect candidate to win the “people’s choice” award at your local car show. The public always votes for the shiniest cars!

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  17. stillrunners

    Power windows in a hot rod…dang that adds weight ! Not many painted this color and it’s refreshing from the blood reds we often see.

    You guys are waaay behind….clear coating is out and ceramic coating is IN now for the WHOLE car !

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  18. Troy s

    Too shiny, too rusty…there’s no satisfying people it seems. It’s a beautiful thing, this GTX, this thing was meant for swallowing up one quarter mile at a time whether legally or illegally. As for Josh’s question about the whole one of one thing, well…not nearly as interesting as the one victim at a time stories of late night street racing this missle could have, at least for a dope like me. Ha!

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  19. Raymond HurstMember

    What makes a ”one of” car is the engine-tranny combo in my opinion. People have gotten so silly trying to fool people into thinking their car is rare. This car IS pretty rare but it is one of 421 made. I would break that down to however many came with an automatic. That is what it is. The logic everyone is using nowadays is silly. Using this logic, almost every old muscle car is a one of one. There are always some things which are different on almost all cars. My Chevelle is a one of one. I have NEVER seen another one with the same vin as mine. It is a 70 LS5 one of one. Value maybe 200 k since it is so rare? I don’t think there are any one of ones, other than mine, of course.

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  20. moosie moosie

    I believe this one of one business started with the Marti reports for the Fords and Galen Govier for the Mopars, too many experts for G.M. to even begin to list them. Its mind numbing to think how these people breakdown all the available information of combinations/options ETC. and come up with their reports, probably some sort of computer program is used to get a final result. But as you pointed out Raymond, our own personal car is already one of one.

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  21. TimM

    Nice paint job!! But crazy money!!

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  22. George M. louis

    Here’s one for you to ponder. In 1970 a Chrysler Plymouth dealer on Jefferson Avenue in the Motor City ran an ad for 1970 Plymouth Superbird for a mere $2995.00 plus tax . The dealer was Ken Brown , Downtown . My how prices have changed!!!!!!

    Like 1

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