Needs An Engine 1973 Raider 34TT Twin-Track

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As far as Raider snowmobiles go, this 1971 Raider 34TT is lucky number seven, as in the seventh one we’ve seen here on Barn Finds. I’m either proud of the fact that I showed the first one, or I’m embarrassed to have strayed from cars, trucks, and motorcycles. What are your thoughts on that? To paraphrase a few commenters on that post from early March of 2016 (a lifetime ago): anything with an engine that runs on fuel is fair game. You already know how I feel about it, I like any and all vehicles, the more unusual the better. It doesn’t get much more unusual than a Raider twin-track snowmobile, one with a cab that you drop down into rather than hauling your leg over the seat and sitting on it. You literally sit in this one. Some of us are such fans of Raider snowmobiles that we have a coffee cup that says RAIDER TWIN TRACK. Yes, I’m a nerd, but here’s someone who isn’t a nerd: thanks to Lothar… of the Hill People for this twin-track tip!

Raider came out with their first showroom-ready twin-track snowmobile in 1971 but they were in development for a few years before that. There were originally two models, a Raider and a Roamer and by the following year, there were four models. A slight design change occurred for the 1973 model year and they offered a 34TT as seen here, and a 44TT. The seller only included two photos of this sled, but it looks pretty nice overall from what I can see. Parts can be hard to find but graphics are available so a person could restore it if they wanted to. The 34TT should have had a CCW (Canadian Curtiss-Wright) 400-cc twin-cylinder with 32 horsepower, but this one is engineless, sadly. That’s the big dilemma with this one listed here on Facebook Marketplace in Omro, Wisconsin. The seller is asking $300 and here is the original listing. How would you repower this twin-track Raider 34TT?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Mitchell G.Member

    LS swap it

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    • Emmet

      Hayabusha swap!

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  2. Howie

    Sold. I bet Howard bought it.

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    • Scotty GilbertsonAuthor

      Dang! I’m glad I made that “here’s the original listing” thing, this one went quickly.

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    • Stan StanMember

      Howard heading to his trapline this winter lol ❄️ 🐇 🐺 🦊

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  3. Howard A Howard A.Member

    No, you won’t see me on a Raider any time soon, but regarding the opening paragraph, let me just say this about that. I’m going to spill a bit, as Scotty is one of my best friends and he’ll understand. He’s an emotional guy, and literally pours his heart out for this site. Naturally, when someone calls him out rudely on a rare mistake, it hurts him. I don’t think he’s “strayed” one bit, and has become known for his unusual posts, something I’ve BEGGED the staff to include more of. The posts of his that don’t make the cut,,,well, should. This guy should have his own category called “Scottys Oddballs”, instead of just “Oddballs”. 10 to 1 I bet most of his posts that didn’t make it here, are there.
    Far as the Raider, the motor wasn’t the sour point, CCWs were okay, and I think power most ultralight aircraft, so it has to be good,, it was the inherent design that was trouble. I never actually rode one, but a friend had one, and was on its side more than not. Incredibly unstable, and it was determined, it was better to sit ON the machine, than in it. Snowmobling, due to the irregular surfaces, requires movement, much like a dirt bike and this was a poor attempt at one.
    Now, a company in Michigan reintroduced the twin track as the Manta in the 80s, and was the fastest racer and cleaned up on everyone at Eagle River,( the Daytona of snowmobiles) kind of like the hemi Mopars.
    No, my snowmobling days are sadly over, and I realize the irony of that statement coming from someone who is a stones throw away from some of the most pristine sledding one could ever do. The thought, however of $100/hr for a rental,( $75 more for a passenger) castrated to 20 mph and all sleds have “avalanche poles”,, I think I’ll stick to the Jeep.

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    • Jay E.Member

      I’m aware of the Manta, but not of any significant racing successes. I think you might be referring to the twin track Ski-doo’s that cleaned up at Eagle River. But they didn’t do so overnight and took a huge amount of development to run the way they do.
      Perhaps a nice 4 stoke Honda in this would do the trick as a trail cruiser. As you point out, they were very unstable.

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      • Howard A Howard A.Member

        Hi Jay, now don’t start that, when it comes to sleds, I know my beans. I don’t post links anymore, but look up “Bob Bracey and the Manta 500”, you’ll see. I think I read the Ski-Doo twin track was a disaster as well.

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