Mopar Liquidation! 50+ Muscle Cars and Parts

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Behind a tool rental business off Highway 11 in Cleveland, Georgia lies a treasure trove of vintage Mopar muscle. Unfortunately for them, they lost their lease. Fortunately for someone looking for a Mopar project, they are liquidating their collection. Found here on Craigslist, there are only a few photos in the ad, but you can see a variety of cars from Chargers, Challengers, Cudas, and Roadrunners. There are also hundreds and hundreds of parts. Let’s take a closer look at this collection and thanks to Terry C. for the tip on this sale.

There’s no information about why some cars are stored inside versus outside. I’m guessing that the indoor cars are in various states of bodywork and paint. The Plum Crazy convertible shown here appears to be the best car in all of the photos. It appears most of the cars on the exterior range from mostly complete vehicles to just shells.

Here’s one photograph of some of the parts. You can see everything from a shell on the left to fenders, quarters, grilles, deck lids, trim, and much more.

This photo shows another big pile of parts. Engine blocks and transmissions dot the floor along with stacks of vintage-style wheels. I’m sure a Mopar expert would have a field day finding rare parts in this collection. I don’t know how much they are asking for anything, but I supposed it depends on how long they have left on their lease. What do you think of this collection? Are you on your way to northeastern Georgia?

Auctions Ending Soon


  1. Al_Bundy Al_BundyMember

    Would love to see updates on this, but would guess few will know the price if a deal is done. Almost think you just try to negotiate a lease. Have no idea how you put a number on this lot (?)

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  2. angliagt angliagtMember

    This was featured about a week ago.
    I hope they’re donating to BF.

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  3. Howard A Howard A (retired)Member

    If what rusty Mopar hulks are going for has any merit, by all rights, this should be freakin’ Fort Knox. And don’t give me that “lease” bullplop, the bottom is falling out for this junk, and this person wants out before it does,,,is how I see it.

    Like 23
    • Grant

      As a fellow grumpy old man, I fully agree with you. Us old timers know that honesty has never been a strong suit in this hobby. Used to be a little better, but the stupid crazy money crowd has ushered in a whole new meaning to the word liars. I also agree that the bubble is going to burst pretty soon, it has too. There is nothing going into that balloon but just a lot of hot air, so when she pops, watch out, going to be nothing left to pick up off the ground but broken dreams.

      Like 19
      • bowmade

        Born in the last year for baby boomers, life’s been good to me so far. I’ve had more than a few cars & parts cars over the years. Junkyards were fun back in the day, chiggers and tics were not. Gas prices paired with inflation & the desire to eliminate fossil fuels could be the last nail in the glory days. Optimism says the driving experience was altered with oil embargos and insurance costs but we survived. Wisdom says I’m glad to have had fun when I did.

        Like 18
  4. "Edsel" Al leonard

    Bingo Howard………

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  5. JCat

    I saw this featured on Gas Monkeys YouTube last week. Lots of cool and some rare stuff too. Really hope a lot of it can be saved.

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  6. Robert White

    It would take a veteran collector years and years to amass a collection like this and therefore it appears logical that this collection is selling at this juncture in time since the 60s.

    A collection like this would take half a century to put together easily. The average age of a car collector is probably around 40 years old and to have a collection like this one would need to be about 65 or older.

    Howard is one smart cookie when it comes to collecting, but I, for one, don’t think one can hypothesize that this collection is being sold because the market is turning.

    Us old guys are getting older by the day and even Howard is aging along with the rest of us. If I were to start collecting again I would limit my purchases to the stuff I could reasonably complete with what time I have left to actually do restoration work.

    Pulling motors is not really the type of work you want 70 year olds doing, frankly.

    The highest incidence of injury for farmers in old age is over the age of 60 whereby tractor rollovers top the charts for that trade.

    I believe the narrative of the sale on this lot of parts and car bodies.


    Like 5
    • Nico

      All these cars were purchased in the last 4 years these cars are about 25% of our collection and are the ones we sought out to fix the most unfortunately it didn’t work out in Georgia the cars that don’t sell will get restored in California instead no such thing as parts cars in todays world and if we get the opportunity to save them all then we will with any luck #nomoparleftbehind

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      • PRA4SNW

        Nico, I’m glad that you decided to comment, despite the daily dose of BF negativity around the car hobby.

        I’m also a baby boomer, probably 10 or so years younger than the above commenters, but I’m certainly not ready to throw in the towel on the car hobby.

