Half Car/Half Motorcycle – 1972 Subaru/Honda

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The Subaru 360 was a Japanese microcar that found little success in the U.S. in the 1970s. And at about the same time, Honda’s motorcycle business was taking off in the States. The seller ended up with one of each, so about 15 years ago he/she decided to combine the two into a single vehicle. It’s been mostly in storage since then and needs some work to run again. Located in Yelm, Washington, this one of none is available here on craigslist for $2,500, the best offer, or an interesting trade. And we assume the dog pictured isn’t included. Our thanks to Yargbull for bringing to tip to our attention!

Since we see more car here than motorcycle, let’s start there. Subaru built the tiny, 1,000-lb. cars from 1958 to 1971, but they didn’t start coming to the U.S. until 1968. While 392,000 of the machines were assembled in total, a minute number of those were exported to the U.S. where they were dwarfed by most everything else on the road. The car was named after its engine size (356cc). Nicknamed the “Ladybug” in Japan, these cars were exempt from normal American safety standards, which is probably why they stayed on the road. Consumer Reports went on to brand the automobile “Not Acceptable” because of safety issues and a lack of power.

We know less about the motorcycle that served as a donor for this project. It’s a Honda and may have been something in the 500cc to 750cc range. The finished car never saw a lot of road time after the seller built it as his work took him out of state and the machine was mothballed at the time. It will at least require some work on the carburetors (the seller uses the plural) from sitting so long. The seller has titles for both the Subaru and Honda portions of this vehicle. Which one do you think your DMV will honor? This could be an interesting “car cycle” when restored, maybe a cool anomaly to take to car/bike shows.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. nlpnt

    This build looks to be equal parts “keep it on the road” and “hold my beer”.

    Like 12
  2. Rex Kahrs Rex KahrsMember

    And you thought French cars were quirky.

    Like 5
  3. DavidH

    How much for the “Rotty”. Unlike the the Hondaru, he is handsome.

    Like 3
    • Lance

      I agree. The Hondarou is the one that really bites.

      Like 2
  4. Troy

    I think there is a country song that talks about all the things alcohol can make you do. This wasn’t on that list.

    Like 4
  5. Azzurra RickyMember

    Wow, A Subaru with a Honda enema….that’s gotta hurt!

    Like 8
  6. Gordo

    Nice luggage rack for those extended grand touring cross country trips.

    Like 4
  7. Steve

    This is what happens when you tailgate.

    Like 0
  8. Bobdog

    The Honda looks to me to be a Goldwing – this could make the Subie quite the mover if so. 90 – 100 HP

    Like 4
    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Harley tail light?

      Like 1
    • Terrry

      The fender and/or tail light look Harley. Definitely not Honda Gold Wing, though I do believe it is actually a Wing, because of the size of the rear shaft-driven hub.

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  9. Howie

    Now this is Craig’s List material. Had it 15 years and drove it a few times!!

    Like 4
  10. Dion

    Thank the Guy who made the Bricklin for being the one that got these little things imported to USA in the first place. If it wasn’t as far away from me and still the same continent, I’d get it, looks like it’d be a hoot, once you get sorted out.

    Like 1
  11. PairsNPaint PairsNPaintMember

    This is so freaky, I love it!

    I remember seeing these Subaru’s at a Fiat dealer (Lachina’s) in College Park, Maryland. He couldn’t give them away, unlike the Fiat 850’s that went flying out the door to college kids.

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  12. Ron

    If the Honda part isn’t water cooled, expect it to run hot…

    Like 1
  13. Rick in Oregon Rick in Oregon

    I had a Subaru 360 some years back. If you like microcars these are a must! Traded it fir a fiat 500 that had a VW motor transplant which was poorly done at best so I figured I got the better end of the deal. Mine was the “Young SS” version that basically has a tachometer in the dash. Fun to drive and actually went ok but being a 2-stroke it smoked like a mother when accelerating but part of its charm. Mine was a nice low miles car and in nice shape but was of beer can thin metal and easily dinged/dented. Divorce took it and the rest of my collection away but fun while I had it😁

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  14. John

    Built by a he/she…why am I not surprised?!

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  15. rjc

    I want the 73 charger .

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  16. Steve Cota

    Just because you Can … Doesn’t mean you Should.

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  17. John Traylor

    I don’t think I would care to get thhis BITSA car(?) licensed in my state.

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  18. 370zpp 370zpp

    The license plate should read “Violated”.

    Like 0
  19. George Birth

    Now I understand what they mean by “Hillbilly Mechanics”.

    Like 0

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