Customized Car/Boat! 1995 GMC Yukon

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What do you get when you combine a large SUV with a speedboat? Why, you get a monster car/boat, of course. But it won’t float, so please don’t try. It’s strictly for street use and should turn heads wherever you go. This one-of-a-kind custom vehicle is in Cumming, Georgia, and is available here on craigslist. But the seller hasn’t been brave enough to post a price, so you’ll have to contact him or her directly to get the full skinny. Tony Primo, thanks for this really wild tip!

We’re told this is a custom creation put together by expert craftsmen, not two guys in a garage saying, “Hold my beer”. Apparently, this is the only one that was ever built, and who knows how much time, energy, and money went into inventing this interesting vehicle. It’s said to be street-legal, and we assume it’s titled as the donor truck, a 1995 GMC Yukon.

A visionary decided to take the Yukon (on a raised chassis) and merge it with a 24-foot Formula Speedboat. No money must have been spared as the car/boat sports a carbureted 5.7-liter crate motor with headers. To handle its duties on the thoroughfares, the GMC has 22-inch STR rims with Terrain Attack tires. The two-tone paint is new, and the interior matches it with marine-grade materials.

Chances are that you’ll pick up some awards if you enter it into competition at either car or boat shows. The seller says this concoction has appeared in the media, including NBC Sports on TV and Road and Track Magazine in print. Whether you decide to use this vehicle for weekend outings or as an advertising tool for your business, be prepared for lots of stares and comments.

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Howie

    Cool, but i really do not understand the thinking of no price.

    Like 9
    • Jack M.

      Isn’t that the same as eBay then? You don’t know what the sellers reserve is when a vehicle is being auctioned.

      Like 2
    • John EderMember

      Maybe they are just “fishing” for offers…

      Like 20
      • Big Bear 🇺🇸


        Like 2
  2. Robert Proulx

    Actually interesting but no way that beauty could be registered up here in Quebec. The d.m.v. bureaucrats would have a field day on this one.

    Like 4
  3. angliagt angliagtMember

    The only use I could think of for this is as a parade vehicle.

    Like 5
  4. nlpnt

    Nobody’s made a crack about Spongebob failing his driving test yet?

    Like 0
  5. Mitchell G.Member

    Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. Or land for that matter

    Like 5
  6. Rick

    Why ???

    Like 3
    • Ward William

      Meth ? Just saying, I’ve got nothing else it could be.

      Like 2
  7. Howard A Howard AMember

    Specialty vehicles are nothing new, the Wienermobile( now called the “Frankmobile”,,pfft) called “mobile marketing” in Coo-Cootown, heck, we have a motorized cow running around here. Yeah, it’s Colorado, alright. This would fit right in, it would, until CDOT got notice. A field day in violations, indeed. Naturally, being what I would consider somewhat normal, what kind of mentality would go through such an undertaking? Do they really need to be noticed that much, they need an outrageous vehicle like this? I mean, they ruined TWO things. However, this, my friends( and apparent enemies), is why I stick around this site. It just shows to go ya’, how mishigosh this country can be. Do they do this kind of thing in France? All it takes is good old USA imagination,,,and a hefty pocketbook helps.. America,,,FREEDOM!!( to do this stuff) AMEN

    Like 6
    • Howard A Howard AMember

      Oh, oh, one more thing, it would be fun to have a hitch and be pulling a pickup,,get it? Cart before the horse?

      Like 21
      • Big Bear 🇺🇸


        Like 2
    • John EderMember

      A company that I worked for years ago built two “SPAM Cans”- rectangular aluminum bodies on Freightliner front engined bus chassis. After we were done with the roadworthy shells, they went elsewhere for kitchen buildout and exterior wrap. We had a difficult time convincing the customer that a true-to-scale version would be so top heavy that it would roll over on the first curve. I understand that they were a big hit on the NASCAR circuit, driven by “Spambassadors”, who were college students who also served SPAM samples.

      I have sat in the “Frankmobile”. The yellow carpet mustard squiggle down the middle of the red floor carpet is hilarious.

      Like 1
    • Tracy

      They changed it back to the wiener Mobile.

      Like 1
  8. Chris Cornetto

    OK, keep the funky Ford ramp truck and give me this. I love the south. Put some lights on it and seat belts and go.I LIKE IT!! I LOVE IT!!!!

    Like 1
  9. "Edsel" Al leonard

    Someone had WAY too much time on their hands….and TOO much $$$$

    Like 2
  10. space Gregory John Pollack

    Put some new meaning into the term land yacht

    Like 5
  11. Eric Haulenbeek

    What a waste of time and money. Just tow it to the scrap yard!

    Like 4
  12. Joe Haska

    I try to give all creative ideas a very wide berth. The builders vision and his commitment and kudos for following a dream and making it a reality. However, I am sorry to say that this build, just doesn’t float my boat. I don’t get it? It doesn’t event float!

    Like 1
  13. steve

    The only award this thing would win at any car show I know would be
    “Most Ridiculous”.

    Like 4
  14. PRA4SNW PRA4SNWMember

    Seeing this reminded that there was one featured on here a couple of years back, and that it also was from Georgia,
    Found it:

    Very similar looking and I think it looks better on a car chassis. Cumming and Roswell are only 30 minutes apart, so these creations are probably from the same twisted mind.

    Like 1
  15. tje

    At least they kept the AC

    Like 0
  16. A.G.

    If it were mine it would be named ‘The Unsinkable II’

    Like 1
  17. Mike strinich

    No Price Means OVERPRICED!!!

    Like 5
  18. Fahrvergnugen FahrvergnugenMember

    titan ick.

    Like 3
  19. MarkO

    If people ask “does it float” ,I would dodge the question. Do what any “good” politician would do. ….LIE (almost) Do not answer ! Start talking about how many KNOTS she goes:’ Zero to 60 Knots in 19 seconds!
    It’s a much better story if people thought it would float…
    Otherwise… it’s ok kind of a “so what”
    Tell them to Fact Check you: tell them to look up AMPHICAR on wickepedia…
    Perhaps this is a newer model( LOL)!
    1) Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
    2) it’s not a lie if YOU believe it’s true.

    Like 0
  20. Dennis6605

    The best thing about this thing is the interior. Or is it to exposed to be called an interior?

    Like 1
  21. Claudio

    About 10 years ago , we went to the famous detroit woodward dream cruise and there was a boat thing like this one floating around with all the hot rods and trucks , it really got peoples attention !
    That cruise is quite an event and the guys bring out such jalopies , it is sooo crazy !

    Like 0
  22. michael genshock

    ruined a good boat.

    Like 1

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