        You’ve amassed quite a collection here and none of it is junk, in my eyes. There are still lots of buyers out there, and will continue to be.

        I think that the folks who believe we will all be driving electric cars in 5 – 10 years will be in for a “shock”.

        Like 5
  7. MoparDoug

    This collection is also featured on the Gas Monkey YouTube Channel as Richard Rawlings himself bought some of the cars and parts. According to the story told Mopars 5150 is the owner of all of this and they are moving their company to either Texas or California, and the more they sell the less they have to move, saving on shipping costs.

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  8. Mitch

    well like some of you guys had said before there’s a lot of dishonest people in what started out as a hobby and now is just a million dollar business, with what I see in the photos I would be real careful on any purchases, looks like a lot of sheet metal with numbers on them “could” be changing cars just saying, I met a father and son in South Dakota years ago and they were bragging about how they were moving vin number from one Barracuda to another, and his shop was filled with Barracudas, buyer be wear!!!

    Like 6
    • Nico

      Shame that people do that in todays world however that is not something Mopars5150 partakes in all these builds are documented on their Instagram page and you cans see start to finish on each car

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  9. TomP

    Ya, this story was on here a week or two ago. If I remember, someone said that the “ending lease” story has been used for years by this seller in a ploy to appear to sell the cars at a reduced rate..

    Like 4
    • Emel

      Probably, I don’t think Cleveland, Georgia would be a hotbed in commercial real estate. lol
      Surely there has to be other lots/warehouses/garages around he could also
      move to.
      If not, these Mopars need to be ‘rescued’ before they disappear.
      Set up a GoFundMe account.

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      • Brian

        Do you have a B5 70 b body door skin passenger side for sale ? Thanks Brian

        Like 0

    Looks to me like some amateur half ass restorations and a pile of junk for parts. The right guy could do something with the right car, but unless they’re giving them away not much to see here except maybe a short trip down memory lane.

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  11. Martin Rudolph

    Have to comment on the listing having a collection similar of my own that have not listed to advertise but have put the word out to a few. Issue is I’ve collected since I was 14 and m now 61 and am deciding years of collecting is greater then years now to restore. In the prime I could do one whole car ground up in 18-24 months. With that said I was not a novice I had a commercial shop but my cars wa Amy way of realizing though I did the same type work daily. I’ve decided to keep some and sell off the rest.
    E bodies B, C. And a lot of post war cars not to mention Dakota Shelby’s and convertibles and D series trucks. If it was mopar I enjoyed it. Sad are the simple days of cars being gone with all the electronic plug and play dealing with now. I hate to see what my grand kids wil get to enjoy one day “ crank windows radio advance switch on floor glowing nuclear dashes need I say more

    Like 4

    Someone contact Dylan McCool as soon as possible.

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  13. Danger Dan

    This is MOPARS5150 !! The funnest, happiest and coolest guys in the game. Quit kvetching you grumpy old turds, these guys are fair and reasonable. When you point a finger at a guy, 3 are pointing back at you!
    Regards, DD

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  14. George Mattar

    Mark Worman is headed there with a trailer. I am pushing 70 years young and it’s getting harder to work on my four vehicles, including my 50 year old Corvette. I have a ton of parts in the garage, but not that computer literate and they just sit there. The truth is I grew up when most of this old stuff was new. I pumped gas into Hemi Cudas, 435 hp Corvettes and the like when people actually drove them and didn’t worry about fender tags or fakes. They just weren’t around. The BS started in the mid 80s when people finally realized the car makers were not going to build muscle cars ever again. But by the mid 80s, most of the muscle cars that we drove daily were thrashed, rusted and original engines long gone. That is the truth. Maybe they did lose their lease. There are plenty of scum bag dreamer landlords today. I have seen it personally. I am sure they will sell everything.

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  15. jim

    I have unloaded a lot of mopars and some rare parts over the last few years and dont have much I have saved but 1 motor and a couple transmissions and will restore one more car when I find a deal it has been fun and only have one last item non mopar to sell and it is a nicely restored 1945 John Deere LA no more restorations to sell after this

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  16. TomP

    I’ve had cars shipped before but can’t imagine the cost to ship a non-running, non-rolling, non-braking, non-steering body shell across the country, or even to Texas. If it can’t drive up into the trailer on its own power, then cost-wise, it hardly makes sense.

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  17. JoeNYWF64

    Any TV wrecked General Lees in there?

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